/ My Personal Education Plan (PEP)
coordinated support /
Part 1: Who am I and what’s in my plan?

1.1Who I am

I like to be known as: Enter your preferred name
This space on the front cover of the Personal EducationPlan (PEP) can be personalised by the child, young person or their family/carer, eg using photos, drawings, pictures or symbols.
A one-sentence description of the child or young person, which sums up how others see them, or what others like and admire about them, can also be included.

My personal details

My first name:Enter your first name
My surname:Enter your surname
My date of birth:Enter your date of birth
My address:Enter your home address

My education

Current educational setting:Enter your current school, college or setting
Current year group:Enter your year group
Next key transition point:Choose an item
Date of next transition:Enter your leaving date

My plan

Main point of contact:The lead professional responsible for arranging the next review of this plan
Email address:Enter email addressPhone number:Enter phone number
Date of this plan:Enter dateDate this plan will be reviewed by: Enter date
Date of initial plan:Enter date of first PEP
This version of the Personal Education Plan was published on 5 January 2015

1.2What’s in my plan?Update page numbers and references

PEPs are completed for all children and young people in care, aged 3 to 18. Young people in care aged 16 to 18 can choose whether or not they want to have a PEP.
If the child or young person has identified special educational needs (SEN) then you should complete a review of the My Support Plan (MSP) or Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP) instead of a PEP, and send a copy of the completed MSP or EHCP to or to Headteacher, Danesgate Community, Fulford Cross, York, YO10 4PB.
Plan page number / Date completed
Part 1: Who I am and what’s in my plan
completed by child/young person
1.1Who I am – the front cover of my plan / 1
1.2What’s in my plan – contents page / 2
1.3About me – my views, interests and hopes for the future / 3
1.4My review contribution / 3
Part 2: Information gathered by me and my carers/family
completed by child/young person and their carers/family
2.1What my carers/family thinks is important to and for me / 3
2.2Relevant history and additional information / 3
2.3My family and significant people in my life / 3
2.4Key information for looked after children/young people / 3
2.5People who can provide support and information / 3
2.6My carers’/family’s review contribution / 3
Part 3: Information about my educational needs
gathered and updated by the educational setting
3.1Educational needs / 3
3.2Educational attainment and progress / 3
3.3Educational provision / 3
3.4Education and learning history / 3
Part 4: Information about health and social care needs related to educational needs
provided by health and social care professional
Please refer to the Looked After Children Health Needs Assessment and Child Care Review for information about health and social care needs
Part 5: Information shared and agreed at my meeting
completed/finalised by educational setting after review meeting
5.1Contributions from people who support me / 3
5.2Views shared at my meeting / 3
5.3Agreed outcomes / 3
5.4Agreed actions / 3
5.5Review record / 3
Part 6: Relevant advice and information that supports my plan
provided by advice-givers
6.1Additional information / 3

1.3About me – my views, interests and hopes for the future

The child/young person can personalise this page for example using symbols and pictures or choosing photos for each heading that may be annotated by an adult. Where a child or young person is not able to complete part 1.3 independently it is important that the likes, interests, etc are represented/recorded as accurately as possible from their point of view.
This section completed/updated on: Enter date this section completed/updated
Please copy and paste the table from separate template, to be completed by the child/young person. Press ‘Enter’, then right-click and ‘Paste as nested table’ /

1.4My review contribution

The format below can be used or review contributions can be personalised, eg a poster, comic life, photo story. Whatever format is used to record the child/young person’s contribution, the main questions and headings should be covered.
This section completed/updated on: Enter date this section completed/updated
Please copy and paste the table from separate template, to be completed by the child/young person. Press ‘Enter’, then right-click and ‘Paste as nested table’ /
Part 2: Information gathered by me and my carers/family

2.1What my carers/family thinks is important to and for me

This section completed/updated on: Enter date this section completed/updated
Please copy and paste the table from separate template, to be completed by the carers/family. Press ‘Enter’, then right-click and ‘Paste as nested table’ /

