Multilayer glass for building


Introduction date 2003-01-01

1 Field of application

The present standard applies to flat multilayer glass with enhanced performance for staff and valuables protection purposes, safe glazing of translucent building structures (front and structural glazing, horizontal glazing elements, window and door cases, showcases, floors, etc.). Multilayer glass can also be used for other purposes according to its technical characteristics.

Terms and definitions used in the standard correspond to GOST 111 and Appendix A.

Standard can be used for certification purposes.

3 Classification, basic parameters and dimensions

3.1 Multilayer glass shall be manufactured under the requirements of the present standard in respect of properly approved design and technological documentation. List of documents used in multilayer glass manufacturing is given in Appendix B.

3.2 Multilayer glass is a flat piece consisting of one or several non-organic glass sheets and tape or liquid polymeric and silicate materials, which glue and/or coat the glass.

List of sheet glass used in multilayer glass manufacturing is given in the Table 1.

Table 1

Glass type / Normative document / Glass grade
Wired polished
Whole stained
chemically toughened
Sun glass
soft-coated / GOST 111
GOST 5533
GOST 7481
GOST 30698
GOST 30733
ND / M0, M1, M2
1 Other types of sheet glass can be used, such as special ND coated glass, upon agreement with the customer, provided multilayer glass manufactured using them complies with the requirements of the present standard
2 ND (hereinafter) – standards, specifications and supply contracts, properly approved

In cases when non-toughened glass is used for manufacturing of multilayer glass for external glazing, its light absorption factor shall be less than 25%. Glass with greater light absorption shall only be toughened.

For multilayer glass manufacturing, plexiglass compliant to GOST 10667 (as internal layers), butyral resin tape compliant to GOST 9438 and other polymeric and silicate materials compliant to ND, are used, which can differ in material type and composition, mechanical and optical characteristics.

Polymeric materials shall be approved for use by state sanitary inspection, and shall have sanitary-hygienic certificates.

3.3 Multilayer glass, depending on its field of application, is divided into following types:

­mechanical effect resistant:

­operation-safe (resistant to soft object impacts)

­resistant to solid object impacts






­multilayer glass with special characteristics (such as radiointerference-proof, with biological protection, information protection, enhanced bearing strength, etc.)

3.4 Mechanical impact resistant multilayer glass is categorized depending on impact type, keeping in mind that:

­operation-safe multilayer glass is categorized into protection classes СМ1-СМ4, depending on resistance to soft object impacts, table 7;

­multilayer glass is categorized into protection classes ranges: against piercing - Р1А-Р5А, against penetration Р6В-Р8В, depending on resistance to solid object impacts, table 8;

­explosion-proof multilayer glass is categorized into protection classes К1-К14, depending on ability to withstand limit value of blast shockwave specific impulse (BSW impact load) affecting glazing of structures in the open space, Appendix D;

­bullet-proof multilayer glass is categorized into protection classes П1-П6a, depending on resistance to certain firearms and ammunition types, Appendix E.

Soundproof multilayer glass is categorized into classes А-Д, depending on urban transport air noise reduction, in compliance with GOST 23166.

Fire-resistant multilayer glass is categorized depending on fire resistance time (in minutes) before integrity loss (E).

Multilayer glass is categorized depending on resistance to negative temperatures, by minimum design service temperature verified by frost-resistance tests.

Multilayer glass with special characteristics coordinated and settled in the manufacturing (supply) contract between manufacturer and consumer.

3.5 Nominal dimensions of multilayer glass are determined in the manufacturing (supply) contract.

Complex shape multilayer glass is manufactured using properly approved drafts or templates.

3.6 Nominal thickness of multilayer glass, layout, thickness and type of its composing glass sheets is defined in design documentation and manufacturing (supply) contract.

Extreme deviations in multilayer glass nominal thickness shall not exceed, mm:

for glass thickness up to 25 mm —  0.5;

for glass thickness from 25 to 40 mm — +1.5/–0.5;

for glass thickness from 40 to 60 mm — +2.0/–0.5;

for glass thickness over 60 mm — +3.0/–0.5.

