The case of Argentina 2


Mr. Martin is a partner at RMA Consulting – Securitization Process Advisers.

Among other positions, he joined Banco Hipotecario Nacional in 1995. Actively participated in the bank restructuring process that led to its transformation into a private owned company Involved in the creation, implementation and set up of BACS Banco de Crédito y Securitización S.A., financial institution controlled by Banco Hipotecario and the IFC, where he served as the CFO.

His main professional activities have been:

Advisory on standardization of Mortgage Loan Origination Procedures in El Salvador, as part of a program sponsored by the IDB for the development of a Secondary Mortgage Market.

Researcher in ‘Basel II: Adoption and Adaptation in Latin America: Case of study El Salvador’, for IDB Research Department.

First international "investment grade" securitization based on assets (residential mortgages) located in Argentina.

First securitization to be internationally rated as “A” through the implementation of highly sophisticated structuring (residential mortgages).

Creation, implementation and setup of BACS, Banco de Crédito y Securitización S.A., a secondary mortgage bank, originated by Banco Hipotecario and International Finance Corporation Banco Mundial with the objective of developing a secondary mortgage market in Argentina.

First operation to be locally rated as raAAA after the 2001 Argentina´s 2001 economic crisis (residential mortgages).

Implementation of Credit Lines provided by Multi and Bilateral Financial Organizations through the utilization of guarantee trusts.

Advisory on over the first mortgage-backed securitization in Ecuador.

Advisory to Banco Pichincha (Ecuador) on the improvement of Origination and Servicing processes for Consumer and Mortgage loans, as a first step in the Securitization of those types of loans.

Advisory to Corporación de Desarrollo de Mercado Secundario de Hipotecas CTH (Ecuador) on Risk management in Mortgage Securitization Processes in the Ecuadorian market.

Efficient integration and development of the processes involved in selecting credit portfolios, re-packaging, and issuing mortgage-backed securities.

Launching the Banco Hipotecario S.A. as a retail institution.

Active participation in Banco Hipotecario Nacional (I.P.O) privatization process (IPO).

Truly innovative structure design successfully applied to the securitization of consumer credit loans, credit card receivables, foreign trade, and agricultural credit.

Implementation of Banco Hipotecario S.A. Negotiable Obligation Bond Issuance Program.

Creation, implementation and setup of an Origination and Servicing unit, including all Delinquency Recovery Processes for BACS (Banco de Crédito y Securitización S.A.), financial institution controlled by Banco Hipotecario and the IFC.

Due Diligence and Pricing evaluation of Non-performing loans on an acquisition process analysis for Deutsche Bank.

Pre-feasibility analysis for a Credit Card receivables Securitization for Diners Club International (Ecuador).

Mr Martin is a CPA graduated from Universidad de Buenos Aires

Av. Santa Fe 1480 – Piso 5 – Of. “D”

C1060ABN – Buenos Aires – Argentina

(5411) 4813-4910 (Office)


45 years old