Bizzie Bees Nursery

244 Sundon Park Road




Dear Parent/Carer

Thank you for your enquiry regarding Bizzie Bees.

I am delighted to provide the enclosed brochure which explains how we can help you with your childcare needs.

We pride ourselves on the excellent care, education and development we provide for all the children in our care in a safe, stimulating and happy environment.

We recently received an excellent Ofsted report which is available on the Ofsted website at

The brochure includes information on all the areas and services available, however if you require any additional information or would like to arrange a visit. Please contact me on the number above.

Yours sincerely


Bizzie Bees Nursery 01582 583790


The Nursery is for children aged 2 years upwards. The ratio is 1 adult to 4 children aged 2-3 years & 1 adult to 8 children aged 3 and over. The children in the Pre-school follow the Early Years foundation Stage which was revised in September 2012

The children have use of the outside space and are encouraged to dress according to the weather.

Bizzie Bees provides the children with a range of recourse that support the children in the

Characteristics of Effective Learning.

Playing and Exploring – Engagement

Finding out & exploring, Playing with what they know & Being willing to have a go

Active Learning – Motivation

Being involved & concentrating, keeping Trying & Enjoying Achieving what they set out to do

Creating and Thinking Critically - Thinking

Having their own ideas, Making Links & Choosing ways to do things

All children follow the revised (September 213) Early Years Foundation Stage curriculum. This consists of working towards outcomes/goals in the following areas;

Prime Areas

Personal social emotional development;

Physical Development;

Communication & Language.

Specific Areas



Understanding of the world

Expressive arts and design

Staff complete observations during the activities and record them in children’s individual learning journeys. Parents we ask you to contribute to these on a regular basis, slip are available at all time for you to note down any observation or information that you want to share with your child’s key worker. This information will then be feed into your child’s individual learning journey which you are free to see at any time. We also conduct open days where key workers will spend time talking with you about your children’s progress.

At lunchtime the children are encouraged to be independent. They set their place at the table, collected their own lunch boxes and manage the contents themselves, with adult help if necessary. The children are encouraged to use cutlery (where appropriate) and good table manners (i.e., please and thank you) during mealtimes, and to talk to each other at the table. Staff talk to the children about the food they are eating and the importance of a well-balanced lunch boxes and how it helps them to be strong and healthy. Information is available for parents with ideas for exciting and healthy lunch boxes, please see parents information board. Children are also encouraged to be independent with toileting and hand washing, to minimize the risk of cross-infection the children use paper towels to dry their hands. They are made aware of germs and the need to wash their hands.

Admission Policy

It is our intention to make Bizzie Bees accessible to all children and families from all sections of the local and wider community. We aim to ensure that all of the community have fair and equal access to the nursery regardless of gender, social background, ethnicity, and disability. We arrange our waiting list in order of application and age appropriateness to the room they will be attending. Admission for all 3 & 4 year old funding is free at point of entry, additional hour to the 15 hours NEF will be charged at the current rate

Settling- in Policy

At Bizzie Bees we want our children to feel safe, stimulated and happy and to feel secure and comfortable with the staff and their surroundings. We also want all parents to feel confidence in their children’s well being and with their role as parents in partnership. We aim to make Bizzie Bees a welcoming environment where children will feel comfortable and settle with ease because every attention has been paid to their individual needs and those of their family.

Parents in Partnership

We believe that children learn and are happiest when a parent and nursery work in partnership. We aim to support parents in the development of their children, to work together to develop routines and care plans that are best suited to individual needs. To share information through daily feedback, home link books and newsletters. To encourage parents to be a part of the child’s Pre School life, by attending open days and special event held by the Pre School and your child. Bizzie Bees has an “open door” policy that welcomes you to share and discuss information on your child at any time.

Behaviour Management Policy

Bizzie Bees believes that children flourish best when their personal, social and emotional needs are met and valued. Where clear and developmentally appropriate expectations are made of them. We aim to teach children the need, to understand and respect others and their environment. To develop their personal, social, emotional skills through support and guidance.

Special Educational and Disability Policy

Bizzie Bees provide an environment in which all children are supported and valued to reach their full potential. We include all children within are Pre School and follow the Special Educational Needs Code of Practice. We meet the individual needs of children and identify any specific need, which we will, then meet through a range of different strategies. At all times we work with the parents and a number of outside agencies. We have at the Pre School a fully trained special needs coordinator. We monitor and review our practices at all times.

Safeguarding Children

Bizzie Bees are committed to working with parents and the community to ensure the safety and well being of all children to enable them to have the very best start in life. All staff go through rigorous identity checks and all hold an enhanced DBS disclosure. Bizzie Bees have a named and highly trained Safeguarding officer. We are aware that abuse can take many different forms, physical, emotional, sexual and neglect. Any member of staff that has concerns will document them and pass the information to the Safeguarding officer who may need to share this information with social care Initial Assessment Teams and or Luton R.A.T.S to ensure the correct procedures can be followed. We work to Luton Borough Councils Safeguarding Boards Guidelines/procedures. The child’s welfare will be paramount at all times. We work with in the following guidelines:

The Children’s Act 1989

The Protection of Children Act 1999

The Children’s Act 2004 (every child matters)

Working together to safeguard children 2013

Confidentiality Policy

At Bizzie Bees it is our intention to respect the privacy of all the children, parents and carers that come into our setting. We aim to ensure that all parents and carers have the confidence to share information that will enhance the welfare of their child. Developmental records will be kept on your child along with samples of their work. You are welcome to access these at any time. All staff, students and volunteers are made aware of the confidentiality policy and are obliged to sign to confirm that they fully understand the contents.