2.2Relevant history and additional information

Part 2.2 should include brief information about your child’s relevant history that others need to know. It should not be extensive, but can refer people to other information where necessary.
This section completed/updated on: Enter date this section completed/updated
Please copy and paste the table from separate template, to be completed by the carers/family. Press ‘Enter’, then right-click and ‘Paste as nested table’ /

2.3My family and significant people in my life

This section completed/updated on: Enter date this section completed/updated
Carer/parent contact details 1
Relationship to : Click here to enter text
First name:Click here to enter textSurname:Click here to enter text
Address:Click here to enter text
Telephone 1:Click here to enter textTelephone 2:Click here to enter text
Email:Click here to enter text
How do you wish to receive information? Choose an item
Carer/parent contact details 2
Relationship to : Click here to enter text
First name:Click here to enter textSurname:Click here to enter text
Address:Click here to enter text
Telephone 1:Click here to enter textTelephone 2:Click here to enter text
Email:Click here to enter text
How do you wish to receive information? Choose an item
Who lives with
Name / Relationship / Additional information
Click here to enter text / Click here to entertext / Click here to enter text /
Click here to enter text / Click here to enter text / Click here to enter text /
Click here to enter text / Click here to enter text / Click here to enter text /
Click here to enter text / Click here to enter text / Click here to enter text / +
Other people you need to know about
Name / Relationship / Additional information
Click here to enter text / Click here to enter text / Click here to enter text /
Click here to enter text / Click here to enter text / Click here to enter text /
Click here to enter text / Click here to enter text / Click here to enter text /
Click here to enter text / Click here to enter text / Click here to enter text / +

2.4Key information for looked after children/young people

To be completed by the child/young person’s social worker, and agreed and shared with the carers/parents.
This section completed/updated on: Enter date this section completed/updated
Named social worker:Click here to enter text
Legal status:Please select
Headteacher of the virtual school for looked after children:
Name:Tricia HeadTelephone: 01904 642611
Name of person with legal responsibility:Name parent/social worker
Who should educational reports be sent to?Name foster carer/parent/social worker
Who should day-to-day information be sent to?Name foster carer/parent/social worker
Who will attend education meetings?Name foster carer/parent/social worker
Who will give permission for school trips/work experience?Name foster carer/parent/social worker
Are there any special home–school transport arrangements?School to foster carer/other
Who will fund school trips, etc?Name foster carer/parent/social worker
Are there any other important issues regarding care?Click here to enter text
Who should school contact in an emergency?Name foster carer/parent/social worker
Care placements / Length of stay / Date from / Date to
Click here to enter text / Click here to enter text / Click here to enter a date / Click here to enter a date / +

2.5People who can provide support and information

Part 2.5 should give details of the full range of support accessed by the child/young person and their family, including local and national organisations, universal and specialist services and important community and family support. It should include:
  • The key contact in the current educational setting
  • The name of the child/young person’s GP
  • Any other health professionals who provide support
Where a child or young person accesses short breaks and/or social care support:
  • The lead practitioner/key worker for short breaks
  • Their named social worker
NB: where an email address is not available, please provide a full postal address
This section completed/updated on: Enter date this section completed/updated
Name and role / Information/support
they can provide / Contact details
Email/address and phone
Enter name of GP / Information and advice about primary health care / Click here to enter text /
Enter name of main point of contact (educational setting) / Click here to enter text / Click here to enter text /
Click here to enter text / Click here to enter text / Click here to enter text / +

2.6My carers’/family’s review contribution

This section completed/updated on: Enter date this section completed/updated
Please copy and paste the table from separate template, to be completed by the carers/family. Press ‘Enter’, then right-click and ‘Paste as nested table’. /
Part 3: Information about my educational needs