3.7 Extreme deviations in multilayer glass length and width shall not exceed values given in Table 2.

Table 2 In millimeters

Nominal length and width / Multilayer glass thickness  12 / Multilayer glass thickness > 12
nominal thickness of each sheet < 6 / thickness of at least one sheet  6
Up to 1100 / +2.0/-2.0 / +2.5/-2.0 / +3.5/-2.5
From 1100 to 1500 / +3.0/-2.0 / +3.5/-2.0 / +4.5/-3.0
From 1500 to 2000 / +3.0/-2.0 / +3.5/-2.0 / +5.0/-3.5
Over 2000 / +3.5/-2.5 / +5.0/-3.0 / +6.0/-4.0

3.8 Displacement of composing sheets in multilayer glass shall not exceed values given in Table 3.

Table 3 In millimeters

Nominal length and width / Maximum displacement, not over (a)
base side / other sides
Up to 1000 / 1.0 / 2.0
From 1000 to 2000 / 1.0 / 2.5
Over 2000 / 1.0 / 3.0
1 Base side – multilayer glass side which it leans upon during operation.
2 Length and width displacements are considered individually.
3 Displacement shall not exceed extreme deviations in length and width (figure 1)

3.9 Glass sheet variation in plane for multilayer glass shall not exceed 0.001 length of minimum side for multilayer glass with s  10 mm thickness, or 0.0015 – for multilayer glass with s > 10 mm thickness, when using sheet glass compliant to GOST 111. When using other glass types, variation in plane shall not exceed values specified in ND for these glass types. It is allowed to define variation in plane in supply contract.

B, H – multilayer glass length and width; a – displacement of sheets in multilayer glass;  – multilayer glass length and width tolerance

Figure 1

3.10 Deviation in multilayer glass edge straightness shall not exceed extreme deviations in length and width given in table 2.

3.11 Difference in diagonal lengths of rectangular multilayer glass shall not exceed values given in table 4.

Table 4 In millimeters

Diagonal lengths / Diagonal lengths difference, not over
Up to 1300 / 3
From 1300 to 2300 / 4
Over 2300 / 5

3.12 Multilayer glass must have even edges and intact corners. Ungrinded chips, glass edge cusps and damaged corners are not allowed.

Grinded chip depth shall not exceed 2/3 of sheet glass thickness.

3.13 Edge processing requirements

3.13.1 Multilayer glass edges can be processed and unprocessed. It is recommended to use multilayer glass with grinded edge (if using tempered glass, its edges are processed before tempering). Multilayer glass edge processing types are specified in the manufacturing (supply) contracts, in accordance with Appendix B.

3.13.2 Upon agreement between manufacturer and consumer, it is allowed to fill multilayer glass butts (edges) with sealing material approved for use by state sanitary inspection, in compliance with ND. In this connection, sealing material type, its thickness on the butt and amounts of its egress on outer glass surface, are specified.

3.14 Multilayer glass symbolic notation shall be comprised of its type, length, width, thickness, and notation of the present standard.

Example of multilayer glass symbolic notation, resistant to solid object impacts, protection class Р1А, 1500 mm length, 800 mm width, 13 mm thickness:

Multilayer glass: Р1А-1500x800x13-GOST 30826-2001.

Example of multilayer glass symbolic notation, bullet-proof, protection class П2, 1500 mm length, 800 mm width, 30 mm thickness:

Multilayer glass: П2-1500x800x30-GOST 30826-2001.

Example of multilayer glass symbolic notation, explosion-proof, protection class К1, 1500 mm length, 800 mm width, 20 mm thickness:

Multilayer glass: К1-1500x800x20-GOST 30826-2001.

Example of multilayer glass symbolic notation, resistant to soft object impacts, protection class CM3, fire-resistant with 15 min fire resistance (O15), 1500 mm length, 800 mm width, 15 mm thickness:

Multilayer glass: СМ3-O15-1500x800x15-GOST 30826-2001.

