FundamentalsI/Syllabus: Piotrowski-52021004

Course Description/Objectives: Fundamentals I is an introduction to theatre class and will include the following areas: 1) History of theatre 2) Theatre technology 3) Communication Skills 4) Performance demonstrating the first three areas. The objectives of this course will include:

1)Daily physical warm ups

2)An understanding of the voice, body, and imagination and how to use these tools effectively in front of an audience

3)The understanding of historical theatre types

4)Define, illustrate, and demonstrate technical terms, equipment and theories

5)Participate in games, activities, and performances to demonstrate newly acquired skills

6)Demonstrate group and solo performance

7)Giving constructive criticism in a positive way

8)Demonstrate appropriate audience behavior

9)Respect for theatre

This is a HANDS-ON class with long term projects that will require efforts outside of the classroom

Materials: Pencils /pens, notebook with folder, highlighter.

Behavior Expectations: Of course all students must obey the rules of the school (Dresscode, Respectful to adults, No offensive language, etc…) Theatre students arealso expected to:




4)Have CHARACTER (both onstage and OFF)

5)NO COWS! (Gum is not permitted in class at any time…no, not even if your character is chewing gum…)

6)No CELLPHONES!!! You may not take notes on your phone. It has proven to be less effective.

Consequences and Rewards: Students who comply with the rules and prove exceptional behavior/work ethic will be rewarded with a privilege pass or good letters home. All broken rules will be handled through referral or detention 48 hours from time of infraction.

Evaluation Process:


Tests/ Quizzes/ Common Assessments………25%


Written Work/Homework…………………….10%


Assessments: Students will have daily participation points logged by the instructor and recorded at the end of each month. Drama has three CDAs and a SLO. All performances are graded with a rubric the student will get in advance.

Grading Policy: Grading Scale: A=100-90 B= 89-80 C=79-71 D=70 F=69-0

Homework, Bonus Work and Make-up Work: Yes, there IS homework in a theatre class! I do not accept late work more than a day after it is due (with 10% penalty). Make-up work/performances/ quizzes must be made up within a week of excused absence.

This is a Participatory Class! You cannot pass this class if you are not here. Attendance is a factor that fails at least 10% of students in a theatre class. No one has ever failedActing I due to “bad acting”, just bad attitudes that keep you from doing your work!

Resources: Teacher-created power-points, graphic organizers, and handouts- all of which will be made available on the school website:

I am very excited about our class this year! I am sure that we will all learn from this class and have a good time in the process. Please remember…discipline. It’s what you do when I am not standing right over your shoulder that makes all the difference!

Teacher Contact: Melissa Piotrowski, room C1209

Office Phone: (770) 651-2809


School Website: my homework: