November 9th, 2009

The Caswell County Board of Education met in regular session on Monday, November 9th, at 7:00 p.m. in the Whitley Administration Building. Members present: Chairman June Dailey, Vice Chairman Gladys Garland, Sylvia Johnson, Betty Sartin, David Byrd, Mel Battle and Ross Gwynn. Others present: Superintendent Dr. Douglas Barker, Assistant Superintendent Donna Hudson, Finance Director Scott Powell, Attorney Ron Bradsher, Clarence Lee, and Leigh Walker representing the Caswell Messenger. Connie Kimrey recorded the minutes.


The meeting was called to order and a moment of silence was observed.


David Byrd moved, seconded by Sylvia Johnson to approve the minutes of the October 26th, 2009, meeting and the October 19th, 2009, work session minutes as presented. The motion carried unanimously.


David Byrd moved, seconded by Gladys Garland to approve the agenda as presented. The motion carried unanimously.


Dr. Barker announced that the soccer team lost in the playoffs in the second round. Dr. Barker stated that the soccer team has had a very good season and represented the high school very well.


None at this time.


A. Parent Organizations, Booster Clubs, etc. – Policy # 330

Gladys Garland moved, seconded by Betty Sartin to remove from the table Policy # 330. The motion carried unanimously.

Betty Sartin moved, seconded by Sylvia Johnson to approve Policy # 330, Parent Organizations, Booster Clubs, etc. The motion carried unanimously.


Approved 06/21/04

Amended 8/27/07 / Amended 11/09/09

The Caswell County Board of Education recognizes and appreciates the many contributions and services of organizations such as PTA (PTSA, PTO, etc.) booster clubs and other enthusiastic support and promotion organizations, as well as other parent organizations.

Booster clubs are defined as organizations that support school groups, teams or the school as a whole. These organizations shall establish and maintain a written statement outlining the basic rules, procedures and principles by which such organization operates (i.e. a charter or constitution and bylaws). A copy of the required paperwork and any changes will be presented to the applicable school principals annually and a copy forwarded (by the principal) to the superintendent’s office and shall include the current roster of officers.

Every organization shall establish its own method or system to properly account for, manage, receive, disburse or dispense its funds. The school system shall not accept or assume any responsibility or liability for such.

Every organization shall obtain the advice and approval of the principal of the respective school prior to planning any function or activity in which school system students are to participate during regular instructional hours. All school personnel shall at all times represent the interests of the Board of Education, the school system, the respective school(s) with regard to such functions or activities. All functions or activities shall be in accord with appropriate/applicable Board policy and all funds raised shall belong to the school system without limitation or exception.

Every organization desiring independently to raise funds for any Caswell County school or school program should seek information or advice from school principals or superintendent as to the needs, etc., of the respective school, school programs, or the school system. Any advice or information provided shall not be deemed in and of itself to define any activity as a school or school system activity.

The Caswell County Board of Education does not assume responsibility or liability of any sort of nature for any matter which might arise from any activity or function conducted by an organization which is not a school or school system activity and/or which involves student participation outside of regular instructional hours. Utilization of school property (uniforms, etc.) that may lead to the conclusion that it is a school activity rather than a booster club activity is prohibited unless prior approval is obtained from the principal or it is conducted as a school activity. Organizations shall conduct non-school and non-school activities in their respective names alone and for the benefit of their own respective club or organization.

The Caswell County Board of Education respectfully requests that every support organization that is organized to benefit Caswell County Schools or programs, for board informational purposes only, provide a written statement of all non-school and non-school system fund raising activities to include a statement as to the receipts and distribution or disbursement of such funds (must include disbursements of expenditures that were not approved gifts to a school, club, organization or the school system). The report is to be given to the respective principal and forwarded to the Board of Education.

Gifts of every nature (funds, equipment, etc.) by an organization to a school, school system, to a school program, etc., shall be subject to, governed by, and in accord with the provisions of the Caswell County Board of Education, Policy # 520. Any item given and accepted shall be the sole property of the Caswell County School system. Gifts tendered by parent organizations, booster clubs, etc. that fails to voluntarily comply with this request may be rejected.

Support groups or organizations affiliated with Caswell County schools that do not adhere to Board policies may or may not be allowed to raise funds for the schools or any school programs.

B. Appropriate Dress – Policy # 796

Gladys Garland moved, seconded by David Byrd to remove from the table Policy #796. The motion carried unanimously.

Ross Gwynn moved, seconded by Gladys Garland to approve Policy # 796, Appropriate Dress and Appearance for Staff. The motion carried unanimously.


Approved 08/09/04

Amended 11/09/09

The Caswell County Board of Education recognizes that teachers and other staff are role models for the students. The manner in which teachers and staff present themselves will be reflected in the conduct of the students and the respect given teachers, staff and the school system by the community. To this end, all staff members must appear neat, clean, and at all times appropriately dressed for a business or professional environment, in accordance with the position held by the employee.

It is required that men wear collared shirts (except that non collared shirts with buttons and turtleneck shirts are allowed) or sweaters and slacks and that women wear skirts, dresses, jumpers, dressy shorts (city shorts), or slacks. Jeans and wind suits are allowed. Sweat pants are not allowed. Clothing for all must be non-distracting in length and fit. The principals or supervisor may approve variations for special situations such as field days, spirit days, and class or team days, work days (when there are no parent conferences or meetings involving the public) or for those individuals whose responsibilities may necessitate an alternate form of dress, such as physical education teachers, vocational education instructors, coaches and auxiliary personnel.

Administrators and administrative support employees are expected to project a professional image. They are to be dressed and be groomed appropriately in accordance with these guidelines.

Determination of the appropriateness of dress shall be left up to the discretion of the principal or immediate supervisor. He or she will counsel the individual employee regarding suitable, appropriate, acceptable, and professional dress.