Upon agreement with consumer, it is allowed to include additional information into multilayer glass symbolic notation, provided its interpretation is given in supply contract.

3.15 Edge processing requirements, layout and type of composing glass sheets, frost resistance, and other additional requirements settled between manufacturer and consumer concerning multilayer glass, are defined in the multilayer glass manufacturing (supply) contract.

4 General specifications

4.1 Characteristics

4.1.1 Exterior flaws. Exterior flaws classification, terms and definitions are given in GOST 111 and Appendix A. Number of acceptable local flaws in multilayer glass work zone, depending on their dimensions and glass sheet size, shall conform to values given in the table 5.

Table 5

Number of multilayer sheets / Flaw size, L, mm
0.5< L 1.0 / 1.0< L 3.0
for sheet square, m2
For all sizes (square) / 1.0 / 1.1-2.0 / 2.1-7.9 / 8.0
2 / Allowed if / 1 / 2 / 1/m2 / 1.2/m2
3 / not concentrated / 2 / 3 / 1.5/m2 / 1.8/m2
4 / 3 / 4 / 2/m2 / 2.4/m2
5 / 4 / 5 / 2.5/m2 / 3/m2
1 Bubbles and tackiness are not allowed. Flaws of size less than 0.5 mm are not standardized, over 3 mm – not allowed.
2 Flaw concentration shall not exceed: 4 flaws and more with distance between each no less than 200 mm. Minimum distance between flaws is 180 mm for three-sheet multilayer glass; 150 mm for four-sheet multilayer glass; 100 mm for multilayer glass consisting of five or more sheets. Number and size of linear flaws in multilayer glass work zone shall conform to requirements given in the table 6.

Table 6

Multilayer glass square, m2 / Number of flaws with length, mm
3 to 10 / over 10 to 30
Up to 5 / 1 / Not allowed
From 5 to 8 / 2 / 1
Over 8 / 3 / 2
1 Bubbles and tackiness are not allowed. Number of hairs of 3 to 5 mm length shall not exceed 10 per 1 m2
2 Linear flaws under 3 mm length are not standardized, over 30 mm – not allowed. Nondestructive multilayer glass flaws in rim zone are not standardized, except bubbles and tackiness, which diameter (maximum dimension) shall not exceed 10 mm.

Note: Rim zone width is specified in manufacturing (supply) contract, according to engineering solution of glass fastening in translucent structure. Cracks and bruises are not allowed on entire glass surface. Upon agreement between manufacturer and consumer, according to individual glass types field of application, it is allowed to specify other requirements concerning exterior flaws. Requirements limiting flaws of multilayer glass manufactured using plexiglass are specified upon agreement between manufacturer and consumer.

4.1.2 Agglutinants shall be completely polymerized, and sustain boiling tests (as a component of multilayer glass) for 2 hours.

4.1.3 Multilayer glass shall resist ultraviolet rays for 100 hours.

4.1.4 Multilayer glass shall be water-proof and resist water of 50° C (70° C for glass with absorption factor over 15%) temperature for 14 days.

4.1.5 Optical distortion of multilayer glass consisting of figured or wired sheets, visible in the light, when observing “brick wall” screen at angle of 60° and greater, is not allowed.

4.1.6 Multilayer glass resistant to soft object (sack) impacts simulating collision of a human body traveling at different speeds, must follow requirements given in table 7.

Table 7

Protection class / Sack drop height, mm / Sack mass, kg
CM 1 / 30030 / 451
CM 2 / 70030
CM 3 / 120030
CM 4 / 200030

4.1.7 Multilayer glass resistant to solid object impacts shall comply with the requirements given in table 8.

Table 8

Protection class / Drop height, mm / Impact energy, Jl / Number of impacts / Mass, kg
Ball test
Р1A / 150020 / 605% / 3 / 4.108
Р2A / 300020 / 1205% / 3
Р3A / 600020 / 2405% / 3
Р4A / 900020 / 3485% / 3
Р5A / 900020 / 3485% / 3x3
Hammer and axe test
Р6В / — / — / from 30 to 50 / 2.00.1
Р7В / — / — / from 50 to 70
Р8В / — / — / over 70
1 Hammer and axe test is introduced since 01.01.2004.
2 Upon consumer demand, tests of multilayer glass of Р4A and Р5A protection classes can be conducted by dropping the ball from (950020) mm height. In such case, this shall be noted in the test protocol.
3 Impact energy values in the table are reference values.

