China 1-2-1 Undergraduate Admission Application

Revised November 2006

Please type or print the information below and return this form with the required essay (on a separate sheet).

PERSONAL INFORMATION (Please Print name as it will appear on your passport)

Name ______

Last/Family Name First Middle

Date of Birth _____/_____/_____ Gender Male______Female_____

Day Month Year

Permanent China Address ______

Street Apartment No


City/Town State/Province Postal Code

Phone (086) ______

Country Code Please enter your foreign permanent phone umber in the space provided.

Email ______


Please check the box for your intended major – choose from one of the degrees listed in bold text below.

The Volgenau School of Information Technology and Engineering:

c Computer Science, B.S.

The College of Visual and Performing Arts:

c Dance, B.F.A.

c Music, B.M. in Performance

The College of Humanities and Social Sciences

c Geography, B.A. or B.S. degree

c Economics, B.A. or B.S

c Global Affairs, B.A

The School of Management:

c Decision Sciences and Management Information Systems, B.S.*

c Management, B.S.*

c Marketing, B.S. *

c Finance, B.S.*

*These business majors are only open to students accepted by the School of Management after meeting prerequisites at Mason. Extra coursework/time may be required for these degrees.


Secondary School ______

Name of School City State/Province Country

Unified National University Entrance Exam Score(s) ______

Chinese Mathematics English

Date Taken ______/______/______or ______

Day Month Year Natural Science Social Science

Postsecondary Institution

Please circle the post-secondary school that you attend. Beijing Normal University CHU 063

Chang’an University CHU 478

Chongqing University CHU 319

Communications Univ. of China CHU 205

Nanjing Normal University CHU 003

Shandong Univ. (Weihai campus) CHU 036

Southwest Jiaotong University CHU100

Suzhou University CHU 043

Wuhan Univ. of Technology CHU 051

Yunnan University CHU162

Other: ______


Test results should be sent to George Mason University’s Office of Admissions directly from your testing agency.

Have you taken the TOEFL or IELTS exam? Yes / No


Test Score Date Taken Test Score Date Taken

Country of Citizenship ______City and Country of Birth ______
Native Language ______How long have you studied the English language? ______

Have you visited the United States before? Yes / No

If Yes, When ______For what purpose: ______


Have you ever been placed on academic or social suspension or dismissed from any college, university, or other formal postsecondary educational program? (If yes, attach a statement of explanation.) Yes / No

Please list any other American schools you are applying to: ______



George Mason University shares the tradition of an honor system that has existed in Virginia since 1842. The Honor Code is an integral part of university life, and it is the student’s responsibility to understand the provisions of the code. Attempted cheating, plagiarism, lying, and stealing constitute Honor Code violations. In the spirit of the code, students and faculty must report all violations to the Honor Committee. The complete Honor Code is found in the University Catalog and will be fully explained during orientation.

I will read and accept the responsibility of the Honor Code if I am approved for admission to George Mason University.

Signature ______Date ______


The Admissions Committee is interested in learning more about you. On a separate sheet of paper, please write at least 150 words about yourself. Please use this essay to relate information about yourself that cannot be found elsewhere on your application. You may choose to write about your ambitions and goals, a special talent, or unusual interest that sets you apart from your peers, or a significant event or relationship that has influenced you during your life. Please include your name on your essay.


I certify that all information given on this application is complete, true, and correct.

Signature ______Date ______

Other Information

Find the 1-2-1 application online to print.

See what services the Office of International Programs and Services offer.

ATTN: Kevin Holmes

George Mason University

Admissions Office

4400 University Drive

MS 3A4

Fairfax, VA 22030, USA

Phone (001) 703-993-2400

Fax (001) 703-993-2392