Janaro Custom Index, 6th Edition

From Janaro and Altshuler, The Art of Being Human,

Sixth Edition

Pages 19-43 (Chapter 2), pages 577-613 (Chapter 16), pages 363-471 (Chapters 10-12), pages 615-642 (Chapter 17), pages 541-575 (Chapter 15) pages 653-685 (Chapter 18)

-e A f

Adler, Mortimer J., 317, 396, 479

afterlife, 587–590

in Christianity, 588

in Judaism, 588–589

Agee, James

A Death in the Family, 584

aging, fear of, 596–598

Agnosticism, 393–394

Alexander, Jane, 653

Anaximander, 380–381

Apollonian/Dionysian elements

as defined by Nietzsche, 19–21

in art, 35–37

in drama, 37–38

in the human personality, 21–25

in music, 34–35

in poetry, 33–34

in popular culture, 38–40

in religion, 25–29

Arabian Nights, The, 546

Aristotle, 380, 384,

Atheism, 393–394

Auselmo, Giovanni

The Structure That Eats, color plate 30


in Europe, 341–347

in the United States, 347–355

-e B f

Bentham, Jeremy, 444–446

feminist objections to, 446–449

Benton, Thomas Hart

Arts of the South, illus., 665

Bernstein, Leonard,

On the Town, 625

West Side Story, 239–240, 549–550

Bible, The (Christian)

The Book of Revelation, 436

feminist view of Jesus, 448

New Testament, 457–458

Bible, The (Hebrew)

