West Port High School
Jeremy Shepard
Guitar Instructor
Mrs. Jayne Ellspermann
Mrs. Laurie Reeder
MCCA Administrator
The Guitar Program, part of the Marion County Center for the Arts, at West Port High School is designed to challenge each student to both improve on the student’s ability and improve the quality of the Program itself. As such it will require time and dedication by all of its members. Few other programs at the school give as much personal gratification coming from high quality music and performances.
Members of the Guitar Program should be proud of the program and their role within it. There is evidence within the program, student body, faculty and the administration are proud of the successes of the Guitar Program.
This handbook is designed to help each student become a better member and student at West Port High School. This is yours because it contains guidelines, rules, and suggestions to help ensure the success of your Guitar Program.
It is the responsibility of each student to study and become thoroughly familiar with this handbook. Whenever a question arises, first consult the handbook. If you do not find the answer here, ask a section leader, and if necessary ask the Guitar Instructor.
Because of the cost of maintaining the Program’s property there are fees associated with being a member of the program. The fees below are far less than the cost of taking private lessons at a local studio.
New Students: $70 ($35 MCCA/Lab fee, $25 Uniform Costs, $10 Strings)
Returning Students: $50($35 MCCA fee, $15 Strings)
Code of Conduct
Students in the Guitar Program are expected to uphold the same values of West Port High School:
“We Are Prompt, Prepared, Polite and Productive”
As well as the MCCA creed:
“We shall be Respectful, Responsible, and Reliable”.
Students are expected to observe and uphold all rules, policies and values set forth by West Port High School and the Marion County School Board.
Any student in the Guitar Program who does not follow these policies may face removal from the program.
Dress Code
All Guitar Program students are expected to adhere to the dress code set by West Port High School and Marion County Public Schools.
In addition:
Hair: Hair will out of the facial area and neatly groomed. Hair that is longer may need to be braided to fall into the requirements.
*No unnatural hair colors or extreme contrast of colors will be allowed.
Facial Hair: Facial hair must be neat, groomed and shaped. No hair on the neck. Mustaches must not go below the lips. Sideburns may not go below the bottom of the inside ear. Sideburns and beards cannot be more than ¼ inch.
Body Art and Jewelry: Ears may only have one small silver stud per ear lobe. No facial piercings allowed and no tattoos may be visible at any time. No body piercing will be allowed to show at any time.
Other items: No extreme colored fingernail polish, excessive make-up, rings, bracelets or watches are to be worn in concert uniform. In concert wear girls may only wear small (Standard) hoops, studs, and appropriate jewelry. No dangling earrings are to be worn
Rehearsal/Class Procedures
Rehearsal time is valuable and every moment must be used for actual rehearsal purposes. If rehearsal is delayed for one minute, a great deal of time is lost because every other member of the Guitar Program has also been forced to waste one minute. Such delays WILL result in additional or extended rehearsals.
The following regulations are used in all fine organizations, and they are the foundation of our rehearsal procedure:
1. All students should spend the pre-rehearsal time assembling the equipment (instrument, music, stand, etc.) necessary for the activity.
2. For class rehearsals, students are considered tardy if they are not in the Guitar Room when the tardy bell finishes ringing. All tardies are unexcused unless properly excused by valid reasons and a pass.
3. Students will be given two minutes immediately following the tardy bell to complete their preparation for rehearsal. When the two minutes have expired, if the student is not seated in his/her chair, their instrument ready to play, and with music and stand in place, their participation grade may be lowered.
4. For other rehearsals (after school, sectionals, etc.), a student is considered TARDY when not in place, and ready to perform at the assigned time..
5. There will be NO individual playing, tuning or warming up once the preparation period has expired or attention is called.
6. When someone is conducting rehearsal there are to be NO disruptions, including playing and talking.
7. At no time before, during, or after a rehearsal will “doodling” be permitted. Should the Guitar Instructor be called from the rehearsal, an assigned student will continue the rehearsal. Members are expected to give their full cooperation to the student in charge.
8. Students must bring the following items to all rehearsals:
a. Instrument.
b. Extra picks.
c. All music.
d. Sharpened pencils.
e. Appropriate clothing.
f. Planner.
g. Tuner.
9. Chewing gum can cause damages to the instrument, so it is therefore not allowed in the Guitar Room or at any performances by any member of the Program.
10. DO NOT handle or use any instrument, music, or equipment that is not yours, and/or is not assigned to you.
11. The Guitar Room must be kept clean and orderly. Store your instrument and music in assigned places. Books and other personal belongings are to be left in the Guitar Locker Room.
12. Guitar Program members are expected to check the tuning of their instruments regularly on a chromatic tuner.
13. Extra rehearsals are vitally important, and the attendance of every student is required. Section rehearsals are also important to the development of a fine program. Whenever there is a meeting of a section or group, it is the responsibility of each student to be present.
14. Tests will be assigned based on progress within the class.
15. Do not sit in any cushioned seat without prior permission.
16. Failure to attend an after school rehearsal for a concert may result in the student not being allowed to perform at the concert unless the student has been excuse well in ADVANCE of the rehearsal.
Public Appearances
Report to the designated place with enough time to tune your instrument and be ready to play or transport at the specified time. Reporting times and Inspection times will be announced in advance.
Information in regard to all rehearsals, drills and events will be announced in advance or be posted on the bulletin board or the dry erase board in the Guitar Room. It is the responsibility of the student to obtain, read, and remember this information. Should you wish additional information in regard to an event, please contact another student or the Guitar Instructor if necessary.