3.1Educational needs

Part 3.1 is written and updated by the child/young person’s current educational setting.
If the child or young person has identified special educational needs (SEN) then you should complete a review of the My Support Plan (MSP) or Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP) instead of a PEP, and send a copy of the completed MSP or EHCP to or to Headteacher, Danesgate Community, Fulford Cross, York, YO10 4PB.
This section completed/updated on: Enter date this section completed/updated
Broad areas of need identified through the coordinated assessment:
□Communication and language (includes listening, attention, understanding and speaking)
□Information technology
□Personal, social and emotional (includes managing feelings and behaviour, making relationships, self-confidence and awareness, and self-care)
□Attitude and motivation to learning
□Other area of the curriculum: Please specify
Details of any specific diagnosis, and who has made this diagnosis:
  • Click here to enter text

has been identified as Gifted and Talented in the following areas:
□Science□Other: Please specify
Is being provided with any additional bursaries or grants to develop areas of educational need? Yes/No
If yes, please provide details: Click here to enter text
Specific identified need / Brief details of strength and needs
N1eg literacy skills / Click here to enter text /
N2Click here to enter text / Click here to enter text / +

3.2Educational attainment and progress

Part 3.2 is for educational settings to:
  1. include current information on levels of attainment
  2. provide good quality information on educational progress to track development and skills over time.
Assessment and tracker sheets already in use by settings to track and record progress can be used to evidence this section. This can be done by one or more of the following ways:
  • transferring information into the grid directly below
  • inserting record sheets into this section of the plan
  • copying and pasting clear screen shots from relevant assessments and trackers into this table.
Specific assessment information must be included in part 3.2 even if original documents are appended in part 6.1.
This section completed/updated on: Enter date this section completed/updated
Current educational attainment and evidence of educational progress
Assessment date / Area/subject assessedor accreditation taken / Result/level
Enter a date / Click here to enter text / Click here to enter text / +
Where screenshots or records are inserted here, ensure all information is clearly referenced by source and date:
Click here to enter text

3.3Educational provision

Part 3.3 is written and updated by the child/young person’s current educational setting, supported by any other education support services and relevant health and social care professionals as appropriate.
This section completed/updated on: Enter date this section completed/updated
Additional educational provision
Strategies and key approaches / Specific identified
needs this supports
  • Click here to enter text
/ Reference needs identified in 3.1 (eg N1, N3 etc) / +
Equipment and resources / Specific identified
needs this supports
  • Click here to enter text
/ Reference needs identified in 3.1 (eg N1, N3 etc) / +
Weekly timetabled sessions / Time allocated / Supported by/
level of expertise / Specific identified
needs this supports
Click here to enter text / Click here to enter text / Click here to enter text / Reference needs identified in 3.1 (eg N1, N3 etc) / +
How is the pupil premium plus being used to support ’s learning?
Click here to enter text.

3.4My education and learning history

This section completed/updated on: Enter date this section completed/updated
Previous educational settings/schools / Date from / Date to
Click here to enter text / Enter a date / Enter a date / +
Academic year / Days attended / Total days possible / Attendance percentage
Click here to enter text / Enter number / Enter number / Enter percentage / +
Type of exclusion / Date effective / Duration (if fixed-term)
Choose an item / Click here to enter a date / Click here to enter text / +
Work experience and work related learning undertaken
Relevant for Year 9 students and above. You can additionally note in the first column where placements were particularly successful, or if a student found that this type of work was not suited to them
What / Where / Date from / Date to
Click here to enter text / Enter text / Enter a date / Enter a date / +
Link courses attended
Relevant for Year 9 students and above.
What / Where / Date from / Date to
Click here to enter text / Enter text / Enter a date / Enter a date / +
Part 4: Information about health and social care needs related to by educational needs

4.1Health and social care needs

Please refer to the Looked After Children Health Needs Assessment and Child Care Review for information about health and social care needs.
Part 5: Information shared and agreed at my meeting