Adam and Eve, 516–517

The Ten Commandments, 451, 455–457

Bierstadt, Albert

The Rocky Mountains, illus., 630

Big Bang theory, 363, 367, 588

Bloom, Allan

The Closing of the American Mind, 452–453

and moral relativism, 452

Bogart, Humphrey, 39

Brecht, Bertolt, 32

Buber, Martin

I/Thou, 464–465

Buddhism, 401–404, 407–415

Bodhidharma, 413

Dharma, 410–413

Four Noble Truths, 411

eightfold path, 410–411

meditation, 414–416

photograph of meditators in zendo, 386

the middle way, 410

nirvana in, 407–409

samsara, 412

Zen, 413–415

Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid, 559

Byron, Lord

controversial life style, 667

“She Walks in Beauty,” 548

-e C f

Camus, Albert, 465, 469, 497

Capra, Frank

It Happened One Night, 322–324, 442

It’s a Wonderful Life, 442–443

Capra, Fritjof

The Tao of Physics, 418

Carson, Rachel

Silent Spring, 643

Cervantes, Miguel de

Don Quixote, 498, 554, 559

illus., 555

Chaucer, Geoffrey, 546–547

Chekhov, Anton, 119–120

The Seagull, 593

Chicago, Judy

The Dinner Party, color plate 29

Clurman, Harold, 683

Confucius, 561–562

Conrad, Joseph

Heart of Darkness, 642–644, 648

Congreve, William, 566

The Way of the World, 556–557

courtly love, 553–555

Crime and Punishment, 458

-e D f

Dakota: A Spiritual Geography, 646

Dante (Alighieri), 552–553

The Inferno, 588, 601

Darwin, Charles,

The Origin of Species, 385

David, Jacques-Louis

Death of Socrates, illus., 588


in music, 585–586

in the popular arts, 579, 581, 583, 597

de Beauvoir, Simone, 465, 573

Delacroix, Eugène

Horse Frightened by Storm, illus., 629

de Maupassant, Guy

“Ball of Fat,” 434

Diary of Anne Frank, The, 492–494, 676

photograph from play, 677

Divine Comedy, The, 552–553, 588, 601

Don Quixote, 134, 498, 554–555, 559

Donne, John

Meditation: “No man is an island,” 441

“A Valediction Forbidding Mourning,” 589–590

Don’t Bet on the Prince, 571

Douglas, Lord Alfred, 669

Douglas, Marjory Stoneman

The Everglades: River of Grass, 644

Duchamp, Marcel, 182, 663

Nude Descending a Staircase, No.2, color plate 24

-e E f

Einstein, Albert, 186, 367–368

Special Theory of Relativity, 385–386

Eleanor of Aquitaine

and Courtly Love tradition, 553–554

Emerson, Ralph Waldo, 15, 132

“American Scholar,” 627

“Brahma,” 405

“Nature,” 616–617

empiricism, 376–378

Ensor, James

Intrigue, illus., 592


in As You Like It, 620–621

in Christianity, 615

in Frankenstein, 635–637

in Gulliver’s Travels, 638–639

in Heart of Darkness, 642–644

in Into Thin Air, 635

in Islam, 615

in Judaism, 615, 617–619

in Native American literature, 639–642

in The Perfect Storm, 634

in Romantic literature and art,


Epictetus, 468

and Stoicism, 485–486

attitude toward death, 579


epistemology, 368–378

definition of, 369


Hippolytus, 543–544

existentialism, 462–467

-e F f

feminist ethics, 446–449

Ferris, Timothy, 396

Fielding, Henry, 559

Fiorenza, Elisabeth Schussler, 448

Forms, Plato’s Theory of the, 370–374

attacked by John Locke, 376

and Christianity, 383–384

Frank, Anne, 676

Fromm, Erich, 574

-e G f

Gandhi, Mohandas K., 422, 495, 500, 502

Gautama, Siddhartha, 407–413

Gelbart, Larry, 646

Gleick, James, 396

Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von, 404

Golding, William

Lord of the Flies, 42

Gould, Stephen Jay, 396

Goya, Francisco

The Third of May, illus., 36

Guess Who’s Coming to Dinner, 675

Gulliver’s Travels, 638–639

Gurganus, Alan, 674

e H f

Hawking, Stephen, 367, 386

Hawthorne, Nathaniel,

The Scarlet Letter, 27

Hellman, Lillian, 559–560

Hemingway, Ernest, 578

A Farewell to Arms, 441

For Whom the Bell Tolls, 441

suicide of, 606

Heraclitus, 381

Hesse, Hermann

Siddhartha, 420

Hinduism, 403–407

Brahman, 404–405

karma, 406–407

nirvana in, 407

trinity of gods, 405–406

photograph of Shiva, 406

Hobbes, Thomas

Leviathan, 436–437

Hoch, Danny, 675–676

Homer, 543

Homer, Winslow, 632–633

Hopkins, Gerard Manley

“Spring and Fall,” 584–585

House Un-American Activities Committee (HUAC), 670–674

Hughes, Ted, 605

Hume, David,

skepticism, definition of, 377

A Treatise of Human Nature, 377–378

Hunt, Morton M., 568

-e I f

idiot savants

and theories of knowledge, 373

-e J f

James, Henry

The Heiress (stage adaptation of Washington Square),


photograph from, 564

James, William, 387

Jefferson, Thomas, 378

Johnson, Samuel, 568

Joyce, James, 525

Ulysses, censorship of, 661–663

-e Kf

Kant, Immanuel

Categorical Imperative, 444–446

feminist objections to, 446

Kazantzakis, Nikos

The Last Temptation of Christ, 657–658

Zorba the Greek, 42

Keats, John

“After dark vapours have oppress’d our plains,” 590

Khayyám, Omar

The Rubaiyat, 546

Kierkegaard, Søren, 463–464

Fear and Trembling, 463

Kimmelman, Michael, 655

Kincaid, Jamaica

My Brother, 612

King, Martin Luther, Jr., 420, 445

Kohlberg, Lawrence, 447–448

Kokoschka, Oskar

Krakauer, Jon

Into Thin Air, 635, 649

-e Lf

Lao-Tzu, 415–420

Tao Te Ching, 420

La Rochefoucauld, François, Duc de, 541, 542, 581

Lawrence, D. H.

Lady Chatterley’s Lover, censorship trial of, 663

Leucippus, 382–383

Lewis, Edmonia, 678–679

Locke, John, 376–377

Lucretius, 383

-e Mf

Machiavelli, Niccolò

The Prince, 435–436

Mahler, Alma Schindler, 680–682

Mahler, Gustav, 680–681

Marcus Aurelius, 443, 486

Mariolatry (cult of the Virgin), 550

Marquez, Gabriel Garcia

Love in the Time of Cholera, 588–591

materialism, philosophy of, 382–383

McCarthy, Joseph, 672

McDaniel, Hattie, 674

Medoff, Mark

Children of a Lesser God, 596–597

Melville, Herman, 14, 578, 655

Moby Dick, ambiguity in, 138

nature in, 632–634

Michelangelo (Buonarotti), 37, 165–169, 655–656

David, 37

Mill, John Stuart, 154

The Tyranny of the Majority, 460–462

Miller, Arthur

The Crucible, 673

photograph from, 673

Milne, A. A.

