Santiago Library System Executive Council Minutes – June 10December 9, 2014

Santiago Library System

Executive Council Meeting Minutes

JuDecember 9ne 10, 2014

2:00 p.m.

Buena ParkMission Viejo Public Library


Jeanette ContrerasPlacentia Library District, Chair

Mary McCaslandBuena Park Library District

Audrey LujanAnaheim Public Library

Mary McCaslandBuena Park Library District Co-CHAIR

Maureen GebeleinFullerton Public Library

Genesis HansenMission Viejo Public Library

Tim HethertonNewport Beach Public Library

Yolanda MorenoOrange Public Library

Helen FriedOrange County Public Library

Audrey LujanAnaheim Public Library

Stephanie BeverageHuntington Beach Public Library

Maryruth StorerOrange County Public Law Library

Carrie LixleyYorba Linda Public Library

Vera SkopSantiago Library System

Cindy MediavillaCalifornia State Library

Greg LucasCalifornia State Library

Carlene SalinasSantiago Library System



Absent: Call to Order


Chair Gebelein called the meeting to order at 2:00 p.m.

  1. Call to Order - Chair Contreras called the meeting to order at 2:0005 p.m.

Roll Call

  1. Adoption of Agenda

Oral Communications /

  1. Public Comments
  1. The SLS EC welcomed Greg Lucas, California State Librarian, who spoke on his vision for California libraries.
  2. Jason Le Duc of Counting Opinions gave a short overview of what statistics are available for all CA public libraries on the State Library website. It was recommended that the reference committee see the presentation.

Consent Calendar

  1. Minutes of the October 14, 2014 Santiago Library System Executive Council Meeting (received, filed approved)
  2. ______movedMoved and seconded to for approveal of the October 14, 2014 Minutes. (AL/SB)

______seconded the motion, which passed unanimously

  1. Financial Reports (receive, file and approve) (MG/CL)

Continuing Business

  1. 14/15 revised budget. : Vera explained that the 14/15 budget had to be revised once again. It was moved and seconded to approve the revised 14/15 budget. (AL/YM)
  2. Zinio and Enki: Vera reported that most libraries were running both products. Maureen asked when the Enki SIP server issue was going to be addressed: Vera will inquire and report back.
  3. SLS Committees: Vera said that Linda and she had met with the chairs of the committee earlier in the day and had a productive meeting. Chairs agreed that they would like to meet once a year in person, agreed on committee meeting schedules, reported on what their committees were working on, and discussed best practices/goals. It was agreed that the chair of each committee will report to their director and then that director will give a report at the next Executive Council meeting.
  4. System-wide training: Fully Engaged Customer Service training with Cheryl Gould will be held on February 4 at the Anaheim Public Library. All members may send 2 staff; OCPL may send 10. The deadline for registrations is January 15, 2015.

New Business

Strategic Planning:

  1. Jeanette suggested that SLS spend some time doing strategic planning. All members agreed that it would be more effective to work on strategic initiatives or strategic guides for the next one or two years that could be shifted, redirected as needs and circumstances changed. Maureen agreed to chair a strategic initiatives taskforce to come up with a preliminary plan; Genesis and Stephanie volunteered to join the taskforce.
  2. State Library: Cindy reported that the State is currently working on restructuring the forms for LSTA grant reports. Pitch-an-Idea grants will be coming in January.


  1. Agenda Preparation for February 10, 2015 Executive Council Meeting at Newport Beach Public Library
  1. Review of Action Items.
  2. Ad Hoc committee – Maureen
  3. Associate Members – Santa Ana
  4. Adjournment at 4:26 pm.

Respectfully submitted by

Linda Andersen


Consent Calendar: Approval of Minutes

McCasland moved approval of the April 8, 2014 Minutes. Beverage seconded the motion, which passed unanimously.

Regular Business:

Inland Library System Contract:

Moreno moved approval of the ILS Contract for 2014/2015. Beverage seconded the motion, which passed unanimously.

Budget 13/14:

Discussed areas of the budget that required more funds such as the one-day workshop.