Reasonable accommodations shall be made by their appropriate supervisor for those employees who because of a sincerely held religious belief, cultural heritage, or medical reason request a waiver of a particular part of this policy for dress or appearance.

Ø  No jewelry affixed to the nose, tongue, cheek, lip, or eyebrow. No body piercing, except ear lobe.

Ø  Abnormal hair color will not be allowed (i.e., sprayed or dyed blue, green, orange, etc.) which poses a health risk, safety risk or is disruptive to the learning environment of the school. The principal or principal’s designee will determine.

Ø  Clothing must be worn appropriately (nothing inside-out, backwards, unfastened bib overalls, belts must be buckled and worn at the waistline, etc.) Shirttails (including jerseys) must be tucked in if they are longer than the length of the fingertips of the employee.

Ø  Clothing and body art, etc. will not be allowed which promotes alcoholic beverages, tobacco, the use of controlled substances, depicts or promotes violence, or is of a disruptive nature.

Ø  Clothing will not be allowed that is intentionally shredded or torn.

Ø  Tight clothing such as knit or spandex bicycle/biker pants or overly tight pants are not allowed. This will be determined by the principal or his designee.

Ø  Clothing is not to be sheer or mesh and cannot have excessive holes.

Ø  Proper footwear is required. Shoes that have laces must be laced, tied and fit. Rubber or vinyl (shower shoes) flip-flops are not to be worn at school during regular hours of instruction.

Ø  Undergarments are not to be visible.

Ø  The hem of skirts/shorts and dresses must be no higher than 3 inches above the top of the kneecap. Wearing tights, spandex, or leggings does not exempt from this rule.

Ø  No sagging pants are allowed. Pants are to be worn at waist.

Ø  Shirts and blouses may not be tank top or have spaghetti straps, one strap or no straps. Shirts and blouses must cover the waist, no exposed midriff.

Ø  Those clothing articles, accessories, body art, etc. that are identified as being related to a group or gang which provoke others to act violently or be intimidated by fear of violence or are potentially dangerous shall not be worn to work or any school activity.

C. Assignment of Personnel – Policy # 702

Sylvia Johnson moved, seconded by Betty Sartin to remove from the table Policy # 702. The motion carried unanimously.

David Byrd moved, seconded by Gladys Garland to approve Policy # 702, Assignment of Personnel. The motion carried unanimously.


Approved 08/09/04

Amended 11/09/09

All personnel are employed by the Caswell County Board of Public Education and not a particular school.

All personnel shall be assigned to a school or program by the Superintendent through the Director for Personnel based on the following factors:

·  The needs of the School System

·  The needs of a particular school, as defined by the Principal.

·  The qualifications, experience, certification, and training of the individual.

All employees assigned to the school by the Superintendent are under the supervision of the Principal. Staff assigned to a Director is under the supervision of the Director. In instances where the Principal and Director share some responsibilities for the supervision of the employee, the Principal and Director will work together to assure that both individual expectations as it relates to their program are met. The Principal will forward any differences to the Superintendent who will have the final decision.

In order to avoid critical comment from within the school and also from the community, it is best for the school that all personnel shall not be off the school premises during the school day without the knowledge and approval of the principal. Absence from the classroom by teachers and visiting with each other during class period causes a loss of teaching efficiency, invites disciplinary problems, and affects teacher morale within the school. These practices should be avoided except in cases of emergency.

D. Fixed Asset Inventory/Capital Outlay – Policy # 510

Mel Battle moved, seconded by Sylvia Johnson to remove from the table Policy # 510. The motion carried unanimously.

Betty Sartin moved, seconded by Mel Battle to approve Policy # 510, Fixed Asset Inventory/Capital Outlay. The motion carried unanimously.

Mr. Powell stated he is working with Dr. Barker to implement a process for completing the inventory and tracking purposes.


Approved 01/24/05

Amended 11/09/09

Services for managing the School District’s equipment, materials and supplies will be organized by the Superintendent and operated in a manner consistent with the following


a.  Enhancing student’s opportunity to learn

b.  Utilizing technological advances and other improvements to increase effectiveness and efficiency of personnel

c.  Obtaining uniformity in the equipment used throughout the district

d.  Efficiently storing, maintaining and retrieving equipment

e.  Maximizing and extending the useful life of equipment

f.  Using and disposing of property in an environmentally sound manner

g.  Disposition of broken or surplus equipment will be in accordance with state law

1. Use of Equipment, Supplies and Materials

Equipment, materials and supplies are intended to further the Board’s goals as provided above. Any use, which is not consistent with these goals, is not permitted. All equipment, materials and supplies, purchased, leased or received as a gift are under the control of the Board.

Equipment, materials and supplies are made available for use in schools, on school property or at school-related events. The Superintendent or building level supervisor will establish procedures or rules for allowing individuals or organizations to take such items off school premises.

a.  Any person, including principals, teachers, other personnel or students, who has been issued equipment, materials or supplies owned by the Board is responsible for such items. Responsibilities include being able to account for the item, maintaining and using the item in a prudent manner, and storing the item in a reasonably safe and secure place.

Personal use of School Board property is strongly discouraged. Exceptions must meet the following criteria: (1) use is authorized by the immediate supervisor; (2) use will have no or minimal effect on the use life; (3) use will not interfere with use for School District purposes; and (4) use will not interfere with the requesting individual’s job responsibilities. Any individual obtaining permission is charged with proper preservation and care of the property.

2. Inventories and Capitalization Procedures

The Board of Education recognizes its responsibility to maintain an adequate detailed inventory of fixed assets owned by the Board in order to:

a.  Safeguard sizable investments

b.  Fix responsibility for the custody, care and control of buildings and equipment at each site