5.1Contributions from people who support me

Practitioners can make separate written contributions to support the initial Personal Education Plan, or for subsequent reviews, using part 5.1. Where a recent report has been submitted, this can be referenced in the top box of part 5.1 and appended in part 6.1.
This section completed/updated on: Enter date this section completed/updated
Please copy and paste the table from separate template, to be completed by professionals supporting the child/young person. Press ‘Enter’, then right-click and ‘Paste as nested table’ / +

5.2Views shared at my meeting

Views from all advice givers discussed at the meeting should be recorded in part 5.2. This part provides the structure for the review meeting, and should be written up by the educational setting as the discussion summary of the review meeting.
This section completed/updated on: Enter date this section completed/updated
What have been the highlights in the last year?
Click here to enter text
At the last review, this is what we planned for to do or learn:
The educational setting should list the outcomes (5.3) from the last review here / How did get on and did it make a difference?
Click here to enter text
Actions agreed at last review:
The educational setting should list the actions (5.4) from the last review here / Were the actions completed and effective?
Click here to enter text
What’s important in the next 3 to 5 years?
This may include plans for transition from one setting to another, eg plans to move to primary, secondary or post-maintained education, depending on the age of the child/young person.
For young people in Year 9 or above, it is important to think about plans for moving into adult life. This will depend on the young person’s needs but could include, eg their community participation, increased independence, to live with friends with support, employment, further education or training, volunteering, apprenticeships or a personalised work and learning programme
What support/provision is working well?
Click here to enter text
Are there plans in place to support independent travel?
Click here to enter text
What are the priorities for in the next year?
Consider the steps that will help the child/young personachievetheir longer term plans for learning, independence or adult life
What would be helpful or needs to change?
Where additional or different support/provision is being recommended, this should be clearly specified in terms of key approaches and strategies, equipment, resources, timetabled sessions or support
Steps, support or provision needed to help the child/young person to prepare for their next transition and future life should be considered
Other matters discussed
This space provides an opportunity to record any other discussion items not recorded elsewhere

5.3Agreed outcomes

Outcomes are long-term priorities for the child/young person. Areas for setting outcomes can be personalised, and could for example include: communication, planning for transition, community participation, literacy skills, numeracy skills, school attendance, physical health and well-being, personal and social development, friendship, play and leisure, and independence.
The identified long-term outcomes will reflect a child/young person’s strength and needs, and inform the educational provision made for them. When there are changes in identified needs and/or a change of phase or stage of education, long-term outcomes will need to be reviewed.
This section completed/updated on: Enter date this section completed/updated
Long term outcomes
These will normally set out what needs to be achieved by the end of a phase or stage of education, in order to enable the child/young person to progress successfully to the next phase or stage.
RefArea / will... / What identified need does this support?
LTO1eg education, learning / Click here to enter text / eg N1 literacy skills /
LTO2eg education, learning / Click here to enter text / eg N1 literacy skills / +
Short term outcomes
Shorter term outcomes, which are specific, measurable, achievable, realistic and time bound (SMART), should be agreed and be reviewed termly with the child/young person and their carers /family and social worker.
Although these outcomes may be written by an adult they should be agreed with the child or young person wherever possible and worded in accessible language.
Short Term Outcome 1eg education/learning
Which longer term outcome does this support? eg LTO1, LTO2.
What am I going to do or learn? What do I want to achieve?
Click here to enter text
By when? Click here to enter a date
What or who will I need to help me?
Specific support and provision that will support this outcome must be included
Intended outcome ... what difference will this make?I will:
Click here to enter text
Who will monitor this, and how?
Click here to enter text
Short Term Outcome 2eg education/learning
Which longer term outcome does this support? eg LTO1, LTO2.
What am I going to do or learn? What do I want to achieve?
Click here to enter text
By when? Click here to enter a date
What or who will I need to help me?
Specific support and provision that will support this outcome must be included
Intended outcome ... what difference will this make?I will:
Click here to enter text
Who will monitor this, and how?
Click here to enter text / +

5.4Agreed actions