ALL rehearsal regulations are in effect during public performances. Students will not be allowed to leave an event before the group dismissal time.
Members are responsible for their own equipment and instruments at all times. DO NOT leave them with other members of the Program or other people. Remember your responsibility for bringing your instrument and do not expect or depend upon someone else to assume this responsibility for you.
Internet Sites
Facebook, Twitter, MySpace, YouTube, Tumblr and other social networks like this can be a great place to post all of the outstanding things that this group does. We have much to be proud of and we encourage you to post awesome clips and to talk positively about what you enjoy here. At the same time let me stress that nothing negative about this program will be tolerated if you want to be a member of this program. We are only looking for positive people to represent West Port and the quality Arts programs here. We need to be honest to ourselves about our deficiencies so that we can improve, but the internet is not the place. Understand that this is a very important obligation of the Guitar Program.
Guitar grades are determined through the following base formula:
10% Homework
10% Class Participation
20% Theory
20% Technique
40% Performances
The Homework portion of the grade is compromised of a monthly Practice Journal which must be submitted the last Block Day of each month signed by the student and the PARENT or GUARDIAN. Failure to submit a practice log by the deadline will result in one letter grade lowered per day.
Class Participation grades are determined by many factors. Primary consideration is based on performance/participation in class, rehearsals and performances. Secondary considerations include attitude, use of natural talent, improvement, musicianship, and uniform inspection. Class Participation is a recurring weekly grade.
Unexcused missed rehearsals, performances, non-participation, etc. will directly lower the report card grade. There are very few excused reasons. Death in the family, bed-ridden illness, a serious accident, etc. would be considered as an excused absence. Students will receive a “0” for any missed performance or rehearsal that is not properly excused.
The Theory and Technique sections are used for quizzes which are categorized by performance assessments (Technique) or written assessments (Theory).
The Performance portion of the grade is compromised of public performances made by the students and will be omitted in grading periods in which it will not be used, in such a case the Technique and Theory weights are doubled.
Conduct grades of an unsatisfactory nature are reserved for students who have been disruptive during class or dismissed from rehearsals, drills, or a performance for disciplinary reasons.
Practice Journal
Each student in the Guitar Program is required to keep a Practice Journal. The practice journal should keep track of not only time spent practicing; but what the student practiced, what the student struggled with and is used to monitor student progress. Each week the student’s parent or guardian must sign the journal approving the amount of time the student has spent practicing.
The Practice Journal is due the last Block Day of each month. For every day the journal is late the student will be deducted 10% of the assignment grade.
Parental Involvement
There may be some activities that arise that require extra supervision, transportation, and other forms of assistance. Involvement on the part of the parents plays a crucial role in allowing the Guitar Program to run smoothly and function efficiently. Whenever parental assistance is needed a message will go out via the students, email, instructor website and the Guitar Program’s social media pages on Facebook and Google+.
In an attempt to keep the cost of being in the guitar program as low as possible there will be an ongoing fundraiser seeking sponsors for the program. Having sponsors allows the Program to adequately maintain its property and occasionally purchase new equipment. Details will be provided to students via handout. Students/families who fail to participate may incur a $25 fee which will go towards helping the program.
Guitar Letter
Starting in the 2012-2013 school year the Guitar Program began to issue out letters to be placed on a letterman jacket. This letter should be worn with pride as it shows the student has gone above and beyond within the Guitar Program to earn it.
The requirements are as follows:
1. Must be a MCCA student enrolled in either Guitar 3 or Guitar 4 ensembles.
2. Must maintain above a 3.0 GPA.
3. Must never receive below a “B” in the Guitar class on a report card.
4. Must attend all Guitar concerts and rehearsals.
5. Must attend at least 2 non-Guitar concerts at WPHS, show proof of attendance, and turn in an evaluation of the performance.
a. -Cannot be during school hours.
b. -Cannot be performing at the concert.
6. Must attend 2 non-WPHS concerts, show proof of attendance, and turn in an evaluation of the performance. (Cannot be performing.)
7. Must perform all 12 2-Octave Major Scales, Natural Minor Scales and Blues Scales.
8. Must perform the following Modes and identify what key they belong to.
a. G Dorian
b. G Phrygian
c. G Lydian
d. G Mixolydian
e. G Aeloian
f. G Locrian
9. Students have the option of doing at least 2 of the following:
a. Tutor a Guitar 1 Student for a month.
b. Attend the FMEA Guitar Festival and receive an evaluation.
c. Perform a solo or in a small ensemble for either the Winter or Spring Guitar Concert.
d. Complete a college audition on Guitar/Bass.
e. Complete 1 year as a Guitar Officer.
I have read the information stated in this handbook. It is my understanding that I am responsible for knowing and following the rules, regulations, and guidelines in this handbook. I will uphold my responsibilities and strive to better the reputation of the West Port Guitar Program. I further understand and agree to the aforementioned responsibilities stated and accept the consequences of my actions and the rewards of being a member.
I understand that my membership in the Guitar Program is contingent upon the signing of and returning of this form and I will not be participating any program functions until I have done so.
I/We the parent(s) of ______have read this handbook, understand the material within, and agree to help our child abide by these policies.
Parent/Guardian Name(s) Parent/Guardian Signature Date
Student’s Name (Printed) Student’s Signature Date
Student Information
Student Name:______
Student Schedule: (period and teacher if schedule changes please change this sheet)
Student #(s):______
Parent Name:______
Parent #:______
Parent Email:______