PAGE Jiangsu (China)ProvincialLogframe(28June2016)– Draft

As the second largest economy in the world, China has not only positioned itself as an emerging economic power, the country is also gradually shifting its development focus toward sustainability. Ecological Civilization, which is the Chinese concept for a sustainable development framework, has received unprecedented attention from high-level leadership in China at both central and local levels, and is also gaining recognition internationally. The new 13th Five-Year plan (2016-2020) has also placed green development as one of the top national priorities, which indicates clear development direction for provincial governments to implement.

With PAGE support, Jiangsu Province of China aims to achieve two main objectives:1) To identify and exemplify successes and good practices at the policy, business, and sub-provincial levels to inspire other provinces and countries; and 2) To identify and analyse major challenges to green economy policy implementation.

Intended Results / Indicators / Sources/Means of Verification / Assumptions/
External Factors / Supporting PAGE Agencies/Fund holder* and Partners
Impact [Overall Long Term Goal, by 2030] / Impact Indicators
Jiangsu (China) is transforming its economy to eradicate poverty, increase social equity and decent jobs, strengthen livelihoods and environmental stewardship, and sustain growth in line with the Sustainable Development Goals(from global log-frame) /
  • Increased decoupling of growth from resource
  • consumption & environmental degradation
  • increased number of decent green jobs (disaggregated by gender)
  • Increased number of green business start-ups/greened existing enterprises
  • Increased number of people with access to safe water,clean energy, sanitation and other environmental amenities and social services
  • Reports from International Resource Panel (IRP)
  • Global Environment Outlook (GEOs)
  • ILO reports
  • Human Development Reports (HDRs)
  • Long-term political commitment
  • Cohesive national development planning
  • All PAGE Partners
  • Government
  • Social Partners
  • Other development partners

Outcomes** [Medium Term Objectives, 2014-2017] / Outcome Indicators
Overall Outcome:Jiangsu (China)reframed economic policy around sustainability and put in place enabling policy conditions, reforms, incentives, business models, and partnerships to catalyze greater action and investment in green technologies, and natural, human, and social capital [based on global log-frame] /
  • Priority national sustainability targets including at sector level announced
  • Investment increased to achieve the targets
  • Fiscal, industrial/sector and labour policies made conducive to greening of economic structure
  • A regular capacity development mechanism in place to support ongoing green economy policy process
  • National media
  • Government budget
  • Policy documents
  • Stakeholders agree on priority sustainability targets
  • Required investment or shift in investment takes place
  • Enabling policies implemented and stable
  • A prominent national
  • Institution designated for providing ongoing technical support
  • All partners

Specific Outcome 1: Jiangsu (China) has reinforced and integrated inclusive green economy (IGE) goals and targets into SDG-aligned national economic and development planning through multi-stakeholder collaboration [based on global log-frame] /
  • Provincial level roadmap for the 13th Five Year Plan(FYP) includes green economy related goals and targets
  • Green economy and green jobs indicators used for monitoring of Ecological Civilization implementation
  • Longer term development vision includes green economy priorities
  • Provincial 13th FYP
  • Action Plans/policy reforms adopted by Provincial Government
  • Governance stability
  • Political commitment
  • All partners

Specific Outcome 2: Jiangsu (China) has implemented evidence-based sectoral and thematic reforms in line with national IGE priorities[based on global log-frame] /
  • At least 2 sectors/thematic areas reflect IGE approach and GE targets
  • Decisions by Government
  • Action plans/policy reform documents adopted by Government
  • Governance stability
  • Political commitment
  • All partners

Specific Outcome 3:Jiangsu (China) has strengthenedIndividual, institutional and planning capacities for IGE action [based on global logframe] /
  • Number of newinstitutions capacitated to engage in green economy action through PAGE support
  • Number of decision-makers and experts trained who engage in green economy action
  • GE knowledge base among national and provincial stakeholders established
  • Workshop reports
  • Annual PAGE Reports
  • Quality of training
  • Ability to select the right candidates
  • All partners

