Date / 2009-12-21 / Last day for submission of tender / 2010-02-15
Validity of tender / 2010-05-17
Ref no: / IFM-2009-00302 / Procurement procedure / Open procurement


You are hereby invited to submit a tender for

Cathodoluminescence system compatible with SEM 1550 LEO

to the Dept. of Physics, Chemistry and Biology (IFM) at Linköpings universitet, Sweden

according to the conditions stated in these contract documents.


1.1general information

A Cathodoluminescence System compatible with the Scanning Electron Microscopy system LEO 1550is to be procured by Linköpings universitet (LiU) for the Dept. of Physics, Chemistry and Biology (IFM).


The procurement concerns a Cathodoluminescence System compatible with anexisting Scanning Electron Microscopy system LEO 1550at LinköpingUniversity and mustinclude installation, training and documentation as stated and specified in the technical specifications (Chapter 3).

Today we have a cathodoluminescence systemfrom Gatan. It is a MonoCL2 and IRMCL system, which allows measurements in the temperature range of 6 - 295 K, in the spectral range of 150 - 1700 nm for samples with a size of ~3 cm x 3 cm. The present CL system includes the following main parts: a paraboloidal mirror, a 300 mm focal length monochromator, a PA3 amplifier, detectors and a cold stage.

A new CL system should include:

  • Motorized spectrometer with a set of diffraction gratings.
  • Imaging, including spectral imaging.
  • Spectroscopy at least in the spectral range of 200-1500 nm.
  • Detection at least in the range of 200-1500 nm.
  • Computers and Software.


  • Motorized stage with liquid He cooling (variable T range 6-295 K)
  • Time resolved CL, the following separate time ranges are of interest:
    100 - 5000 ps, 5 ns – 100 µs, 100 µs – 1s.
  • EDX simultaneous with CL imaging.

Separate prices must be given for the main part and for the options.

1.2Contracting entity

Linköpings universitet


SE-581 83 Linköping


1.2.1Contact persons

For questions of an administrative nature, contact Anders Lindman, , University Procurement. For technical and scientific issues, Associate professor Galia Pozina, , should be contacted.

If the tenderer wishes clarification of any aspect of the Contract documents, an enquiry must be submitted in writing directly to the contact person for this procurement, at such point of time that a response can be delivered six (6) days before the last day for tender submittal.

Enquiries will be answered and published at The tenderer is solely responsible for obtaining complete documentation.


Complementary additions/amendments according to the contract documents will be announced at

1.3Contract documents

1.3.1List of documents

The contract documents consist of the following documents and appendices:

  • this document - administrative regulations, qualification of the tenderer and technical specifications,
  • Appendix 1: Public contract (draft),
  • Appendix 2: “Declaration of truthfulness”,.

The tenderer is solely responsible for obtaining complete documentation according to this list of documents.

1.4Procurement procedure

This is an open procurement procedure, in accordance with the Swedish law of public procurements (SFS 2007:1091 chapter 4).


1.5.1Validity of the tender

The tender is valid provided that it is:

  • signed by an authorised representative of the tendering company,
  • submitted no later than 2010-02-15. The tenderer is solely responsible for the timely arrival of the tender. A tender that arrives later than stipulated, will not be considered,
  • valid until 2010-05-17, which explicitly must be confirmed in the tender.
  • Formality of the tender

Formal requirements for the tenders are as follows:

  • written in the Swedish or English language,
  • submitted in a closed envelope/package marked with Tender and reference numberIFM2009-00302.Please note that tenders submitted by delivery firms will need the outer packaging to bear the tender number also,
  • submitted in one (1) original and two (2) complete copies,

Tenders submitted by fax or e-mail will not be accepted, since confidentiality can not be guaranteed.

1.5.3Submission of tender

The tender can either be sent by post, by express or be delivered personally at the address stated


Visiting and express delivery address: Mailing address:

Linköpings Universitet Linköpings Universitet

Registrator, Building Origo Registrator,

SE-581 83 Linköping SE-581 83 Linköping

Sweden Sweden

Office hours are Monday – Friday 09.00 – 15.00. There is a small mailbox outside the Origobuilding were tenders can be delivered, but it is very limited in size (27,5 cm * 3.5 cm). Keep inmind that tenders are submitted at the risk of the tenderer, and to ensure that the tender can besubmitted correctly, the office hours should be taken into consideration.

A notification of reception will be sent upon formal opening of the tenders.

1.5.4Disposition of the tender

To ensure equal treatment and to facilitate assessment of tenders, the tenderer is requested to follow the order and numbering of this document.