Winnie the Pooh, Taoism in, 418–419

Minor, Wendell

The Last Call, illus., 645

Mohammed, 458

mythology, 399–427

-e Nf

Nabokov, Vladimir

Lectures on Literature, 42

Native American literature, 639–642

Dee Brown, Bury My Heart at Wounded Knee, 641–643

Crowfoot, 640

Holy Woman of Wintu Nation, 640–641

Young Chief of Cayuse Nation, 640

Newman, Paul, 559–560

Newton, Sir Isaac, 367, 384–385

Nochlin, Linda

“Why There Are No Great Women Artists,”


Norman, Marsha

’night Mother, 606–607

Norris, Kathleen

Dakota: A Spiritual Geography, 646

Nottebohm, Andreas

KN1102, 1990, illus., 381

-e Of

O’Brien, Tim

Going after Caccioto, 441–442

O’Connor, Frank

“The Idealist,” 435

Odets, Clifford, 683

O’Keeffe, Georgia

Purple Petunias, color plate 19

O’Neill, Eugene

Ah, Wilderness! 562–563

Long Day’s Journey into Night, 599–600


Mozart, W. A., The Marriage of Figaro, 568

Giacomo Puccini, La Boheme, 569

Guiseppe Verdi, La Traviata, 569

Orozco, José Clemente

Victims, illus., 652

O’Sullivan, John Louis

“Manifest Destiny,” 623

Ovid, 555

-e Pf

Pal Joey, 569

Parmenides, 381–382


Parsons, Linnea

and rational suicide, 604–605

Peirce, Charles Sanders

atheist argument, 393–394

Picasso, Pablo

The Lovers, illus., 549

The Tragedy, illus., 576

Pitts, Jr., Leonard, 601

Plath, Sylvia, 605–606

Plato, 542–543, 557–558

The Republic, 366, 431–433

theory of love, 542–543, 557–558

Poitier, Sidney, 675

Protagoras, 365–366

-e Qf

Qur’an, The (Koran), 458

-e Rf

Ramirez, Pascuaia

Bosque Amigo, illus., 372

Rand, Ayn, 438–439, 470

Raphael (Sanzio), 162–163

The School of Athens, illus., 370

rationalism, 373–378

Rawls, John, 449

Redford, Robert, 559–560

Rembrandt (Harmenszoon van Rijn)