ProvincialOutputs per Specific Outcome / Relates to Global Output # * / ProvincialOutput Indicators / Sources/Means of Verification / Assumptions/
External Factors / Supporting PAGE Agencies/Fund holder*Provincial Partners
1. National Outputs for Outcome 1 [Jiangsu (China) has integrated and reinforced inclusive green economy (IGE) goals and targets into provincial economic and development planning though multi-sectoral/multi-stakeholder collaboration and aligned with the SDGs]
Note: Individual capacity development activities that directly contributeto outcome 1 outputsis included below. Additional broader capacity development activities are includedunder outcome 3
1.1Green economy policymaking indicators, including green jobs, developed to assist and monitor the implementation of Jiangsu’s implementation of ecological civilization /
  • 1.1
  • 1.2
  • 2.1
  • 2.2
  • 3.2
  • Green economy policymaking indicators validated by the provincial government
  • National and provincial experts trained and contributing expertise
  • A databased established to support future use of indicators
  • Green Economy Indicators report, including green jobs policy mapping
  • Stakeholders and experts consultation
  • Database for indicators
  • Commitment by government decision-makers
  • Availability of data
  • PRCEE, Jiangsu Provincial International Cooperation Center for Environmental Economy and Technology, and National Provincial Statistics Office

2. National Outputs for Outcome 2[Jiangsu (China) has implemented selected sectoral and thematic policy analysis and reform in line with national IGE priorities]Note: Individual capacity development which directly contributes to outputs included below.
Note: Individual capacity development activities that directly contribute to outcome 2 outputs is included below. Additional broader capacity development activities are included under outcome 3.
Theme/Sector2.1: Green Industry Certification Scheme
Green industry assessment conducted /
  • 2.1
  • 2.3
  • 3.2
  • Report on green industry assessment, with investment and access to technology information as well as success cases to share with other provinces and countries
  • Awareness raising and capacity building workshop conducted for local green businesses to understand the concept and practices of green industry
  • Green industry assessment report
  • Workshop participants list
  • Buy-in by government and businesses
  • Availability of information
  • UNIDO*

Theme/Sector2.2: Network of Eco-Industrial parks
Established network of Industrial parks (both eco-parks and chemical industrial parks)to share information and experiences /
  • 2.1
  • 2.3
  • Number of Eco-Industrial parks involved
  • Report completed with case studies of eco-industrial parks in Jinagsu province
  • Number of meeting for industrial parks in Jiangsu
  • Number of information event
  • Number of Foreign Industrial parksparticipated the information exchange event
  • List of participating Eco-Industrial parks
  • Meeting minutes
  • Report
  • Commitment by the government and Eco-Industrial parks
  • PRCEE and Jiangsu Provincial International Cooperation Center for Environmental Economy and Technology

Theme/Sector 2.3: Energy Transition Assessment
Assessment on energy transition, including policy recommendations, provided to the government /
  • 2.1
  • 2.3
  • 3.1
  • 3.2
  • One assessment report completed providing energy transition analysis, policy tools and recommendations
  • Number of workshops/consultation held
  • Number of communication materials prepared to raise awareness
  • Number of green energy technology information exchange event
  • Report
  • Participant list
  • Meeting minutes
  • Website
  • Commitment by provincial departments and businesses
  • UNEP*/All partners
  • PRCEE and Jiangsu Provincial government

Theme/Sector 2.4: Exploring the Role of Trade in Transition to a Green Economy
2.4.1 Opportunities in south-south trade in renewable energy discussed and explored (with focus on selected developing countries each year) /
  • 2.1
  • 2.2
  • Workshop/meeting/field trip conducted
  • Overall south-south trade in renewable energy introduced
  • Jiangsu’s trade with selected developing countries in renewable energy analysed
  • Opportunities and challenges to Jiangsu’s trade with developing countries in renewable energy discussed
  • Renewable energy markets in selected developing countries introduced and discussed
  • Jiangsu’s experience in renewable energy trade shared
  • Assessment of Jiangsu’s trade in renewable energy with selected developing countries (through desk research, questionnaires, surveys, interviews, etc.)
  • Reports of workshop/meeting/field trip
  • List of participants of workshop/symposium/meeting/field trip
  • Information sheet for exporting to selected developing countries (for companies interested in exporting to those countries)
  • Policy recommendation for local governments on promoting trade in renewable energy to selected developing countries
  • Commitment by the government, businesses and business associations
  • Engagement of experts from other developing countries
  • UNEP
  • PRCEE and Jiangsu Provincial International Cooperation Center for Environmental Economy and Technology

2.4.2 Knowledge and capacity improved in exploring and harvesting trade and investment opportunities in Environmental Goods and Services (EGS) /
  • 2.1
  • 2.2
  • 3.2
  • Capacity building workshop held
  • Knowledge of EGS improved (including definition, measurement, scope and methodology, latest trends and prospects)
  • Overall EGS trade introduced
  • Trade and investment policy instruments for EGS discussed (including implications of the EGA negotiation)
  • Good practices shared and summarized at both country/local and business level
  • Report of workshop
  • List of participants and feedback of workshop
  • Brochure of case studies on EGS trade
  • Commitment by the government, business and business associations
  • UNEP
  • PRCEE and Jiangsu Provincial International Cooperation Center for Environmental Economy and Technology

3. National Outputs for Outcome 3(Individual, Institutional and Planning Capacities for IGE Action Strengthened)
3. 1 Institutional Capacity Development
3.1.1 Capacity of the provincial departments strengthened to plan, and coordinate PAGE in support of the provincial development plan /
  • 3.1
  • Number of PAGE Workstreams effectively coordinated by Provincial government dedicated staff to support PAGE coordination
  • Annual work plan of Ministry
  • Annual PAGE report
  • Commitment by provincial departments
  • UNEP*/All partners
  • PRCEE and Jiangsu Provincial government

3.1.2 Inter-departmentalsteering group for green development and PAGE in place /
  • 3.1
  • Number of departmentsand experts involved in the steering group
  • Government communiqué on establishment of committee
  • Committee meeting reports
  • Commitment of all concerned ministries
  • All partners
  • PRCEE and Jiangsu Provincial government

3.2 Individual Capacity Development (in addition to individual capacity development activities included under outcome 1 and 2)
3.2.1 Provincially tailored GE Academyconducted /
  • 3.2
  • Number of people participated in the training
  • Number of people who report having increased their capacity in IGE related issues
  • Attendance list
  • Training materials
  • Feedback forms
  • Reports of training activities
  • Availability of relevant materials, including case studies
  • Availability of multi-lingual capacity
  • Commitment of participants
  • All partners
  • PRCEE and Jiangsu Provincial government

3.2.2 Green Entrepreneurship training for trainers /
  • 3.2
  • Number of green entrepreneurship trainers granted the certificate for training
  • A network for green entrepreneurship trainers established
  • Participant list
  • Number of certificate of green entrepreneurship trainer granted
  • Commitment by trainers
  • ILO*
  • Jiangsu Provincial Bureau of Human Resource and Social Security

3.2.3 Green Entrepreneurship training for entrepreneurs /
  • 3.2
  • Number of green entrepreneurs trained
  • Participants list
  • Commitment by entrepreneurs
  • ILO*
  • Jiangsu Provincial Bureau of Human Resource and Social Security

3.3 Provincial Planning, Coordination and Communication
3.3.1 Key sectors and stakeholder groupsengaged in provincial PAGE planning /
  • 3.1
  • Number of sectors, and stakeholder groups engaged in PAGE planning
  • One approved work plan by the government for 2016-2017
  • Workshop/PAGE reports
  • Government approved work plan for 2016-2017
  • Buy-in by government and stakeholders
  • Commitment by participating institutions
  • UNEP*/All partners
  • PRCEE and Jiangsu Provincial government and stakeholders

3.3.2. Partnerships with other provinces committed to IGE developed /
  • 3.1
  • Number of provinces engaged in PAGE activities
  • Workshop/PAGE Reports
  • Commitment by Partners
  • All partners

3.3.3. Communication products developed and shared at the national and international level /
  • 3.1
  • Number of documents published and shared
  • Website
  • Endorsement of communication materials by key parties
  • All partners

3.3.4. National Coordinator in place /
  • 3.1
  • One national coordinator recruited
  • Contract of the national coordinator
  • Qualification of candidates
  • UNEP*