If no statement is made with respect to a requirement, the contract entity is entitled to interpret this as the requirement is not fulfilled.


Before the evaluation process starts, the formal requirements are checked in accordance with 1.5. If any of those are not fulfilled, the tender in question may not be taken into consideration.

1.6.1Qualification of the tenderer

The requirements in chapter 2 is to ascertain that the tenderer has the necessary technical ability and capacity to fulfil the obligations concerning this public procurement. To qualify, these requirements have to be fulfilled.


Thereafter the requirements indicated as “must” in chapters 3-11, apart from options,will be checked. Only tenders that fulfil all these requirements will be evaluated further.


The public contract will be awarded to the economically most advantageous tender considering the award criteria below. The criteria are listed in order of priority and weighted in relation of importance. NB: the options will not be evaluated.


  1. Technical performance50%
  2. Total price40%
  3. Service10%

Criterion: 1. Technical performance

The tenders will be evaluated regarding fulfilment of the Should- requirements, and given points in accordance with the intervals stated at each requirementin Chapter 3, the “Technical specifications”, where the highest points correspond to the highest performance. Max point sum for the main part: 74.

All tenders will then receive a mark between 1 and 50 for the criteria, based on the formula below.

Criterion: 2. Total price

The total price will be given marks in relation to the lowest price as specified below.

Criterion: 3. Service offered

The tenders will be evaluated regarding provided service assistance, and given marks between
1-50 for the criteria, where the highest mark correspond to the best service assistance.

Final marks

The mark for each criterion will be weighted as stated above. The sum of the weighted marks will be the final total mark, which corresponds to the most advantageous tender.


In accordance with the Official Secrets Act (Offentlighets- ochsekretesslagen 2009:400) all data pertaining to a procurement matter is subject to secrecy until an agreement has been entered into or procurement has otherwise been concluded.

Any data mentioned may be subject to secrecy even after the aforementioned time. Note, however that only in exceptional cases data and prices according to the evaluation of the tender is considered to be of such nature that it may be held secret for commercial reasons. With respect to commercial secrecy for the protection of a tenderer’s data, the requirement is that the data in question refers to the tenderer’s business- or service conditions and that there is a specific reason to presume that the tenderer will suffer damages if the data is disclosed.

If a tenderer considers the data submitted in connection with this procurement matter fulfils the aforementioned requirements for commercial secrecy, the tenderer must submit a request for commercial secrecy, in writing; with clarification concerning the data referred to and what damage the tenderer would suffer if the data were disclosed.

The decision whether or not the data submitted by the tenderer fulfils the requirements for commercial secrecy will be made by the Contracting Entity


At least 10 days before signing the public contract, notification of the Contracting Entity´sdecision in this matter of procurement will be sent in writing to all tendering companies.

Until the public contract being signed, an appeal for reconsideration of this decision may be made to Länsrätten (the County Administrative Court) in ÖstergötlandCounty.

Address: Box 406, SE-581 04 Linköping, Sweden.
E-mail: .


Please note that there is no legally binding agreement until a public contract is signed by both parties.


To ensure that the tenderer is suitable as a supplier for the specified procurement, the down below requirements must be fulfilled.

2.1Legal position

According to the Swedish law of public procurement (LOU) the tenderer may not:

  • Be in bankruptcy or liquidation proceedings, under compulsory administration or subjectto composition or have until further notice ceased making payments or be subject to tradeprohibition.
  • Be subject to filing for bankruptcy, compulsory liquidation, compulsory administration,composition or other similar proceedings.
  • Have been found guilty of unprofessional conduct according to final and conclusivejudgment.
  • Have been found guilty of serious wrongdoings in professional conduct.
  • Have failed to fulfil liabilities concerning taxes and social fees.

Furthermore, checks are made that:

  • The tenderer is registered in the companies’ register, commercial register or similarregister.
  • The tenderer is registered for reporting and payment of taxes, withheld preliminary taxand employer fees.

The tenderer must confirm that there are no grounds for exclusion according to the above,through provision of the documents mentioned below.

Tenderers located abroad

The following national official documentsmustbe enclosed to the tender:

1)certificate of enrolment in a professional trade register,

2)certificate that the tenderer has fulfilled obligations relating to the payment of social security contributions,

3)certificate that the tenderer has fulfilled obligations relating to the payment of taxes.

Swedish tenderers

The form SKV4820 ”Begäran/Svar Offentliga uppgifter”, SKV4820, applies to verify the requirements stated above, p. 2-3 and “Registreringsbevis” from Bolagsverket applies to verify p. 1 above.

