College of Education and Human Services

Faculty Assembly Minutes

Friday, February 5, 2016

12:15 pm Room 1100A

Present: Carolyne Ali-Khan, Catherine Baucom, Betty Bennett, Stacy Boote, Luciana Braga, Kim Cheek, Luke Cornelius, Gigi David, Daniel Dinsmore, Nick Eastham, Maurice Graham, Liz Gregg, Caroline Guardino, Wanda Hedrick, Newton Jackson, Jennifer Kane, Dilek Kayaalp, Jennifer Kilpatrick, Soonhyang Kim, Wanda Lastrapes, KoSze Lee, Marsha Lupi, Sophie Maxis, Cathy O’Farrell, Melissa Omeechevarria, John Ouyang, Phillip Riner, Otilia Salmon, Ellie Scheirer, Megan Schramm-Possinger, Rebecca Schumacher, Kelly Scott, Janice Seabrooks-Blackmore, Lena Shaqareq, Carolyn Stone, Anne Swanson, Kristi Sweeney, Madalina Tanase, Kristine Webb, Christine Weber, John White, Lunetta Williams, Christian Winterbottom, and Kathy Witsell.

Call to Order: The meeting was called to order at 12:20 pm.

Minutes: The minutes of Friday, January 8, 2016 meeting were approved as submitted.


Marsha Lupi reminded faculty that alumni weekend is Saturday, February 20 and each college has a tent on the plaza next to the arena beginning at 3:30 pm. Kristi Sweeney’s students will be manning the tent and Jennifer Kane and Marsha Lupi will be there as well. The tent activity will be creating an osprey mask that they will be able to use at the 7 pm basketball game. Thanks to Terry Cavanaugh for the mask idea and thanks to Gigi David who designed the mask.

Kris Webb asked faculty to nominate teachers for the Gladys Prior Awards for Career Teaching Excellence. $15,000 will be awarded to 4 teachers in the county. Help us nominate deserving teachers.

The deadline is Friday, March 4 and Kris will send an email to faculty so they can forward it.

Jennifer Kane thanked Kelly Scott for attending the Florida Future Educators of America conference in Orlando, FL. Kelly had an exhibitor’s table to showcase our college and she collected names and emails so we can contact these prospective students.

Sophie Maxis announced that nominations for standing and university service positions will close on March 3. Send your nominations to Sophie Maxis. Thank you for serving.

The Leadership, School Counseling and Sport Management department had a robust conversation with Albert Colom and Dan Moon about resource allocations, grant development and enrollment recruitment. They nominated Warren Hodge for Distinguished Professor, Jennifer Kane for Outstanding Service, Sophie Maxis and Chris Janson for Community Engaged Scholarship award.

Catherine Baucom said she will send out a call for proposals for their upcoming student created conference called “'Teach Locally, Think Globally” Diversity Conference to be held on April 16, 2016. All students are encouraged to apply and present in accordance with the multicultural/diversity theme.

The NEF TESOL Spring Conference will be held on March 5 so encourage your students to attend. Registration includes lunch and it is $15 per student. NEF TESOL is also providing an academic scholarship this year. They are awarding a $500 scholarship to the winner of an essay contest. Submit essays via email to no later than February 22, 2016. Lena Shaqareq will resend the flyer if you need it.

UNF Alumni Association is offering grant funding for up to $1,000 for student clubs to fund a specific project, trip, or cause. Sophie Maxis advises a Haitian club and they have an annual fundraiser for an orphanage in Haiti. Encourage your student clubs to compete for this grant.

Janice Seabrooks-Blackmore updated faculty on the 25th Jubilee Celebration and the Alumni Social will be held on June 3, 2016. It will be a reunion for the doctoral program. The theme is 25 for 25 and tickets will be sold for $25. They will have an event announcement that will go out in March and they will send a link so you can keep abreast of what is happening. The proceeds will go to developing funds for fellowships for the doctoral programs. The celebration will be in this building and we will be asking departments to share in the open house with suites open on June 3rd 4:30 – 7 pm.

Kristi Sweeney and Maurice Graham are team teaching the resource development class so our sport management students will have their own fundraising project for muscular dystrophy to fund the JT Townsend scholarship. In addition to that, Dr. Juan Aceros has the UNF toy project where students design toys for children with mobility issues. If you haven’t seen it in the engineering building, it is worth a visit.

Dean Search Update: Megan Possinger gave an update on the dean search and the procedures were a little discrepant with the Sunshine Law so the committee is meeting on Monday to revisit the voting on the one candidate where the procedure wasn’t followed correctly.

COEHS Mission, Vision, and Conceptual Framework: Kim Cheek said the Long Range Planning Committee worked on the mission, vision and values process and they are now working on the conceptual framework to replace the IMPACT statement. They’ve asked multiple times for feedback from the departments. It’s been requested to have a more extensive conversation across the departments so a retreat is in the planning stages. The committee has submitted a request to the Executive Committee to devote a Faculty Assembly for a retreat.

FTCE Update: Kelly Scott is creating an online seminar workshop to be available to our students for free. Kelly thanked Dr. Eastham for getting it all on the website. These resources are compiled and they exist with practice questions and Kelly will share that link. It is currently for elementary education but will develop into other areas. If you want to add components to FELE or subject areas, just let Jen Kane or Nick Eastham know and they will add it. We will provide this support and let us know if you have suggestions.

Standing Committees:

Executive Committee: We welcome your feedback to use next month’s Faculty Assembly for a mini retreat.

Undergraduate Standards Curriculum Committee: no report

Graduate Standards Curriculum Committee: no report

Student Issue: no report

Personnel Committee: Soonhyang Kim said the committee created a procedure to use for funding speakers. They are accepting proposals by March 15 for each department to bring in a speaker for $1,250.

Technology Committee: Nick Eastham reported the committee spent the last meeting discussing the transition to Canvas. We will have resources available for people to use Canvas. Ellie Scheirer added there will be several open meetings about this transition.

Long Range Planning Committee: The committee is meeting right after this meeting.

Dean’s Report:

Announcement: In Faculty Association, President Delaney talked about where we are with the metrics and he felt we wouldn’t be losing as much money as in the past. We will know more about where we stand after the Board of Trustees meeting in March.

Update on Searches:

·  Program Director/Professor Educational Leadership search committee has narrowed the candidates to three coming to campus from February 21 – 24.

·  Assistant Professor of Social Studies search committee has three candidates coming in to interview in February and March.

·  Assistant Professor of ASL/ Interpreting search committee has no viable candidates.

·  CELT Instructor search committee has narrowed the pool to candidates they’d like to bring to campus in February.

Other Business: None.

Adjournment: The meeting adjourned at 12:50 pm and the next meeting will be on Friday, March 4, 2016.