Name: ______

Address: ______

Contact Phone: ______

Email: ______

Occupation: ______

Blue Card No*: ______

Blue Card Expiry Date: ______

*Please attach copy of Blue Card or Application for Blue Card (whatever is applicable)

As a Management Committee member (excluding Life Members) you are required to also be responsible for at least one additional role to contribute to the operation of Carina JRLFC. The objective and responsibilities of the roles are attached. Available roles are as follows:

a)  Referee Coordinator

b)  First Aid Coordinator

c)  Marketing and Sponsorship Officer

d)  Senior Teams Coordinator

e)  Raffles Coordinator

f)  Functions and Events Coordinator

g)  Game Day Coordinators

h)  Gear Steward

i)  Registrar (Mini/Mod, Junior International, Senior International and Women’s)

j)  Age Group (including Ball Boy) Coordinators

k)  Old Boys Association Representative

l)  Zone 3 Representative

m)  BSDL Representative

Preference # 1: ______

Preference # 2: ______

Preference # 3: ______

Proposed By Name and Signature: ______

Seconded By Name and Signature: ______

I ______accept nomination for the above position. I understand that if my nomination is successful, I will be actively involved with the operation of Carina JRLFC. I will receive free membership to the Carina JRLFC and I will abide by the Rules, By-Laws and Conditions of the Constitution of the Club. I hereby give my consent for a Suitability Notice for a Volunteer check to be carried out as required under Queensland State Laws.

Signature: ______

Date: ______

Referee Coordinator


·  To ensure all games run at the club have a fully qualified and registered referee in attendance; and

·  To ensure club referees are adequately trained both physically and in the laws of the game.


·  Liaise with the appropriate coordinator at Zone level;

·  Appoint referees ad keep an accurate record of who referees;

·  Ensure all referees are fully qualified and registered;

·  Attend to the administrative requirements necessary for the successful staging of game days;

·  Arrange training for referees Relationships; and

·  Liaise with Zone Referees Coordinator, referees and Coach and Development Officer ensuring all rule changes are known to all club Referees.


·  Liaise with Zone Referees Coordinator, referees and Coach and Development Officer; and

·  Reports to the Club Secretary.

Marketing and Sponsorship Officer


·  To promote and market the club in a positive light at all times;

·  To maximise the number of sponsors supporting the Club and to maximise revenue from the sponsorship base;

·  To manage the relationship between the Club and sponsors to ensure that all sponsors are serviced to a high level and are retained on a long term basis; and

·  To provide support to the Executive and Committee members to ensure the efficient management of Club sponsorship activities.


·  Develop / implement a promotional plan for the club;

·  Submit club and individual team results to the newspaper;

·  Write media release regarding any news items and upcoming events;

·  Submit club and individual team results to association / league;

·  Prepare club newsletters and reports;

·  Assist with attracting and securing sponsorship;

·  Placing sponsorship in newsletters;

·  Main contact person for all media requirements;

·  Assist committee with marketing and new business ideas;

·  Manage all Carina JRLFC Social media sites;

·  Develop a proposal, for ratification by the Committee, for sponsorship packages to be offered by the Club to attract as broad a sponsorship as possible;

·  Co-ordinate all sponsorship for all areas of the club;

·  Meet the sponsorship budget target set as part of the annual financial planning process;

·  Ensure all existing sponsors are contacted three months prior to the season commencement;

·  Seek out new sponsors to supplement existing sponsors;

·  Ensure sponsors signage is in place and all other aspects of sponsorship packages are in place prior to the commencement of the season;

·  Arrange a sponsor’s dinner (as part of the annual luncheon) at an appropriate time of the year;

·  Ensure all sponsorship agreements are honoured;

·  Maintain contact with all corporate sponsors throughout the season; and

·  Maintain strong relationships with all Club sponsors.


·  Reports to the Club Secretary;

·  Liaises with the Club Committee; and

·  Liaises with all media outlets.


·  Accountable to the Club Secretary and Executive.

Senior Teams Coordinator


·  To co-ordinate all off field football activities for the Clubs Senior teams to ensure that all players and off field staff are provided with the highest level of support to enable them to compete and perform at the highest level; and

·  To provide support to the Executive and Management Committee members to ensure the efficient operation of the Club.


·  Assist other Committee members in their duties as required; and

·  Undertake tasks at the request of the President, Executive or Management Committee.


·  Coordinate formulation of the Senior teams Operational Plan;

·  Formulate remuneration packages and contracts for players and coaches and ensure the contracts are executed;

·  Ensure that all contacts fall within the allocated budget and that variations are brought to the Club Executive prior to the Club being committed to the variation;

·  Assist with the appointment of appropriate personnel, or ensure they are appointed, team managers, trainers, runners and other team support staff to ensure smooth running on game days; and

·  Negotiate all clearances and player registrations in accordance with the league rules.

During Season

·  Coordinate delivery of the Senior teams Operational Plan;

·  Provide documentation in consultation with the Treasurer, all player payments and coaching fees;

·  Liaise between players, coaches, Club Executive and Management Committee by being a member of the club Management Committee;

·  Ensure all equipment is available as required by Coaches and/or League and that it is in good working order – includes match balls;

·  Ensure all support staff are in attendance and are provided with appropriate equipment to undertake their specific role;

·  Oversee the management of all training and match equipment including goal post covers;

·  Coordinate submission of game sheets and match reports after both home and away games;

·  Ensure players attending League tribunal hearings are supported by quality advocates; and

·  Ensure equipment, e.g. jerseys and footballs owned by Club are retained by Club.


·  Reports to the President and Executive;

·  Supports the senior coach, football support staff including team managers, trainers and League safe personnel; and

·  Liaises with Carina Leagues Club & other key stakeholders.

Raffles Coordinator


·  To provide support to the Executive and Committee members to ensure the efficient operation of Club raffles; and

·  To maximise revenue through the conduct of approved raffles through the course of the year.


·  Prepare a report detailing the conduct of all raffles for consideration by the Committee at the commencement of the season;

·  Ensure all raffles are conducted ethically and responsibly;

·  Arrange all tickets and prizes for all approved raffles;

·  Coordinate the selling of raffle tickets through either rostered personnel or others as required;

·  Arrange necessary permits where required for major raffles; and

·  Ensure all raffle are conducted as planned through the season.


·  Reports to the President and Club Treasurer;

·  Liaises with the Club Committee;

·  Liaises with Managers and others rostered to undertake raffles; and

·  Liaise with Management and Staff at Carina Leagues Club to ensure efficient running of raffles.


·  Raffles Coordinator is accountable to the Treasurer and the General Committee;

·  Provide a report on portfolio operations to the monthly Committee meeting as required; and

·  Seek ratification from the appropriate Committee member prior to committing the Club to any financial expenditure or action.

Functions and Events Coordinator


·  To establish a broad social calendar for the season and end of season to provide a range of appropriate entertainment for all Club members and to enhance the appeal of the Club to the wider community; and

·  To provide support to the Executive and Committee members to ensure the efficient operation of the Club.


·  Appoint a subcommittee to program and organise social events for the Club;

·  Prepare a calendar of social events that will attract the widest involvement form all members of the Club prior to the commencement of the season;

·  Ensure that all social events held are at least cost neutral to the Club;

·  Assist other Committee members in their duties as required; and

·  Undertake tasks at the request of the President, Executive or General Committee.


·  Reports to the Treasurer and General Committee;

·  Liaises with all relevant committee members and any person responsible for and or running any social event under the Club umbrella; and

·  Liaises with official Club suppliers and other key stakeholders.


·  The Functions and Events Coordinator is accountable to the President, Treasurer and the General Committee;

·  The Functions and Events Coordinator shall seek ratification from the General Committee of the social calendar including financial arrangements and shall thereafter have the authority to act within the limits of that arrangement; and

·  Provide a report on portfolio operations to the monthly Committee meeting.

Game Day Coordinators


·  The Game Day Coordinator is responsible that all home match day operations are conducted smoothly throughout the season. All rules and regulations are abided by and any and all incidents are recorded in the correct manner.


·  Co-ordinate the setting up and pulling down of fields at the start of the game day and when required during the day;

·  Ensure all facilities are kept in a clean state during game days and that all facilities have adequate disposable items (for example paper in the toilets);

·  Ensure game day paperwork is completed and left in office;

·  Ensure the correct reporting of any Maintenance or repairs that is required to club facilities;

·  Ensure the playing area is segregated or roped off. That an area is set aside for any sin bin or send off

·  On arrival at the ground by the referees, host and visiting clubs greet those persons and show them the dressing rooms and areas;

·  Whilst the game is in progress, you must be actively engaged in controlling the field and surrounds. (no spectators or children are allowed inside the fenced or roped areas);

·  One of the duty officials must be stationed in the middle of the two benches and has control of those on the bench and who is allowed on the bench (ie coaching staff only and players wearing playing gear that are signed on to play. There should be no others on or near the bench areas;

·  If a player is sent to the sin bin, the Duty Official shall escort the player to the designated area as well as a Team Official to time the player’s temporary dismissal from the field of play. This time does not include any time outs or half time breaks. At the completion of time, they are to advise the player to report to the Touch Judge/Referee before entering the field of play;

·  If any player is sent from the field of play, they are to escort the player (accompanied by a Team Official) to the dressing room. The player is not to leave the dressing room in his Club playing uniform;

·  At half time and full time, escort the Referee/Touch Judges to/from the dressing rooms if requested by the referee;

·  Assist the Referee in any way or manner as he/she desires;

·  Control and supervise all spectators and supporters;

·  Supervise that all alcohol is consumed in the designated area only. Ensure that no alcohol is being consumed from glass containers ; and

·  Report on any breach of the above matters. Breaches are to be entered in the appropriate section of the match report or games sheet (Note: the Duty Official is to print his name and sign any such report).

Responsible To

·  Vice President and the Management Committee of the club.

Responsibilities and Duties

·  Knowledge and Skills Required

·  Ideally a Game Day Co-ordinator is someone who:

·  Has strong interpersonal and oral communication skills including the ability to effectively liaise with players, coaches and spectators/supporters

·  Has a sound knowledge of the rules/regulations of the competition

Gear Steward


·  To ensure the proper distribution, cataloguing and subsequent return of all Club equipment;

·  Sourcing and ordering of any new equipment;

·  Assist with maintenance of all existing equipment.


·  Have charge of all Club equipment and shall arrange safe storage;

·  Shall issue relevant equipment to all Coaches/Managers in accordance with Club policy for

that year or as decided at a subsequent General Meeting;

·  Shall maintain a record of equipment on hand and on issue and submit an inventory of equipment

issued, by start of the competition;

·  Shall report regularly on the condition and quality of Club equipment;

·  Maintain existing equipment where safe and practicable to do so;

·  Shall replace old equipment when necessary and financially able; and

·  Liaise with all coaches and managers regarding the collection and return of all equipment at the

end of the season.


·  Reports to the Vice President and Committee; and

·  Liaises with the coaches and team managers.

Registrars (Mini/Mod, International, Men’s and Women’s)


·  To ensure all players are registered or transferred in accordance with the league rules and regulations.


·  Plan sign-on days before commencement of season;

·  Register all new players within the league guidelines;

·  Organise photographs of all new players and current players requiring new photos;