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Revised September 2014

Targeting Pronunciation, Miller.
This high intermediate listening/speaking course examines American and world events as reported in various media, particularly television news. Events and trends in culture, politics, the environment, business, the arts, sports, and science will be discussed. As a language course, we will focus on the vocabulary, grammatical structures and discourse patterns needed to comprehend and discuss news events and issues. The course provides instruction in English language pronunciation, spoken discourse, and listening comprehension.
By the end of successful completion of this class, the student will be able to:
  • Listen for Sounds and Pattern
  • Identify specific sounds (consonants, vowels, and word endings)
  • Identify syllables and stress patterns within words
  • Understand natural speech, including reduced and contracted speech
  • Listen for Meaning
  • Understand the main ideas of a talk or conversation
  • Identify major and minor details of a talk or conversation
  • Identify the speaker's tone/attitude
  • Listen and Take notes
  • Use of vocabulary appropriate to the level and topic.
  • Summarize and report stories and events
  • Express and support opinions
  • Give short individual presentations
  • Correctly produce vowel and consonant sounds in the beginning, middle, and ends of words.
  • Correctly produce –s and-ed endings in planned and most unplanned speech
  • Understand and use word stress and unstressed vowel sounds
  • Link sounds correctly in planned speech
  • Use thought groups and sentence intonation patterns with some success in planned and some unplanned speech.
  • Attend all classes on time.
  • Watch 30 minutes of news every evening.
  • Complete all assignments/quizzes/tests/etc.
  • Participate actively in class activities and assignments.
  • Do not engage in the use of cell phones or other electronic devices during class unless otherwise instructed by your teacher; place all cell phones at front of class whenever instructed.
  • Follow a news topic each evening through a news station on the Internet
  • 2 individual presentations
  • 1 group or pair presentation of a news interview
Students will be evaluated through their performance on listening quizzes, formal speaking presentations, daily spoken news reports and final listening and speaking exams. Grades in each area will be weighted as follows:
Listening Grade:
Quizzes on in-class listening to news reports (40%)
Quizzes on vocabulary (listening-based) (40%)
Compass Final Listening Exam (20%)
Speaking Grade:
Daily news reports (spoken) (40%)
Formal speaking presentations (40%)
Final Speaking Exam (20%)
Please note: If a student misses a final test, his/her average may be adversely affected, and the student may be ineligible for honors upon graduation.
Letter Grades (and the percentages they represent):
100 - 93 = A / 89 - 88 = B+ / 79 - 78 = C+ / 69 - 68 = D+
92 - 90 = A- / 87 - 83 = B / 77 - 73 = C / 67 - 63 = D
82 - 80 = B- / 72 - 70 = C- / 62 - 60 = D-
59 - 0 = F
In addition to your letter grades for listening and speaking, you will receive a number grade representing your effort in class. Effort includes attitude, class participation, and completion of homework (mainly daily listening logs).
1 = Outstanding effort
2 = Satisfactory effort
3 = Unsatisfactory effort
Promotion Policy:
A student must have a final grade average of C (73%) or higher AND no skill area grades below a C- (i.e. D+, D, D-, F) to be promoted to the next level.
A student may NOT repeat a level more than three times. If you do not pass the same level two times, you will be retained once more at that level or you will be moved down (demoted) one level. If you do not pass a level the third time, you will be dismissed from the ELI.
The official ELI policy will be strictly enforced. You are counted as late after five minutes and up to fifteen minutes. After fifteen minutes, you are counted absent no matter what time you come to class. You must attend 85% of all classes and maintain a C average to receive a certificate.
For Honors, you must attend 90% of all classes and have an A average in both of your classes. There are no excused absences. We expect you to be present for every class. You will be marked absent if you do not attend.
If you are absent with a valid excuse, it is your responsibility to make up any missed work. Whenever possible, tell the instructor in advance when you will be absent and make arrangements for completing your assignments.