September 2016 Retired Association Meeting
Call to Order:
Prayers: The membership offered prayers for the following members who passed away: Brother Jim Fitzpatrick #98 on August 6, 2016; Brother Ray Reinhart # 202 on August 24, 2016; Brother Joseph Scooter Kozlowski #133 in August 24, 2016;
The membership offered prayers for the following members who lost loved ones: Brother Vern Ireland who lost his wife, Barbara;
The membership prayed for a speedy and complete recovery for: Brother John Mumaw; Curtis Parrigan partner of Vice President Pam McKay; Brother Tom Blandford;
Pledge of Allegiance:
Guests: Academy Class Session 130, Chief Hank Stawinski,
New Retirees: Robert Liberati #1345, Jason Bogue #2054, Jerome McCann #2080, Civilians Deborah Lawhorne #G64, Veronica Carroll #G100
Seldom Seen: Jimmy Cline, Hank Anderson, Ed Heilman, Tim Hartman, Tony D’Ambrosi, Roy Gilmore, John Bond, Jeff Simms,
Old Business:
1) Lunch with Charlie Ward: Bottom of the Hill Leonardtown on September 14 at 11:30 AM, at Three Brothers Prince Frederick on September 21 at 1130 AM at Marie’s Diner La Plata on September 15 at 11:30 AM, and at the Double T Diner in Annapolis on September 28 at 11:00 AM
The Leonardtown Lunch is being moved to Bottom of the Hill 40874 Merchants Lane Leonardtown on September 14, the owner is Matt Hicks, nephew of deceased Brother Billy Hicks. Matt was involved in the Top of the Hill bar in Upper Marlboro.
2) Thank you note from Brother Vern Ireland
3) Dues form will be in the October Newsletter
4) Ocean City Crab Feast Report by Assistant Secretary Toni Frostbutter Nelson, only seven rooms left, please get your money for the crab feast and seafood dinner in.
5) Selection of Denny Husk Scholarship Winners: Bernard Joseph II, son of Brother Bernard Joseph; Taylor Carr, daughter of Brother Luke Carr and Sister Sandy Carr;
6) Brother Jason Swope spoke on the Fallen Heroes’ Car Show at the Lodge September 17
7) The Golf Tournament has been cancelled; the golf course is in terrible shape;
8) Brother Mike Riess spoke on the raffle tickets for the Wagon of Cheer and the peddle police car to benefit the Fallen Police Memorial;
FOP Report: President Zeek Teletchea spoke on:
1) The results of the Maryland State FOP conference election results with our own Brother Vince Canales reelected as president and Brother Darryl Jones being reelected conductor; He spoke on how proud he was of FOP 89‘s delegation and how hard they worked and attentive to details they were;
2) The fund raiser held for Brother Terrance Sanders was on Friday; over $15,000 was raised, Brother Sanders has asked to return some to the Lodge;
3) The FOP will have a meet and greet booth at the county fair, (no beer wagon);
Vice President Reports: Excused
Secretary Report: 727 members
Treasurers Report: The Treasury has $30,979.70 Treasurer was excused.
Finance Committee Report: none
Raffles: 50/50: Won by Brother Tom Jensen $133., Brother Jensen donated the entire amount to the Fallen Hero’s Memorial
The Attendance Raffle for September $100 Brother Ritchie Logue was not in attendance;
Attendees: 68
Good of the Order: Brother Rex Foster has the Friends of PG Police Face Book page with 1700 members.
Brother Foster wants to honor retired civilian dispatcher Bob Spigner who is in Asbury Assisted Living in Solomon’s. He has talked with Chief Stawinski to set it up.
Dinner: Cole’s Catering: Cole’s Creative Catering will serve Shrimp Alfredo/ Spaghetti with Beef Meatballs/ Spaghetti with Turkey Meatballs, Fresh Garden Salad, Cookies