4.1.8 Explosion-proof multilayer glass shall follow requirements of Appendix D in respect of protection class.

4.1.9 Bullet-proof multilayer glass shall follow requirements of Appendix E in respect of protection class against firearms effect.

4.1.10 Multilayer glass shall sustain design values of operation loads (mechanical, climatic and others), taking into consideration its field of application, in compliance with currently effective building code and present standard.

4.1.11 Requirements concerning sound-proof multilayer glass, taking into consideration its field of application, are specified in the manufacturing (supply) contract.

4.1.12 Requirements on fire resistance of multilayer glass are specified based on building code in part of fire safety, taking into account engineering solution of building structures where glass is to be installed.

4.1.13 Direct light transmission, reflection and absorption factors for multilayer glass are recommended to be coordinated with consumer and specified in manufacturing (supply) contract.

4.1.14 Multilayer glass with special characteristics shall follow the requirements coordinated by manufacturer and consumer and specified in manufacturing contract.

4.1.15 Multilayer glass designed to operate under effect of negative temperatures shall be frost-resistant and sustain minimal design temperature of operation.

4.2 Packing, marking

4.2.1 Multilayer glass is packed in planked crates compliant to GOST 4295, containers or other package types compliant to ND. Space between multilayer glass and crate floor shall be filled with wood chips compliant to GOST 5244 or other packing material maintaining multilayer glass safety.

During packing, multilayer glass shall be interlayed with paper, cork gaskets compliant to ND, corrugated cardboard compliant to GOST 7376 or other packing materials not containing scratching particles.

Other package types maintaining multilayer glass safety are allowed upon agreement between manufacturer and consumer.

4.2.2 Multilayer glass shall be marked. Each multilayer glass sheet is marked with an indelible marking in the lower corner of the work zone above base side, readable from the attack side, containing:

­manufacturer name and/or trademark;

­month and two last digits of year of manufacture;

­multilayer glass symbolic notation.

It is allowed, upon agreement with consumer, to specify additional information in multilayer glass marking, which shall be interpreted in the manufacturing (supply) contract, and to place marking in the rim zone (in this case, manufacturer trademark and protection classes shall be specified in the work zone).

4.2.3 Each production piece is labeled with a label which includes following information:

­manufacturer name and/or trademark;

­multilayer glass symbolic notation;

­number of multilayer glass sheets;

­packaging date;

­certification information;

­packer number.

4.2.4 Shipping marking is done in compliance with GOST 14192, marking with “Fragile. Handle with care”, “Top”, “Keep away from moisture” handling symbols.

5 Acceptance regulations

5.1 Acceptance of multilayer glass in respect of compliance with the requirements of the present standard is performed in lots. A lot is a number of multilayer glass sheets manufactured during single workshift. Lot size can be defined in manufacturing documentation of manufacturer, for example amount of multilayer glass manufactured under single contract.

5.2 Multilayer glass passes acceptance tests for compliance with 3.5-3.13; 4.1.1, 4.1.5, and periodical tests for compliance with 4.1.2-4.1.4; 4.1.6-4.1.15, in accordance with table 9.

