Campus Threat Assessment

& Violence Prevention:

A Short Bibliography

Below are some basic and practical resources on threat assessment and preventing campus violence, with special emphasis on workplace violence. While the resources only begin to scratch the surface of these complicated issues, they may nonetheless be helpful to everyone working to create safer colleges and universities.


Association of Threat Assessment Professionals

A non-profit membership association including mental health professionals, law enforcement, corporate safety specialists, lawyers, probation officers, and others concerned with threat and violence risk assessment. Topic areas include threats, stalking, and homeland security.

International Association of Campus Law Enforcement Administrators

Resources available for purchase cover topics including campus crime prevention; institutional violence; sexual assault; and workplace violence.

National Threat Assessment Center, U.S. Secret Service

Conducts research on threat assessment and targeted violence. Has modified procedures for threat assessment to apply to schools. Useful publications available on-line.

University Crime Watch

A non-profit organization offering resources such as posters available to download and training courses on topics including warning signs of violence and reporting suspicious persons and activities.


“Campus Violence Symposium,” Stetson Law Review, vol. 32 #1, Fall 2002.

“Campus Violence White Paper,” American College Health Association, 2005. Full 15-page text available at

The Final Report and Findings of the Safe School Initiative: Implications for the Prevention of School Attacks in the United States, U.S. Secret Service and U.S. Department of Education, Washington DC 2002. Full 63-page text may be downloaded at

The Handbook for Campus Threat Assessment & Management Teams, by Gene Deisinger, M. Randazzo, D. O'Neill, and J. Savage. (Applied Risk Management, TSG 2008)

Implementing Behavioral Threat Assessment on Campus: A Virginia Tech Demonstration Project, Marisa Randazzo & E. Plummer (Virginia Tech 2009)

Predicting Violent Behavior: An Assessment of Clinical Techniques by John Monahan, Sage Publications, 1981. A classic volume.

“Report and Recommendations of the Task Force on School and Campus Safety," National Association of Attorneys General, September 2007. Full 16-page text available at

“Report of the Virginia Tech Review Panel,” August 2007. Full report available at

“The School Shooter: A Threat Assessment Perspective,” by Mary Ellen O’Toole, 2000.

Threat Assessment in Schools: A Guide to Managing Threatening Situations and to Creating Safe School Climates, U.S. Secret Service and U.S. Department of Education, Washington, DC 2002. Full 99-page text may be downloaded at

"Workplace Violence: Issues in Response," FBI National Center for the Analysis of Violent Crime (2002)

"Workplace Violence: Prevention and Intervention," ASIS International, American National Standard (2011). Available through the Society for Human Resources Management to members.

New York and Connecticut State Government

New York limits the uses that both public and private employers can make of criminal histories. See NY Correction Law article 23-a

New York and Connecticut both impose duties on public institutions to take specific steps to prevent workplace violence. While not binding on private institutions, their guidance can nonetheless be useful in the private sector.


"Violence in the Workplace: Policy and Procedures Manual for Human Resource Professionals" (2010)

New York

NY Labor Law § 27-a (text) OR$$LAB27-B$$@TXLAB027-+&LIST=LAW+&BROWSER=BROWSER+&TOKEN=30014275+&TARGET=VIEW

NYS Department of Labor final regulations

Public Employer Workplace Violence Prevention Programs

12 NYCRR Part 800.6 OR

NYS Department of Labor (PESH), Workplace Violence Prevention Program Guidelines OR

NYS Department of Labor training tools


Text of PowerPoint as pdf OR

Federal Government Resources

Occupational Safety and Health Administration

Resources on the duty to maintain a safe workplace and on OSHA enforcement.

OSHA webpage on “Preventing Workplace Violence”

Prevention programs

Training programs

Violence in the Workplace: State Plan Standards & Resources

Preventing and Addressing Workplace Violence on the Campus

Enforcement Procedures for Investigating or Inspecting Workplace Violence Incidents

Federal Trade Commission

"Using Consumer Reports: What Employers Need to Know"

Explains the Fair Credit Reporting Act on background checks

Equal Employment Opportunity Committee

The ADA: Your Responsibilities as an Employer

Job Applicants and the Americans with Disabilities Act

Scroll down to “Discussing Disability with the Potential Employer”

U.S. Department of Education

The Handbook for Campus Safety and Security Reporting

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health

“Violence on the Job” 27-minute video, transcript, and case study (2004)

While not specific to higher education, covers basics of workplace violence, including prevention. Available on-line at

CDC Workplace Violence resource page

Department of Homeland Security, Federal Emergency Management Agency

Offers resources including free, online courses on workplace violence. See, e.g., Workplace Violence Awareness Training 2013, IS-106.13; Active Shooter: What Can You Do? IS-907; Workplace Security Awareness, IS-906.

Some Threat Assessment Consultants

Please note that we are not recommending any or all of these consultants. Do your own research before retaining any threat assessment consultant to assist your institution.

TSG Solutions

Paul F. Benne, PSP, CPOI

Vice President, Director of the New York Office


TSG Solutions provides risk management and security consulting, among other services from offices in Massachusetts, New York, and California. Mr. Benne has been working extensively with LIM College.

Marissa Reddy Randazzo, Ph.D.

Sigma Threat Management Associates

Dr. Randazzo served as the Chief Research Psychologist with the Secret Service, overseeing behavioral and operational work on targeted violence. She played a key role in a study of school shootings conducted jointly by the Department of Education and the Secret Service. She is recognized internationally as an expert on school shootings and

school threat assessment.

Roger L. Depue, Ph.D.

The Academy Group, Inc.

Manassas VA

Dr. Depue is a former chief of the FBI’s behavioral science unit and administrator of the Bureau’s National Center for Analysis of Violent Crime. He served as a member of the Virginia Tech Review Panel, appointed by the governor.

John Nicoletti, Ph.D.

Nicoletti-Flater & Associates

Denver CO

Dr. Nicoletti is an expert on violence prevention. A police psychologist, he has developed materials and provided services to schools, corporations, and government entities. Resources include the book Violence Goes to College ($47), described as a solution-oriented resource for both lay and professional readers.

Gavin de Becker & Associates

Studio City CA and New York NY

Firm with experience in threat assessment, protective services, and training. Convenes an advanced threat assessment and management academy twice a year at UCLA conference center.

Compiled by

Ann H. Franke & Jeffrey I. Slonim

April 2013