7 - Central India (Chhapara): Give thanks for the FCS and Reformed Church of the Netherlands for sending volunteer teachers at Chhapara school for 6 weeks. Pray for them, for their safety, good health. This is a wonderful opportunity for the school. Volunteers from Australia are also welcomed.

8-India (Mukti): Pray for Glenda with Lorraine and Anil Francis as they deputise in Queensland from the 25th July to 16th August. Pray for energy and strength and a good response as they speak about Mukti at around 30 venues.

9-Australia (AIM): Give thanks for the work of the board, and pray for wisdom as they search for someone to replace Rev. Leggott when he retires.

10-Perú (Colegio San Andrés): The school is hoping to buy ground for their kindergarten and lower grades. Pray for wisdom and success for those involved in this effort.

11-Siliguri, India (Dr TigiVerghis):Tigi is thankful for family time over the school’s summer break. Pray for Astrid and the boys returning to Hebron, and for Tigi travelling to Bangladesh for meetings, and preparing for a workshop in NE India.

12-Central India (Chhapara):Give thanks for the good number of admissions,especially in the English section. Pray for the staff and for the good Christian witness in this region.

13-Australia (CWI):Pray for wisdom for the Council and Chair Peter Kaldor, as it restructures to ensure good use of personnel and resources, and for UK Council (Chair Alex Cowie) giving advice and support. Pray for Godly men and women with the needed gifts to reach out with the Gospel to Australia’s 100,000 Jews, the whole purpose of CWI’s existence.

14-Australia (Brisbane PCEA):Pastor Jim and his wife Julieare looking for a rental house in the Sunnybank area, seekingto develop contacts there, with the long-term hope of having a preaching station starting up. Pray that their efforts may bear fruit.

15-South Africa (DTI):We thank the Lord for the steady increase of students into our new Certificate of Christian Foundations programme which started in January. Please pray that this new certificate will be a real building component for ministry and lay a solid foundation for all students.

16-Perú (Colegio San Andrés): The school is hoping to expand their social outreach. Pray that God may bless their efforts, and that this may be a means to spread the love and truth of Jesus Christ.

17-India (Mukti): Praise God for thegenerosityof our donors who have responded so well to the JuneAppeal towards the water tanks for Mukti flower family houses and for the food rations in Sri Lanka (Wings of Hope).

18-Central India (Lakhnadon):Please pray for the doctors, nurses, and other staff workers at the Lakhnadon Christian Hospital.

19-Australia (AIM): Pray for wisdom for Trevor and others in AIM continuing to interact with the Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse.

20-India (Taleem Centre): Pray as the Taleem centre reopens after the summer and Mr Mijin returns. Mariam met a lady from USA who is interested in ministry to Muslims- pray she will be an encouragement. Praise that Mariam has been able to download Sunday School material for the village children.

21-Perú (Colegio San Andrés): The school recently celebrated their 99th anniversary. Give thanks for this, and pray that God may grant the school many more years in His service. Give thanks also for the school’s good relationship with the parents of the students.

22-Germany (CWI): An evangelistic outreach to Berlin’s 50,000 Jews was held in July with many Jews and Gentiles presented with the Gospel through conversations and distribution of literature. Pray for the very important follow-up of those who show interest. Pray that the tracts will be read and conversations mulled over and that the Holy Spirit will work in the lives of many and draw them to Christ.

23-Central India (Chhapara):Pray for one of the former students of Chhapara school, now an engineer in New Delhi. He heard about Christ and Bible stories from Late Rev P. Kumar, and he recently came home and showed much interest in knowing more about Christ. He also asked for a Bible. Please pray for him that Holy Spirit works in his heart as he reads the word of God.

24-Australia (PCEA):Praise for those lead to join this tour from 20Dec to 3Jan. Pray for the orientation day on 24Sept and for all the arrangements being made. Pray for Pradeep and the church in India preparing to host this group.

25-South Africa (DTI):Please pray for Dr.Whytock the Acting Principal as he travels eachSundayto congregations mainly in the Eastern Cape but also in other provinces in SA, telling about the work of Dumisani. May this help raise up more church involvement in South Africa and a sense of ownership of the work by the South African community.

26-India (Mukti): Pray for the plans for deputation in NSW, ACT and Victoria in Sept. with Vaishali and Martha from India.

27-Central India (Chhapara):Brother Vishal is being ordained to the ministry. Pray for his future ministry with PFCCI.

28-Perú (Colegio San Andrés): The school is hoping to acquire new technology for the classrooms, especially smartboards. Pray that they may be able to acquire it, and that it may be helpful for teaching and learning.

29-Australia (AIM): Give thanks for the long-serving AIM missionaries, and pray for new workers to serve in the open posts available, especially in the Northern Territory.

30-India (Miriam, from the Taleem Centre): Seeing snakes around her house made Mariam very scared. Thankfully the monsoon has come and made it cooler. A Bible study she started attending suddenly stopped; pray she can find new one. Pray for her brother Zach trying for further studies in the USA.

31 -Central India (Chhapara):Thank you all for praying for Mr. Ashok Das. He is much better now. Continue to pray for his healing.

PCEA Prayer Notes
August / September 2016

1 - Delhi, India (Dr Dickson):The training for girls is affected by sickness of Rekha the teacher. Pray for healing. Pray for Dickson dealing with corruption in an old mission organization- he needs wisdom and protection! Pray for his leadership in EGF ministry among students.

2 - Central India (Chhapara):One of the church planters in the Dindori district is reporting that there have been some incidents of opposition in the village. Please pray for a peaceful atmosphere so that they can continue to spread Christ's love.

3-Australia (CWI):After leaving Korea, KayChan and Sue served for 8 years in Israel, then with CWI in Sydney for 10. In August they take up Christian mission work among Jews in Kyrgyzstan. They thank us for our prayers for themselves and Sar and Sara and would appreciate continuing prayer in their new, very different ministry.

4-Australia (All Nations Congregation in Melbourne): Pray for our Nuer brothers and sisters who are distressed about the resumption of fighting in South Sudan and anxious about loved ones, with some bereaved. Pray for an end to the fighting and that allegiance to Christ will have pre-eminence over the hostilities of ancient tribal rivalries.

5 -Perú (Colegio San Andrés): The new term begins on the 8th of August. Pray that the vacations may have been beneficial for teachers and students, and that the new terms may be a good opportunity for learning and growth.

6 -South Africa (DTI):There have been three "break-ins" and robberies at the Dumisani campusin six months. They are taking measures to add more security fencing etc but all this takes money and time to arrange. They are thankful to have found an efficient man to help us build new security panels etc. Please pray for the two male students who live on campus.