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Chapter 6 Review

Define the following terms, tell what each person did that was important during that time in history, or describe each event.

representation: a voice in one’s government

Committees of Correspondence: formed to spread information quickly – colonists wrote letters telling about what was happening in their towns and colonies

Articles of Confederation (What was it and what was its effect?): It was the first plan of government that made laws for the new nation. It helped hold the states together during the Revolutionary War.

Samuel Adams: organized the first Committee of Correspondence in Boston and was thought by many people to have planned the Boston Tea Party.

John Dickinson: was the head of the committee for the Articles of Confederation

Thomas Jefferson: was the main author of the Declaration of Independence

Richard Henry Lee: called for a resolution in the Second Continental Conference for independence from Britain

George Washington: was the commander in chief of the Continental Army

Proclamation of 1763 (What was it and what was its effect?): It was a British announcement that set aside lands west of the Appalachian Mountains for Native Americans. The colonists were angry and many ignored it.

French and Indian War (Tell the cause and effect): France and Britain were fighting about land they both claimed in North America. Britain won the war and they passed new tax laws for the colonies in order to pay the costs of the war.

First Continental Congress (Why did they meet and what did it do?): Colonists met in 1774 to decide how to respond to the British actions. It sent a petition to the king about the colonist’s rights and agreed to stop most trade with Britain and form militias.

Battles at Lexington and Concord: The beginning of the American Revolution.

Battle of Bunker Hill (What did it prove?): First major battle of the Revolution that proved to Britain that the colonists would not be easy to defeat.

Declaration of Independence: Congress voted to accept this important document, written by Thomas Jefferson, that stated the colonists’ rights and grievances against the king, on July 4, 1776.

How did colonists protest British policies? They boycotted British good, wove their own cloth instead of buying British cloth, chased British tax collectors out of their towns, formed Committees of Correspondence, organized protests, sent petitions to Parliament, and formed militias.