The information must not be older than 3 months as from last day for submission of tender.

All tenderers

Appendix no 2, “Declaration of truthfulness” must also be signed and enclosed to the tender.

2.2Technical ability and capacity

The tender must include description of at least two (2) projects, similar to this one, executed during the past three (3) years, including references specified with names and telephone numbers or e-mail addresses to contact persons.


If the tenderer intends to engage subcontractors to perform certain parts or services, these shall be, stated, and specified in the tender. Completed form SKV 4820 or affidavits shall be appended for any subcontractors, as presented in section 2.1

3Technical specifications


A Cathodoluminescence (CL) System compatible with our present Scanning Electrom Microscopy system LEO 1550 and present MonoCL2 systemis to be procured by IFM at Linköpings universitet. The new CL system will be used for characterization of a broad range of materials including oxides, different semiconductors, MAX-phases and other materials. Different materials emit luminescence covering a broad spectral range from IR to deep UV, i.e. from 130 to 1700 nm.The size of objects for investigation by CL may vary from bulk wafers (2” in diameter and 5 mm thick) to nanodots with radius of few nm. Thus, there is a need to identify luminescence from the objects (which can be structural defects or artificially fabricated nanostructures) with geometrical size less than 50 nm.

Upgrading of IFM’s (LiU’s) old Mono CL2 system up to new technical requirements and specifications may be allowed. The present system allows measurements in the temperature range of 6 - 295 K, in the spectral range of 150 - 1700 nm for samples with a size of ~3 cm x 3 cm. The system includes the following main parts:

1. A paraboloidal mirror, which can be retracted under vacuum inside the SEM chamber. This mirror collects and guides the light to the monochromator slits (for monochromatic CL measurements) or directly onto detector (for panchromatic CL imaging).

2. A300 mm focal length monochromator with a dispersion of ~2 nm/mm for the 1800 lines/mm diffraction grating. Simultaneously, two gratings are installed inside the monochromator, and the gratings can easily be replaced. We have set of 3 gratings: 1800, 1200 and 600 lines/mm with a size of 69 mm x 69 mm. Manually variable slits (input - output) calibrated in the range of 10 µm -5 mm, not calibrated below 10 µm. The monochromator box contains the optical chopper with a frequency of 200 Hz, which modulates the signal detected by a Ge-detector.

3. PA3 amplifier, which provides a complete set of support electronics for CL system including power supplies and signal amplification for detectors and stepper motor drive electronics.

4. Detectors: a high sensitive Peltier cooled photomultiplier tube, which is operating in the UV-visible range (160-900 nm) and a liquid nitrogen cooled Ge-detector. Both detectors are mounted at the same time.

5. The cold stage operates by transfer through the GFS300 transfer tube of coolant from a separate vessel with liquid helium. There is a heat exchanger where the temperature is measured by a rhodium-iron sensor. Temperature between 6 and 295 K is controlled by ITC-4 temperature controller. The stage allows manually adjust X, Y and Z positions.

The new CL system should have the following important parts:

  • spectrometer with diffraction gratings for dispersion of the emitted light
  • detection system (high sensitive photomultiplier tube operating in UV-visible region, IR detector, CCD (parallel detection) operating in UV and IR regions
  • computer and software to control monochromator, detectors and for acquisition of CL spectra, CL images and spectrum imaging.
  • stage tool which can be cooled by liquid He. There should be a holder where samples can be mounted

The system should be user friendly, since it will be used by researchers with various backgrounds (at least 10-15 Ph.D. students and postdocs will be working with the system).

