STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) Center


I. Catalog Description

ES261 Mechanics of Materials C-2, P-2, Cr-3

This calculus-based course covers normal and shear stress, materialsproperties and testing, torsional stress, normal and shearstrains, stress concentration, bending stress, point stress, columns,failure theories, combined stresses, beam deflection, and straingauge application and techniques.

Prerequisites: PH261 Engineering Physics 1 and ES271 Engineering Statics.

II. Texts and Laboratory Materials

Text: Mechanics of Materials: Latest edition, Beer, Johnston and DeWolf, McGraw Hill

Safety Glasses

Scientific Calculator

III. Course Objective

Introduce fundamental principles used to analyze and design various machines and load-bearing structures including the basic understanding of stress and strain (deformation). Emphasis is placed on simple stress in tension, compression and shear. The course will also include bending and torque loading as well as combined loading and stress at a point.

IV. Student Learning Outcomes

At the conclusion of the course, the students will be able to:

  1. Resolve simple stress analysis problems related to real world components.
  2. Demonstrate an understanding of the limitations and application of simple stress analysis in tension, compression and shear loading.
  3. Demonstrate an understanding of the design of structural members under axial loading.
  4. Perform laboratory exercises that demonstrate the mechanical properties of materials, such as strength, hardness and toughness.
  5. Analysis of structural members under torque loading conditions. This includes the application of both analysis and design problems and the use of calculus with appropriate deflection problems.
  6. Analysis of structural members under bending loading conditions. This includes the application of both analysis and design problems and the use of experimental stress analysis techniques.
  7. Acquire a basic understanding of Finite Element Analysis methods, their application and limitations.
  8. Analysis of structural members under combined loading conditions. This includes the application of both analysis and design problems as well as computer modeling of the solutions.
  9. Illustrate the use of graphical methods to represent the state of stress at a point.
  10. Solve column loading type problems using Euler’s equation.

V. General Topical Outline

1. Concept of Stress

The study of simple stresses created by force systems on members of a structure. Axial loading, shear stresses, bearing stresses are covered in detail.All lecture presentation of the material are calculus based where appropriate.

2. Stress and Strain

Continued study of normal stress and strain under axial loading. Extensive detail of the Stress-Strain Diagram are covered including laboratory work with tensile and hardness testers. Calculus based strain problems are covered in lecture and laboratory exercises. Other related material topics are studied including: Modulus of Elasticity, Hooke’s Law, Toughness, Poisson’s Ratio and thermal expansion, stress concentration and design applications.

3. Torsional Loading

The area of torsional loading will be studied from the derivation of the shear stress formula to the application to real world situations. Angular deformation will also be covered and related calculus based problems will be solved. Power, torque, angular velocity relationships will be discussed and presented as they relate to the shear stress in round shafts. Polar moments of Inertia, Modular of Rigidity, and design applications are covered.

4. Bending Analysis and Design

Review of Centroids, Moments of Inertia, Section Modulus, Bending Moment Diagrams and Shear Force Diagrams. Deformation of members in pure bending and details on the derivation of the flexure formula are studied. Other topics include deflection analysis, indeterminate beams, composite beams and beam design application. Laboratory work will consist of theoretical beam analysis compared to experimental strain gauge measurements as well as other computer mathematical models.

5. Combined Stresses

This section covers the application of all the previous loading conditions simultaneously. Stress at a point, maximum normal principal stress, maximum shear stress and their directions are presented with applications. Finite Element Analysis principles are cover with examples to support concepts discussed in three dimensional stress analysis. Failure theories are studied with applications to design problems. Students are required to complete computer models for combined stress problems.

6. Columns

Analysis of columns using Euler’s formula. Studies include topics on: Radius of gyration, and eccentric loading.

VI. Laboratory Outline

1. Simple Stresses

Problem solving laboratory on simple stress.

Also covered laboratory safely requirements and formal laboratory report format.

2. Strain analysis with variable forcing functions and geometry.

Problem solving laboratory using integration.

3. Tensile Test

Formal laboratory write-up.

4. Hardness testing and strain hardening.

5. Intro to Solids Modeling and Finite Element Analysis.

6. Computer spreadsheet on simple stress/strain design and analysis.

7. Torsion Test

Formal laboratory write-up.

8. Shear Strain analysis with variable torsional functions and geometry.

Problem solving laboratory using integration.

9. Shear Strain analysis with variable torsional functions and geometry.

Problem solving laboratory using integration.

10. Computer spreadsheet on torsional stress/strain design and analysis.

  1. Solids Modeling and Finite Element Analysis problems.
  1. Bending stress analysis using experimental strain gauge techniques.
  1. Moments of Inertia computer spreadsheet.
  1. Eccentric loading stress analysis computer spreadsheet.

15. Combined stress analysis problem solving laboratory.