Name: ______

Hour: ______Teacher: ______

The Media Center Scavenger Hunt is a basic introduction to the Media Center services that will help prepare you for the next four years. You will be given a grade for this activity. Please remember that the goal is for you to explore and become familiar with resources so you can make wise decisions when working on research projects in any of your classes.

Write your answers on this handout or use a computer to type your answers. You do not have to work on the questions in order.

Please remember to work quietly and efficiently!

1. Politely introduce yourself to one, two, or three of the Media Center staff members. Spell their names correctly.

·  Library Media Specialist’s Name: ______

·  Media Center Assistant’s Name: ______

·  Media Center Assistant’s Name: ______

2. Locate and browse through the biography section (it’s the 92s) and list one title you’d like to read. ______

3. How much does it cost to make a photocopy in our library? _____¢

4. Locate the Media Center’s magazine list (the two tables with a partition) or find the magazine area near the Circulation Desk. Copy the titles of three magazines you didn’t know the Media Center had.

1. ______2. ______

3. ______

5.  Go to the fiction aisle. Find an author (by last name) with the same first letter as your last name. Now write down the author’s last name and the name of the book.

Author’s Last Name: ______

Name of the Book: ______

6. What is the cost of each black and white printout? _____¢ What is the cost of each color printout? _____¢

7. After you log-in to a computer with your user name (which is your ID number) and with your password, double click on the folder named “Media Center” which is at the top of the screen. In that folder, there are three Microsoft Office products listed. Name them.
1. ______2. ______3. ______

8. Use the Online Catalog for this question. Find a book that is on sports and tell what the call number is. Then find a book on basketball and tell what the call number is for that.

(Tip: Stay with the Online Catalog for questions 9 and 10.)

Sports: ______

Basketball: ______
9. Using the Online Catalog, find one book using one of the following topics. Then write down the title, author name(s), publisher, and copyright year in the spaces below. Also, be sure to check to see if the book is available. (Tip: Stay with the Online Catalog for question #10.)

a. Civil War b. animal rights c. basketball d. mythology

Complete Title: ______

Author: ______

Publisher: ______

Copyright Year: ______Is this book available? ______

10. Click on “Details” in the book record you found for question #9. Printout ONLY ONE PAGE from the Online Catalog of the book you found in question #9 and staple it to the back of this questionnaire. It MUST have the information you stated in the previous question.

11. What is the Subscriber Login and what is the Password needed use the Online Databases?

Subscriber Login: ______

Password: ______

12. Name any four databases (in Online Databases).



13. What is the name of the encyclopedia we subscribe to that is found in Online Databases?


15. Locate the “New Books to Read” list under “Extra, Extra” on the Media Center’s Home Page. Name one book on this list you are most interested in reading.


DNL version 6.0, August 26, 2009