3.2 SPECIFICATIONS FOR The completeCL system

3.2.1 / Fulfilled
Yes / No
The system will be used for measurements of the CL spectra for such materials as GaN, AlN, SiC, ZnO, Al2O3, InN, GaAs and others. Thus, the system must be functional in at least a spectral range of 200 -1500 nm.
3.2.2 / Fulfilled
Yes / No
The system must be compatible with our existing SEM LEO 1550 system.
Spatial resolution should be better than 100 nm (points 0-5).
3.2.4 / Fulfilled
Yes / No
The CL system must be able to operate at variable temperatures between
6-295 K.
3.2.5 / Fulfilled
Yes / No
The CL system mustoperateeither with our present cold stage or with an alternative supplemented motorized cold stage.
Describe suggested solution:
3.2.6 / Fulfilled
Yes / No
The CL system must provide spectrum imaging and a fast, spectral acquisition system, which covers at least a spectral range of 200-800 nm. A wider range, 150-1700 nm, is preferred.
Specify speed for spectral acquisition (points 1-5):
3.2.7 / Fulfilled
Yes / No
The CL system must have an option for measuring of the spatially resolved CL maps at chosen wavelength.
3.2.8 / Fulfilled
Yes / No
The CL system must have detection with both PMT and parallel optics (CCD) in at least a range of 200-800 nm (UV-visible-near IR). 150 nm as a lower end is preferred (points 1-5).
Specify offered range:
The CL system should have parallel detection in a range of 800-1700 nm (IR) (points 0-5).
Specify range:
The CL system should have a spectral dispersion of 2 nm/mm or better for the diffraction grating with 1800 lines/mm (points 0-5).
Specify spectral dispersion:
The system should have an option for performing calibration of the monochromator with a reference light (for example with Hg lamp) (points 0/5).
Specify solution:
3.2.12 / Fulfilled
Yes / No
Software for the system must be compatible with the existing software for the existing SEM system LEO 1550.
3.2.13 / Fulfilled
Yes / No
The system must have a holder for samples with at least a size of 1 x 2 cm.
The system should have an option to measure samples with at least a diameter of 2 inch(points 0-3).

3.3specification for Spectrometer

Spectrometer should have a 300 mm focal length or more (point 0-5).
Specify focal length:
3.3.2 / Fulfilled
Yes / No
Spectrometer must have slits adjustment.
3.3.3 / Fulfilled
Yes / No
Spectrometer must have mirrors which can be positioned for measurements of panchromatic CL and monochromatic CL.
3.3.4 / Fulfilled
Yes / No
Spectrometer must have motorized optics with software control.
Spectrometer shouldhave separate coupling to spectral detection in UV-visible region, IR region and to parallel detection (points 0-5).
Describe couplings:
3.3.6 / Fulfilled
Yes / No
Spectrometer shouldhave universal holder to fit different optical filters (points 0/3).
Spectrometer should have optics for light injection (such as calibration lamp, laser beam etc) (points 0-5).
Describe offered optics:

3.4SPECIFICATIONS FOR The detection system

3.4.1 / Fulfilled
Yes / No
Detection must be possiblein at least a range of 200-1500 nm.
3.4.2 / Fulfilled
Yes / No
Detection for 200-800 nm should be both spectral and parallel (PMT and CCD) (points 0/5).
3.4.3 / Fulfilled
Yes / No
Detection for 800-1700 nm should be both spectral and parallel (points 0/5).
3.4.4 / Fulfilled
Yes / No
Detection must be controlled by software.
Detection should include noise reduction function (points 0/5).


3.5.1 / Fulfilled
Yes / No
The system should be controlled by a PC (points 0-2).
3.5.2 / Fulfilled
Yes / No
Software must be fully integrated with the system.
3.5.3 / Fulfilled
Yes / No
The system must have software for spectrum imaging.
3.5.4 / Fulfilled
Yes / No
Documentation of the softwaremust be provided.


Software should have option to save information (collected data) in user-friendly formats, like ascii, jpeg, tiff, etc(points 0-3).
3.5.7 / Fulfilled
Yes / No
Program errors, if any,must be corrected free of charge.
Free software updates should be included (points 0-3).
Specify number of years free updates are provided:

3.6 SPECIFICATION FOR The Cold stage(optional)

3.6 / Fulfilled
Yes / No
Separate pricemust be given for thisoption, if applicable.
Price in SEK:
3.6.1 / Fulfilled
Yes / No
Stage must have a holder, which moves along X, Y and Z-axis, if applicable.
Accuracy of the position should be 100 nm or better (for X, Y axis).
Specify accuracy:
3.6.3 / Fulfilled
Yes / No
Temperature must be controlled in at least range of 6-295 K, if applicable.
Please specify if you can provide heating to higher temperatures.
3.6.4 / Fulfilled
Yes / No
Stage must be motorized and controlled by software, if applicable.

3.7SPECIFICATION for the time-resolved CL (optional)

3.7 / Fulfilled
Yes / No
Separate price must be given for this option, if applicable.
Price in SEK:
3.7.1 / Fulfilled
Yes / No
The system should measure CL decay time (at chosen wavelength) in range 100 µs - 1 s.
3.7.2 / Fulfilled
Yes / No
The system should measure CL decay time in range 1µs- 100 µs.
3.7.3 / Fulfilled
Yes / No
The system should measure CL decay time in range 10 ns- 1µs.
3.7.4 / Fulfilled
Yes / No
The system should measure CL decay time in range 100 ps- 10 ns.
The tenderer can suggest what can be offered or developed:

3.8SPECIFICATION for EDX and CL Imaging(optional)