Response Summary
/ Total Started Survey: / 41
Total Finished Survey: / 41 (100%)

Page: 1

1. Do you know where to find the relevant details of WHS Policy & Procedures?
answered question / 41
skipped question / 0
Percent / Response
YES / / 82.9% / 34
NO / / 17.1% / 7
2. Do you know who the HSR is?
answered question / 41
skipped question / 0
Percent / Response
YES / / 90.2% / 37
NO / / 9.8% / 4
3. Do you know the WHS consultation arrangements available to staff at St Pius?
answered question / 40
skipped question / 1
Percent / Response
YES / / 50.0% / 20
NO / / 50.0% / 20
4. Are staff consulted on changes to WHS policy and procedure?
answered question / 40
skipped question / 1
Percent / Response
YES / / 90.0% / 36
NO / / 10.0% / 4
5. Is WHS an agenda item at all meetings?
answered question / 36
skipped question / 5
Percent / Response
YES / / 47.2% / 17
NO / / 52.8% / 19
If NO, which meetings do not have WHS as an agenda item?
Show Responses / 14

Not sure of this, just don't recall it being raised at all meetings

25/2/2013 9:27 AMView Responses

There isn't always a WHS item on our faculty meeting agenda

22/2/2013 3:27 PMView Responses


22/2/2013 11:20 AMView Responses

faculty and student coordinators meeting

22/2/2013 8:56 AMView Responses

Definatley at Exec.Meetings.

19/2/2013 1:24 PMView Responses

Faculty Meetings

18/2/2013 12:53 AMView Responses

Studies, management, some wholestaff and faculty meetings, and house meetings.

17/2/2013 8:38 PMView Responses

only occasionally at all meetings

17/2/2013 6:53 PMView Responses

religious studies andtech faculty

15/2/2013 3:05 PMView Responses

Studies, did not have it at faculty meeting (coordiantor forgot)

15/2/2013 12:02 AMView Responses

staff meetings

15/2/2013 10:20 AMView Responses

Studies Team

15/2/2013 8:33 AMView Responses


15/2/2013 8:22 AMView Responses

Sometimes it does not appear on Staff Meeting agendas. Faculty Meetings???

14/2/2013 4:10 PMView Responses

6. Are there regular efforts on the part of staff to identify hazards, assess risks and implement risk control measures?
answered question / 41
skipped question / 0
Percent / Response
YES / / 97.6% / 40
NO / / 2.4% / 1
If NO, in what way does this need to improve in the school?
Show Responses / 2

Things are mentioned and itemised at Exec. Meetings.

19/2/2013 1:24 PMView Responses

Comments must be asked for at every full staff meeting. This need not take more than a minute or two to do.

15/2/2013 3:05 PMView Responses

7. Do you know the procedure to follow to alert the HSR or another appropriate person to the presence and nature of a risk you discover?
answered question / 41
skipped question / 0
Percent / Response
YES / / 92.7% / 38
NO / / 7.3% / 3
8. Does Staff WHS Training occur in a way that provides for all our safety needs? (OnGuard, Fire Safety, Chemical Safety, Anaphylaxis, Asthma, etc)
answered question / 39
skipped question / 2
Percent / Response
YES / / 89.7% / 35
NO / / 10.3% / 4
If NO, what needs to improve?
Show Responses / 4

Has been a while since we have done training in anaphylaxis/asthma management. Perhaps this could be revisited.

22/2/2013 3:27 PMView Responses

Unsure - need induction

22/2/2013 11:20 AMView Responses

We need to update our anaphylaxis training

22/2/2013 8:56 AMView Responses

New and am unaware of this.

19/2/2013 1:24 PMView Responses

9. Are the school's emergency procedures (fire, bomb, lockdowns) practised regularly?
answered question / 40
skipped question / 1
Percent / Response
YES / / 90.0% / 36
NO / / 10.0% / 4
If NO, how does this need to improve?
Show Responses / 4

I may only be a casual but I have not been involved in any emergency procedure practises since I started at St Pius 2 years ago. I am sure that have occurred and it is hard to cater for paret time and casuals but I think it is important that these groups are advised that a practice is top take place so we can choose to attend even on days odd

21/2/2013 9:59 PMView Responses

Make time for them!

15/2/2013 3:05 PMView Responses

more practise runs.

15/2/2013 10:20 AMView Responses

We need one every term.

15/2/2013 8:22 AMView Responses

10. Is the new system of online Maintenance Requests successfully responding to our general maintenance needs?
answered question / 37
skipped question / 4
Percent / Response
YES / / 75.7% / 28
NO / / 24.3% / 9
If NO, how does this need to improve?
Show Responses / 10

it would be more accurate to say I don't know ... there needed to be an "I don't know" category on this survey

25/2/2013 9:27 AMView Responses

Not sure how to do this

22/2/2013 11:20 AMView Responses

Unsure, I have never used the system.From time to time Bob Emery mentions work that has been untaken. Maybe an update at a staff briefing of the maintenance requests completed.

22/2/2013 8:56 AMView Responses

The couple of times where I have used this, the response of someone getting back to me seemed slow (at least compared to IT).

19/2/2013 1:24 PMView Responses

I reported a dripping tap, (a number of times) the plumber has been to school since and it still has not been fixed

18/2/2013 5:10 PMView Responses,

18/2/2013 5:07 PMView Responses

The system certainly hasn't increased the reaction time to fix critical safety issues like the guard rails along the 415 -418 rooms. Is there a mechanism that checks what is being done?

15/2/2013 10:20 AMView Responses

I find that when i put in a request via online maintenance log that they are rarely responded to.

15/2/2013 9:14 AMView Responses

dont know

15/2/2013 8:27 AMView Responses

I am still waiting for the windows to be fixed in my room (the only one which does open is too heavy for me to open). I am still waiting for blinds to be installed due to glare. Tony needs instant access to a computer to check for maintenance requests. Perhaps he should have a laptop of his own?!

15/2/2013 8:22 AMView Responses

The results of the survey will be discussed at the WHS Meeting this Wednesday. Thanks to all who took part in the survey.


Bob Emery