1. Key Activities in 2015-2016 under Outcome 1 Outputs / Comments
1.1Green Economy Indicators
Key Activities:
  • Initial experts workshop, Q2 2016
  • Workshop to discuss draft report, Q4 2016
  • Validation consultation, Q1 2017
  • Launch, Q2 2017

2. Key Activities under Outcome 2 Outputs
2.1 Green Industry Certification Scheme
Key Activities:
  • An awareness raising and capacity building event, Q4 2016
  • Report , Q2 2017
  • Information of green industry technology available online, Q1 2017

2.2Industrial parks Network
Key Activities:
  • A group Industrial parks selected Q3 2016
  • First meeting, Q4 2016
  • Information exchange event including discussion of report (bring peers from other countries to Jiangsu), Q1 2017
  • Report, Q2 2017

2.3Assessment of energy transition
Key Activities:
  • Expert workshop on energy transition,Q4 2016
  • Information exchange on green energy technologies, Q1 2017
  • Report launch, Q2 2017

2.4 Exploring the Role of Trade in Transition to a Green Economy
Key activities:
  • Workshop on south-south trade in renewable energy, Q4,2016
  • Capacity building Workshop on EGS trade, Q4,2016
  • A full session on Trade and Green Economy in the Provincial GE Academy, Q1, 2017
  • Report for south-south trade and EGS finalized, Q2 2017

3. Key Activities underOutcome 3 Outputs
3.1 Institutional Capacity Development
Key Activities: Capacity of the provincial departments (Output 3.1.1 )
  • Provincial GE Academy, Q1 2017

Key Activities: Inter-departmental steering group (Output 3.1.2)
  • Steering group established, Q4 2016
  • Regular Inter-departmental steering group meetings

3.2 Individual Capacity Development(in addition to individual capacity development activities included under outcome 1 and 2)
Key Activities: Provincial GE Academy (Output 3.2.1)
  • Provincial GE Academy, Q1 2017

Key Activities: Green Entrepreneurship training for trainers (Output 3.2.2)
  • Training for trainers, Q4 Q 2016
Key Activities: Green Entrepreneurship training for entrepreneurs (Output 3.2.3)
  • First training for entrepreneurs, Q4 2016
  • Second training for entrepreneurs, Q1 2017

3.3 Provincial Planning, Coordination and Communication
Key Activities: Key sectors and stakeholder groups engaged in provincial PAGE planning (Output 3.3.1)
  • Approved work plan by the government, Q3 2016
  • Inter-departmental steering group meeting to discuss next year’s workplan, Q1 2017

Key Activities: Partnerships with other provinces committed to IGE developed (Output 3.3.2)
  • Discussion with the Secretariat and partners on the modality of working with other province/city in China, Q4 2016

Key Activities: Communication products developed and shared at the national and international level(Output 3.3.3)
  • Regularly update the PAGE China webpage, WeChat news, and other social media to promote the work in China

Key Activities: National Coordinator(Output 3.3.4)
  • National coordinator recruited, Q4 2016

* Indicates which PAGE agency is holding PAGE funding provided through the global PAGE trust fund

**The National Outcomes and National Outputs are linked to and contribute to the following Global Outcomes and Outputs in the Global PAGE Logframe

Global Outcome 1: Country X has integrated and reinforced inclusive green economy (IGE) goals and targets into national economic and development planning through multi-sectoral/ multi-stakeholder collaboration and aligned with the SDGs

Global Outputs:

1.1 IGE diagnostics, assessments, and policy analysis undertaken

1.2 Public, private and civil society actors engaged in cross-sectoral IGE prioritization, target setting, and costing

Global Outcome 2: Country X has implemented selected sectoral and thematic policy analysis and reform in line with national IGE priorities

Global Outputs:

2.1 Sectoral diagnostics, assessments, and policy analysis undertaken

2.2 Advisory support integrated in designing and advancing sectoral and/or thematic policies, strategies, plans

2.3 IGE financing partners mobilized and engaged including UNCT, donors, IFIs, and private sector

Global Outcome 3: Individual, institutional and planning capacities for IGE action strengthened at the national and global level

Global Outputs:

3.1 Planning, institutional and communication capacities at national level strengthened in line with country context

3.2 Nationally tailored training programs developed and delivered

3.3 Global and regional leadership and training programs and packages developed and delivered for individuals and institutions