European Economic and Social Committee

Group III – SE Category



Date / 04/04/2017, 14:30 - 17:30
Venue / EESC
Room / VMA 3
Co-Spokespersons / Krzysztof Stanisław BALON and Alain COHEUR
Email /
Document date / 08/03/2017

Draft agenda:

Adoption of the draft agenda

2.30-3 p.m. / Welcome by Mr Balon and Mr Coheur, Co-Spokespersons of the Social Economy Category
-  Adoption of the memo on the meeting of the Category on 28 November 2016
-  Adoption of the report on the activities of Category in 2016
-  Update on the activities of the Social Economy Inter-group of the European Parliament
-  Information on the activities of the EESC Permanent Study Group on Social Economy Enterprises – presentation by Ms Rodert
-  Etc.
3-3.30 p.m. / Exchange of views with on the EESC commissioned study "Recent Evolutions of the Social Economy in the European Union"
Ms Barbara Sak, Managing Director of CIRIEC Aisbl
-  Q&A
3.30-4.15 p.m. / Presentation of forthcoming EC initiatives
Ms Ulla Engelmann, Head of Unit F2 "Clusters, Social Economy and Entrepreneurship", DG Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and SMEs (DG GROWTH)
-  Q&A
4.15-5 p.m. / Exchange of views with the forthcoming Estonian and Bulgarian Presidencies - How to support the social economy sector
-  Ms Leili Eenlo, Councillor for Social Affairs, Estonian Permanent Representation to the EU
Ms Margarita Dilkovska, Minister Plenipotentiary, Employment and Social Policy, Bulgarian Permanent Representation to the EU
-  Q&A
5-5.30 p.m. / -  Discussion on the 2017 Work Programme of the Social Economy Category
-  Q&A
5.30 p.m. / A.O.B.
Interpreting requested from / ES/EN/FR/IT/PL
into / ES/EN/FR/IT/PL


N.B.: Members are asked to sign the attendance list in order to ensure that their meeting expenses are refunded.

Members unable to attend the meeting are asked to give advance notice to their group secretariat so that interpreters do not attend unnecessarily.

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