Commission européenne

Bruxelles, le 11 janvier 2013

CALENDRIER du 14 au 20 janvier 2013

(Susceptible de modifications en cours de semaine)

Activités des Institutions / Déplacements et visites /
Lundi 14 janvier
European Parliament plenary session (14-17/01) / Mr José Manuel Durão BARROSO receives Mr Michel Roger, Minister of State of Monaco
Mr Joaquín ALMUNIA participates in "Semana Ibérica" organised by the College of Europe (Bruges)
Mr Joaquín ALMUNIA and Mr Štefan FÜLE receive Ms Vesna PUSIĆ, First Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign and European Affairs of the Republic of Croatia
Mr Janez POTOČNIK receives Mr Costantino BALDISSARA, President of ECG (the Association of European Vehicle Logistics)
Mr Andris PIEBALGS receives Mr Stephen O. Brien, Special Representative UK for Sahel
Ms Maria DAMANAKI meets with Mr Karolos PAPOULIAS, President of Hellenic Republic (Athens)
Mr Günther H. OETTINGER in Munich: delivers a speech at the BAU2013/Kongress "Wir bauen die Energiewende"
Mr Štefan FÜLE participates in the plenary session of the Annual Regional Meeting with the EU Delegations from European Neighbourhood countries (Brussels)
Ms Cecilia MALMSTRÖM in Sweden: delivers a speech at High level security conference (Folk & Försvar) (Sälen)
Mr Dacian CIOLOŞ receives Mr Themba MASUKU, Deputy Prime Minister of Swaziland
Mardi 15 janvier
Mr Antonio TAJANI in Tunisia
Mr Maroš ŠEFČOVIČ meets Ms Lucinda Creighton, Irish minister for European affairs (Strasbourg)
Mr Günther H. OETTINGER in Mannheim: delivers a keynote speech at the Zentrum für Europäische Wirtschaftsforschung GmbH (ZEW)
Ms Connie HEDEGAARD in Abu Dhabi to attend the World Future Energy Summit (15-16/01)
Mercredi 16 janvier
Ms Neelie KROES meets Mr Jyrki KATAINEN, Prime Minister of Finland (Brussels)
Mr Johannes HAHN receives Mr Eugen TEODOROVICI, new Romanian Minister for European Funds
Mr Karel DE GUCHT participates in the OECD Aid for Trade Dialogue (Paris)
M. Karel DE GUCHT donne un discours à la Commission des Affaires Étrangères de l'Assemblée Nationale (Paris)
Jeudi 17 janvier
Mr José Manuel Durão BARROSO receives Mr Nguyen Phu Trong, General Secretary of the Communist Party of Vietnam
Mr José Manuel Durão Barroso and Mr Štefan FÜLE meet the Secretary General of the Arab Maghreb Union, Mr Habib Ben YAHIA
Ms Catherine ASHTON holds the fourth meeting in the framework of the EU-facilitated dialogue for normalisation of relations between Belgrade and Pristina (Brussels)
Mr Siim KALLAS meets Mr Frédéric CUVILLIER, French Minister for Transport and the Maritime Economy (Paris)
Mr Antonio TAJANI participates at the conference "Gli investimenti infrastrutturali nella nuova politica di coesione", organised by Confindustria (Rome).
Mr Andris PIEBALGS receives Mr Wolfgang Jamann, Secretary General of Welthungerhilfe aid organization
Mr Andris PIEBALGS and Ms Kristalina GEORGIEVA receive Ms Jasmine Whitbread, CEO, Save the Children
Mr Andris PIEBALGS meets with Mr Álvaro Marchesi, SG Organizacion de Estados
Mr Andris PIEBALGS receives Mr Stephen P. Groff, Vice-President, Asian Development Bank
M. Michel BARNIER au Luxembourg: il participe à une conférence sur le Marché intérieur organisée par la Chambre de Commerce; il rencontre M. Etienne SCHNEIDER, Ministre de l’Économie et du Commerce extérieur, M. Luc FRIEDEN, Ministre des Finances et aura également des entrevues avec M. Laurent MOSAR, Président de la Chambre des Députés, et les Commissions Affaires européennes et Finances de la Chambre des Députés
Ms Androulla VASSILIOU attends the ROMED Conference (Teaching of ROMA Mediators) (Hotel Crown Plaza, Brussels)
Ms Androulla VASSILIOU meets Mr Tangi LOUARN, President of ELEN (European Language Equality Network)
Mr Algirdas SEMETA in Slovakia: meets the Prime Minister, Mr FICO Robert, the Ministry of Finance and Political Section, Mr Kažimír PETER and the Minister of Interior, Mr Robert KALINAK
Mr Tonio BORG in London: meets Mr Owen PATERSON, State Secretary for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs, meets Mr Jeremy HUNT, Secretary of State for Health, and visits the EMA offices
Mr Günther H. OETTINGER inaugurates the ITER Headquarters Building in Cadarache with Ms Geneviève FIORASO, French Minister for Higher Education and Research (Cadarache)
Vendredi 18 janvier
Mr Algirdas SEMETA delivers a speech at the Conference "Developing a Tax Environment for Growth and Competiveness" (Vienna)
Mr Dacian CIOLOŞ in Berlin (18-19/01): International Agricultural Forum at Grüne Woche Fair; Meeting of Agriculture Ministers
Samedi 19 janvier
Ms Androulla VASSILIOU in Košice, Slovakia (19-21/01). On 19/01: visits an exhibition of student works of Faculty of Arts at the Technical University and a Fashion show of Designer Isabel Komiati; attends the ceremonial lighting of St. Elizabeth Cathedral and Gregoriana concert; attends a concert given by Triango, Slovak trio of top musicians. On 20/01: meets the Minister of Culture, Mr Marek MAD'ARIČ and takes part at the official opening ceremony of Košice, European Capital of Culture; attends a concert given by Jamiroquai (Steel Arena). On 21/01: visits cultural investment projects
Dimanche 20 janvier
Mr Maroš ŠEFČOVIČ attends the European Capital of Culture 2013 opening ceremony (Kosice, Slovakia)

Prévisions du mois de janvier:

21/01 Eurogroup

22/01 Economic and Financial Affairs Council (ECOFIN)

28-29/01 Agriculture and Fisheries Council (AGRI)

31/01 Foreign Affairs Council (FAC)

Permanence DG COMM le WE du 12 au 13 janvier:

Antoine COLOMBANI, +32 (0) 460 752 063

Permanence RAPID - GSM: +32 (0) 498 982 748

Service Audiovisuel, planning studio: +32 (0) 2/295 21 23