Sacrifice of Isaac, illus. 428


forgiveness (Tashlikh), 609

Rivera, Diego, 658–660

Man, Controller of the Universe (mural), illus., 659

Robeson, Paul, 671–672

photograph of, from Othello, 275

photograph of, from Showboat, 672

Rockefeller, Nelson, 658–660

Rodgers, Richard

Pal Joey, 569

romantic love, 548–553

Romanticism, 616, 626–629

adoration of nature, 644–645

myth of Bohemian artist, 667–668

Roosevelt, Theodore, 616

Rubens, Peter Paul

Rape of the Daughters of Leucippus, illus., 542

Rushdie, Salman

The Satanic Verses, 657

Russell, Bertrand, 369

-e Sf

Saint Augustine, 389–391

Confessions, 389–390

doctrine of faith, 391

and predestination, 391

theory of evil, 390–391

Saint Thomas Aquinas

arguments for existence of God, 391–393

Sand, George, 667–668

Sandburg, Carl

Chicago, 625

Sappho, 120

“Hail, gentle Evening,” 622

Sartre, Jean-Paul

and existentialism, 465–467

Schubert, Franz

Death and the Maiden, 586

Scorsese, Martin

Last Temptation of Christ, The, 355, 656–668

Seeger, Pete, 672–673

Segal, George

Bus Riders, illus., 454

self-interest, theories of, 430–439

Bentham versus Kant on subject, 444–446

challenges to, 439–446

Seurat, Georges

Sunday on the Island of La Grand Jatte, illus., 567

Sexton, Anne, 606

Shakespeare, William

As You Like It, 557–558, 620–621, 644

A Midsummer-Night’s Dream, 557–558

Much Ado About Nothing, 557

Romeo and Juliet 548–550, 557

Venus and Adonis, 547–548

Shelley, Mary Wollstonecraft, 635–637

Frankenstein or The Modern Prometheus, 636–637

Sheridan, Richard Brinsley

The School for Scandal, 598–599

Shostakovich, Dimitri, 665

Smith, Adam, 437–438

Socrates, 364–367, 402

debate with Glaucon on self-interest, 431–432

debate with Thrasymachus on justice, 366

death of, 365, 432–433, 587

Death of Socrates, illus., 588

and the Sophists, 366–367

on suicide, 604

and the Theory of the Forms, 371

Sondheim, Stephen, 239–240

Company, 569

Song of Songs, The, 546

Sophocles, 562

Steinbeck, John

The Grapes of Wrath, 56, 115, 404

Stella, Joseph

Brooklyn Bridge, 624

Sting, The, 559

Stone, Oliver, 337

Wall Street, 439–440

Strauss, Richard

Death and Transfiguration, 585–586

Stravinsky, Igor, 242

The Rite of Spring, 666–667

Swift, Jonathan

Gulliver’s Travels, 638–639

Synge, John Millington,

The Playboy of the Western World, 661

-e Tf

Taoism, 415–421

The Tao of Pooh, 418–419

wu wei, 417

yin/yang principle, 416

illus., 421

television classics, analysis of

Northern Exposure, 645–646

Ten Commandments, The, 451, 455–457, 561

Terkel, Studs

Working, 455

Thales, 380

Thelma and Louise, 560

Thoreau, Henry David, 460

Thurber, James

“The Secret Life of Walter Mitty,” 595

Tong, Rosemarie, 448

Tolstoy, Leo

The Death of Ivan Ilych, 612

Trungpa, Chögyam, 412, 422–423

Turner, J. M. W., 632–633

Twain, Mark (Samuel Clemens), 559

-e Uf

Uelsmann, Jerry

photograph by, 371

-e Vf

van Gogh, Vincent, 578, 605,

654–655, 665

The Starry Night, color plate 11

A Wheatfield, with Cypresses, illus., 178

Vargas Llosa, Mario, 654

Veblen, Thorstein

The Theory of the Leisure Class, 422

Victoria, Queen

impact on middle-class marriage, 565–567

moral influence, 27, 31

Voltaire (François Marie Arouet), 565

von Lichtenstein, Ulrich, 554–555

-e Wf

Wagner, Richard, 527–528

love/death in Tristan and Isolde, 552

Waller, James

The Bridges of Madison County, 553

Warner, Sylvia Townsend

The Corner That Held Them, 546

Wasserstein, Wendy

The Heidi Chronicles, 568

White, E. B

“I Paint What I See,” 659–660

Whitman, Walt, 610

“Manahatta,” 623–625

Wilde, Oscar, 558, 661

The Importance of Being Earnest, 668

photograph from film, 668

photograph of, 670

trial and conviction for homosexuality, 668–670

Wilder, Thornton

Our Town as play, 563, 589

Williams, Robin, 608

Williams, Tennessee, 656

women in the arts, 676–682

Woolf, Virginia

A Room of One’s Own, 678–680

Wordsworth, William, 627–629

definition of poetry, 32

“Lines Composed a Few Miles above Tintern Abbey,”


“My heart leaps up when I behold,” 603–604

“The world is too much with us,” 629

-e Yf

yin/yang, principle of, in Taoism, 416–417

depiction of, 421

Table of Contents for Reference

From Janaro and Altshuler, The Art of Being Human,

Sixth Edition


Apollo and Dionysus 19

Overview 19

Personal Applications 21

Walking 21

The Weekend 22

Food 23

Sex 23

Institutions 25

Religion 25

Education 30

The Arts 31

Poetry 33

Music 34

Visual Art 35

Drama 37

Popular Culture 38

Epilogue 40

Glossary 41

Endnotes 41

Suggested Reading 42

Suggested Web Sites 43

Topics for Writing and Discussion 43

Part II

Examining Our Lives

From Janaro and Altshuler, The Art of Being Human,

Sixth Edition


Death Attitudes and

Life Affirmation 577

Overview 577

Images of Death 578

“Death” in the Popular Arts 579

Humor 581

The Magnification of Death 582

The Medicalization of Death 583

Death and Children 584

Death in Music 585

The Last Days of Socrates 586

Life After Death 587

Fatalism 590

Symbolic Death 591

Unworth 592

Giving Up 593

Symbolic Suicide 594

Fear of Aging 596

Symbolic Murder 598

Models of Life Affirmation 601

The Phoenix 601

There Is Only Now 603

Reinventing Ourselves 604

The Forgiveness Ritual 607

Epilogue 609

Glossary 611

Endnotes 611

Suggested Reading 611

Suggested Web Sites 613

Topics for Writing and Discussion 613

From Janaro and Altshuler, The Art of Being Human,

Sixth Edition


The Philosopher of the West 363

Overview 363

Profile of the Philosopher of the West 364

Questions of Mind 368

Plato’s Theory of the Forms 370

Rationalism 373

Empiricism 376

Questions of Reality 378

Some Early Western Answers to Questions of Reality 380

The First Atomic Theory 382

The Ongoing Question of How Existence Began 383

Questions of Divinity 387

Philosophy and Religion 387