A crazy Story

Inspector Derrick was writing on his little black notebook.

“It was2:38 a.m.,the victim’s corpse was lying in an obscure street behind the Paradise nightclub where the victim, SebastianClooney worked.

He was naked, his stomach was opened and empty. The corpse had been moved because there were bruises on his back. The murderer had takenall the organs, even the heart! I was shocked when Isaw the crime scene. The corpse was found by the boss of the nightclub. There was blood everywhere.

At 5: 42 we questioned his family but it was complicated to know anything because his sister was in a trance. Indeed, she was an alcoholic, and his mother was at work…

A prostitute! …Sopathetic!

At 6: 13 AM we spoke to his friends John and Martin, they were at the nightclub at closing time. We learnt that John loved Sebastian and he was jealous of Martin because the victim loved him. SoJohn becomes a suspect.In end of the afternoon, his mother arrived and she told us that awomanhad come toherhouse. The woman looked furious.

Who was she? A friend? A client? She didn’t know who she was.

At 7:02 PM, the forensic scientist finishedhis autopsy and he found that Sebastian waspoisoned with arsenic and there was DNA under hisfingernails. It was a woman’s DNA. There were also traces of lipstick on his neck. So, the suspect was a woman! During the opening of the nightclub, we questioned the boss and he told us that Sebastian had left the nightclub with a woman called Emma Granger.

At 7: 46 PM, we questioned suspect number two, the gorgeous Emma Granger -she loved The Beatles. She told us that she loved Sebastian and that his death was unexpected because everybody loved him… But she didn’t sound so sorry.I was sure she was lying, so we grilled her… She kept silent.

In the afternoon, the forensic scientist affirmed that the DNA we found in the crime scene was Emma’s. Then, we questioned her, she told us that she had an argument with Sebastian because he was homosexual… But she hadn’t killed him because she went back to Sebastian’s home two hours later and he was already dead. However, she saw a man leave the house, he was dark-haired and looked like John. So we questioned John…

He admitted that he had killed his friend Sebastian and had become crazy. That’s why he had taken his organs… Indeed, we finally found them in his refrigerator…

It’s so terrible!

The following day, we found another corpse…

By Laëtitia Druy and Alexandre Astier