Equality and Diversity Policy

Bizzie Bees are committed to valuing diversity by providing equality of opportunity and anti-discriminatory practices for all children, families and staff that are involved with the nursery. We aim to provide an environment in which all children can flourish, contribute, and feel valued. We provide positive non-stereotyping information about genders, diverse ethnic and cultural groups and people with disabilities. Equality and diversity are promoted throughout the nursery by equipment, displays and respect for one another.

Medication Policy

A senior member of staff will administer medication that is in the original packaging with a photograph of your child attached. All medication must by signed-in to the medicines log every morning and signed out when your child leaves for the day.

Non Smoking policy

Bizzie Bees operates a total non-smoking policy. Parents are asked not to smoke in or around the nursery.

Complaints Policy

Bizzie Bees take all complaints seriously. If you feel unhappy with the service you or your child are receiving please go directly to the nursery manager. A full investigation will be carried out, and the findings discussed with you, and appropriately documented. If at this stage you are still not happy and feel the issue has not been resolved to your satisfaction please contact Ofsted using the following details:

TheNational Complaints Team
Ofsted National Business Unit
Piccadilly Gate
Store Street
M1 2WD

0300 123 1231

A full copy of all policies and procedures are available at all times in the entrance hall.

General Information

Opening Hours:

The Nursery operates between the hours of 8am – 6pm Monday to Friday, 51 weeks a year (excluding Bank Holidays). We have various options available to suit all your childcare requirements.

Staffing Levels:

We have an outstanding team of dedicated, highly qualified staff who work on a ratio of 1:4 for 2-3 years and 1:8 for children aged 3 years upwards to ensure your child is cared for in a safe, secure and stimulating environment.

3 & 4 year old Funding

Available to all children the term after their 3rd Birthday. This funding enables you to access 15 hours free childcare a week additional hour are available at the hourly rate. Please bring your child birth certificate on induction.

2 Year old Funding

2 year old funding is now available for children the term after their 2nd birthday. To enable you to access the funding you must meet the following criteria:

·  Income Support

·  Income based Job Seeker's Allowance

·  Child Tax Credit provided they are not entitled to Working Tax Credit and have an annual income (as assessed by HMRC) that does not exceed £16,190.

·  Working Tax Credit (Disability element)

·  Support under Part VI of the Immigration and Asylum Act 1999

·  Guarantee element of the State Pension Credit

·  Looked After Child

·  Child subject to a Child Protection Plan

For further information please speak to a member of staff:

Price List

3-5 Years

8am – 1pm £18.00

1pm – 6pm £17.00

8am – 6pm £34.00

5 Full days £165.00

Hour rate £3.70 (September 13)

2 – 3 Years

8am – 1pm £20.00

1pm – 6pm £19.00

8am – 6pm £38.00

Hourly rate £4.25 (September 13)

5 Full days £185.00

All fees are payable on the 1st of the month

Terms & Conditions

1.  Fees should be paid monthly in advance by BACS, cash or cheque (cheques will only be accepted for amounts of £30 +). Payments can be made on the 1st day of the month. Fees are payable during periods of absence from the nursery including sickness and holidays (& Bank Holidays). Children may be excluded if fees remain outstanding 14 days from their due date and the registration terminated.

2.  One month’s written notice must be given if you wish to withdraw your child or reduce their sessions. Fees are payable during this time.

3.  If you would like to bring food to the nursery for special occasions it must be food that has been purchased ready-prepared, not home-made, so that staff can check that the ingredients are suitable for all the children.

4.  The nursery must be notified in writing of children’s allergies/intolerances, giving instructions for the treatment. A form is available for this purpose and information should be updated if it changes. It may be necessary for your medical practitioner to demonstrate the treatment, for example, the use of an Epi-pen.

5.  Nappies, wipes, creams, lotions should be provided by the parent/carer as necessary and should be clearly marked with the name of the child.

6.  Children who have sickness/diarrhoea (see Health & Safety Policy) will be excluded from the Nursery but may return when they have been clear of symptoms for 48 hours

7.  Please notify the Nurseryl if your child is absent due to illness or has head lice, conjunctivitis, ringworm etc, so that we may make other parents aware (confidentiality will be maintained). Please be constantly vigilant for head lice and treat your child before bringing them to the Pre- School.

8.  Medication may be given to your child whilst at Pre-School. The medication must be in the original packaging from the prescribing chemist with the child’s name clearly marked and a photograph of the child should be attached. Parents/carers must write details in the medicines-log each day the medication is to be given, detailing the name of the child, name of medication, time and dosage last given and the time(s) and dosage(s) to be given atnursery. The entry must be signed by the parent/carer before and after any medication is given. Please acknowledge notification of the time the last dose was administered at the nursery by signing the record made by staff in the medicine log.

Messages to staff must be written in the child’s home link book. Dated, and signed by the parent/carer. This is particularly important in the case of someone else collecting your child but also useful if you want to pass on any information about your child’s care, for example, regarding eating, sleeping or toileting. If it is written down all staff that care for your child will be informed.

9.  You must notify us in writing if any of your contact details change, particularly emergency telephone numbers.

10.  Bizzie Bees uniform is available for purchases please ask a member of staff.

11.  Please provide a sunhat and sun cream; Wellington boots and a splash-suit (according to season) all clearly labelled with your child’s name.