Table 9

Factor name / Requirement paragraph number / Test type / Periodicity, number of samples / Test method paragraph number
acceptance / periodical
Geometry size / 3.5; 3.6 / + / – / Each lot, 100% control / 6.1; 6.2
Geometry deviation / 3.7 / + / – / Each lot, 100% control / 6.1; 6.2
Glass sheets displacement / 3.8 / + / – / Same / 6.1
Shape deviation / 3.9; 3.10 / + / – / » / 6.13; 6.14
Diagonal length difference / 3.11 / + / – / » / 6.1
Edge requirements / 3.13 / + / – / » / 6.3
Exterior / 3.12; 4.1.1 / + / – / » / 6.4
Optical distortions / 4.1.5 / + / – / Each lot, 3 pieces / 6.8
Ultraviolet resistance / 4.1.3 / – / + / Yearly, 3 pieces / 6.6
Water resistance / 4.1.4 / – / + / Yearly, 6 pieces / 6.7
Operation safety / 4.1.6 / – / + / Yearly, 3 pieces / 6.11
Mechanical strength / 4.1.7 / – / + / Same / 6.9, 6.12
Bullet resistance / 4.1.8 / – / + / » / 6.10
Explosion resistance / 4.1.9 / – / + / » / 6.21
Sound resistance / 4.1.11 / – / + / ND / 6.15
Fire resistance / 4.1.12 / – / + / Same / 6.16
Directive light transmission factor / 4.1.13 / – / + / ND / 6.18
Special characteristics / 4.1.14 / – / + / Same / 6.19
Frost resistance / 4.1.15 / – / + / » / 6.20

5.3 Acceptance tests

5.3.1 Lot is subject to complete control (100%) for compliance with requirements 3.5-3.13; 4.1.1.

5.3.2 Lot of multilayer glass is considered accepted if all glass comply with requirements 3.5-3.13; 4.1.1.

5.3.3 For optical distortions tests (4.1.5), samples are selected out of those which were accepted by 5.3.1, involving no less than 3 pieces.

Lot of is considered accepted if all multilayer glass comply with requirements 4.1.5. If any multilayer glass piece does not comply with requirements 4.1.5, repeated test on this parameter is conducted, involving twice more pieces. If repeated tests resulted unsatisfactory for more than one piece, lot is considered to be unaccepted.

5.4 Periodical tests

5.4.1 Periodical tests are conducted yearly for compliance with 4.1.3, 4.1.4; 4.1.6—4.1.9; 4.1.15 or in case of multilayer glass manufacturing process change.

5.4.2 For tests for compliance with 4.1.3; 4.1.6—4.1.9; 4.1.15, multilayer glass samples are selected out of those which were accepted by 5.3, involving 3 pieces for each test type, for tests for compliance with 4.1.4 samples are selected involving 6 pieces out of those which were accepted by 5.3.

If test results are unsatisfactory (any sample failed the test), repeated tests are conducted involving twice more pieces out of the same lot.

Results of repeated tests apply to entire lot.

If repeated tests resulted unsatisfactory, lot is rejected, and further tests on this factor are conducted as acceptance tests, until satisfactory results are received for at least two successive lots.

Acceptance regulations, periodicity, number of multilayer glass samples for compliance with 4.1.11-4.1.14 are defined in manufacturing (supply) contract.

5.5 Each lot of polymeric or silicate materials shall pass boiling tests in compliance with 6.5 during initial control and manufacturing control.

5.6 Procedure of manufacturing control of multilayer glass quality, as well as initial control of materials used in its manufacturing, is defined in technological documentation.

5.7 Each lot of multilayer glass shall be accompanied with quality certificate containing following information:

­manufacturer name and/or trademark;

­multilayer glass symbolic notation;

­number of multilayer glass sheets;

­number of boxes, crates, etc., in pieces;

­certification information;

­document number and issue date.

6 Test methods

6.1 Multilayer glass length and width, glass sheet displacements are measured as illustrated on figure 2 with a metal tape-measure compliant to GOST 7502 with a scale interval no more than 1 mm, using metal verifying angles compliant to GOST 3749.

It is allowed to measure geometry of rectangular multilayer glass with properly certified gages or gadgets, with measuring inaccuracy not over 1 mm, as illustrated on figure 3.

6.2 Multilayer glass thickness (3.6) is measured in four spots in the middle of each side with trammels compliant to GOST 166 with a scale interval no more than 0.1 mm or with micrometer compliant to GOST 6507 with a scale interval no more than 0.1 mm. Each measurement result shall comply to requirements 3.6. Simple average of these four measurements is considered to be actual multilayer glass thickness.