At this time there is approximately $693 left that will be used to reimburse committee members for mileage to meetings.

Beverage moved approval of Budget 13/14. Moreno seconded the motion, which passed unanimously.

Budget 14/15:

The Santiago Library System will be receiving $103,114 for the 2014/2015 fiscal year.

There was discussion regarding areas where funds should be placed such as eBooks. It was also decided that Santiago Library System will hold an independent audit.

Plan of Service 2014/2015:

The Plan of Service is due Friday, June 13, 2014. The priorities will be the following:




4.Adding eBooks

Future plans will include the commitment to staying connected.


Santiago Library System will invoice each library for the amount that each individual library will owe Califa. Once SLS receives the funds from each library, then one check will be written to Califa for the entire amount owed.


The State Library gave cooperative systems a new option for 2014/2015: CLSA Communication & Delivery funding can be spent on eBooks. After the EC discussed various options such as Overdrive, Enki and Zinio, Lujan made a motion, Contreras seconded, to use $64,000 from 14/15 CLSA funds for eBooks. The motion passed unanimously. The EC agreed to 1) work with Califa and the new Enki product and to 2) reimburse member libraries for eBook purchases through their individual eBook vendors.

A motion to amend the 14/15 Plan of Service to include the purchase of eBooks for SLS was made by Lujan, seconded by Moreno, which passed unanimously.

System-wide Teamwork Workshop Review/Staff Input/Evaluations:

The evaluations stated that the workshop was very useful and the speaker provided good techniques to use in the workplace. It was suggested that another workshop be provided so that more employees of the SLS libraries could attend. The workshop could possibly be held again at the Orange Public Library.

Review goals from committees:

A discussion was held regarding how to help the committees create goals and objectives that are measurable. It was suggested that a facilitator could be used or a workshop could be given to assist with training on the creation of obtainable goals and objectives. It was also suggested that a Local History Committee should be created. It was also suggested that each committee could be responsible for creating a list of ten program ideas and ten best practices by the end of the fiscal year.

Election of Officers:

There was a motion made to elect Jeanette Contreras as the new Chair and Mary M McCasland as the new Co-Chair.

All Santiago Library System Executive Council Members approved the new slate of officers.


Buena Park Public LibraryLibrary District: New Early Literacy Center in the children’s library; a new “Pop Up” Library will be going to a local park to sign kids up for the Summer Reading Program. They will join a volunteer teacher who will read to kids in the park each week.

Placentia Public Library District: 15 hour position just closed; strategic plan is still being worked on; 14/15 budget has a 30% increase for materials; passport income continues to increase; library is looking to expand and renovateat a possible renovation/expansion.

Mission Viejo Public Library: Library is hosting a tablet time literacy class; 14/15 budget will have a small increase for materials.

Yorba Linda Public Library: Library hosted a “Star Wars” day which was very successful; possibly looking into providing passport services; smoking, including e-cigs, was banned on all library property.

Orange County Public Library: Library desktop is now on the Cloud, central server had a few issues in the beginning such as not supporting Netflix; some library expansions are taking place in San Clemente and Costa Mesa.

Orange County Public Law Library: The library budget has a decrease of 11%; there will be a 30% decrease in the collection.

Huntington Beach Public Library: The Huntington Beach Pier Rededication will take place on June 22, 2014; pop up library called the “Surf Shack Library” will be at the rededication ceremonies; summer reading club will begin June 23; working on the 14/15 budget; the library will possibly be hiring.

Orange Public Library: Volunteer program will take place on June 26, 2014; budget is in the process of being adopted; off furloughs; Ben and Jerry’s ice cream is coming to the library and will have free ice cream for one hour.

Anaheim Public Library: Library administration is reorganizing; the utility company is providing a sample LED light to neighborhoods near the library, each home owner will come to the library to receive their free light bulb. This will help advertise events taking place at the library.

Fullerton Public Library: Summer reading club will begin on June 2, 2014; received the Pitch an Idea grant for the Maker Space modules; the library is currently in the second year of a two-year budget.


The meeting was adjourned at 4:00 p.m.