Faculty of Graduate Studies
Graduate New Programs and Curriculum Committee Meeting
Friday, December January 7 2011; 9:00 – 11:00am
Venue: Room203, Graduate Student Centre, 6371 Crescent Road
Present:Bill McKee (Chair), Stelvio Bandiera, Julie Hodge (Minutes), Ginette Vallee, Murdoch McAllister,
Philip Loewen, Bill Ramey, Max Read, Joyce Tom, Doug Harris, Mary Sue Stephenson, Clive Roberts, Shauna Butterwick, Anthony Lau
Regrets:Sandra Chamberlain, Tim Green
- Adoption of Agenda
- Minutes of December 3, 2010 meeting
- Business arising:
- Law new courses revised as directed on December 3, 2010; new course code numbers selected:
- LAW 505 (5) - remove strike-through word graduate in two-column format
- LAW 515 (5)
- LAW 525 (5)
Motion: Carried to Grad Council
- Resubmitted Proposals
Faculty of Graduate Studies
Submitted by Joyce Tom
Credit/D/Fail grading – calendar entry
- Correct to indicate that this is a category 2 proposal on two-column format
Faculty of Medicine
Submitted by Carissa McRae
RSPT Change of Course Code “PHTH” – calendar entry
Remove paragraph “This chapter provides an archive of courses offered by UBC. For current course sections and schedules, please visit the online Course Schedule.” This is displayed as an automatic calendar statement.
Display a strike-through on “RSPT” on the top right hand calendar title, “Faculty of Medicine
RSPT: Physical Therapy”
Re-submit the “Create a new course code proposal as a category 1 proposal. Instructions on submitting as a category 1 proposal can be found here[WTMc1]:
Action: Hold
Faculty of Arts
Submitted by Josephine Calazan
POLI 517 (3/6) D
Part of the rationale indicates that this topic has been offered previously under a topics course, perhaps POLI 562? Reference to POLI 562 should be made within rationale
Further to previous memo dated November 12, 2010, since you propose a variable credit course, please clarify how the variable credit will be used (e.g., variable topics will be offered with students able to repeat a 3 credit course for 6 credits total, the course may be offered as a 6 credit or a 3 credit course). Please describe your intended use of the variable credit in the rationale.
1. What is the difference between 3 and 6 credits within this course?
2. Clearly stateif the sample syllabus provided (516B) is intended as a 3 credit course.
3. Will students complete POLI 517a second time, or will there be a new 6-credit course?
One committee member observed that the syllabus appears to problematize African states in ways that don’t parallel treatment of European states. Please comment.
Please explain how the attainment of learning objectives is operationalized within the learning assignments?
Provide assessment/grading rubric that will show the connection between the assignments and grades granted for each assignment
Action: Hold
POLI 574 (3/6) D
Further to previous memo dated November 12, 2010, since you propose a variable credit course, please clarify how the variable credit will be used (e.g., variable topics will be offered with students able to repeat a 3 credit course for 6 credits total, the course may be offered as a 6 credit or a 3 credit course). Please describe your intended use of the variable credit in the rationale.
1. What is the difference between 3 and 6 credits within this course?
2. Clearly stateif the sample syllabus provided (POLI 574) is intended as a 3 credit course.
3. Will students complete POLI 574 a second time, or will there be a new 6-credit course?
- Please explain how the attainment of learning objectives is operationalized within the learning assignments?
- Provide assessment/grading rubric that will show the connection between the assignments and grades granted for each assignment
Faculty of Arts
Submitted by Alan Richardson
PHIL 561 (3-12) D
Remove course description “Focused seminar on a specific theme or themes in Science and Technology Studies” (found under the proposed calendar entry name): “PHIL 561 (3-12) D. Topics in Science and Technology Studies”
Revise type of action to state: “Create new course”
Explicitly highlight the need for this course in two-column entry “Rationale”, indicating the place that this course will occupy in the proposed new program
Provide learning outcomes / intended learning objectives within Philosophy 561 (3-12) D course syllabus
Provide assessment/grading rubric that will show the connection between the assignments and grades granted for each assignment within Philosophy 561 (3-12) D course syllabus
Describe how the short paper assignment is carried out and how these assignments “come to terms” with the detailed learning outcomes/objectives (i.e, link the activity, learning outcome expected and how this learning is evaluated in the assignment)
Elaborate on the learning activities mentioned within syllabus and how each activity is graded
Depict how the learning activities intend to help students achieve the desired STS learning outcomes
Remove reference to 502 in syllabus
PHIL 561 is proposed as a seminar course, however the syllabi states “3 short papers for each part of the course” - Classify the different “parts” within this seminar course.
Action: Hold
STS 502 (3-12)
Revise credits to state 3, rather than 3-12, since this is now a single, core seminar for doctoral students
Revise type of action to state: “Create new course” on two-column proposal format
Correct the Faculty Approval Date to state “February 9, 2010”
Remain consistent with STS new program intentions and revise title of course to state: “Core Seminar in Science and Technology Studies”
Provide learning outcomes / intended learning objectives within STS 502 course syllabusor as a supplement
Explicitly highlight the need for this course in two-column entry “Rationale”, indicating the place that this course will occupy in the proposed new program
Provide assessment/grading rubric that will show the connection between the assignments and grades granted for each assignment
Explain the integration between PHIL 561 and STS 502 within course description by including the content of 3rd paragraph (page 1) of STS 502: Seminar in Science and Technology Studies syllabus on two-column format to differentiate between the core seminar and pro-seminar courses
Action: Hold
STS 597 (3)
Revise type of action to state: “Create new course”
Change Faculty Approval Date to February, 9, 2010
Remove the D from title to read: “STS 597 (3) Masters Colloquium Series in Science and Technology Studies.”
Indicate in square brackets as a restriction statement in left-hand column, or in the description, that this course is restricted to Masters Students in the STS Graduate Program.
Edit first paragraph of rationale (delete first sentence and second sentence to “provide students…)to state: “This course will be offered annually and will play a critical role in the STS Graduate Program, and is designed to provide students from various...and social sciences”
Edit second paragraph of rationale to state: “A colloquium series held bi-weekly throughout the Winter Session provides students with access to… work in progress.”
Remove last line in rationale that says “STS 597 will be offered annually.” Option to include this in course-scheduling program.
Revise effective start date to: “Winter, first term, 2012
Provide a syllabus that shows the typical structure of the class, expected learning outcomes or objectives for students, requirements for students and activities they will undertake as part of the course, method of assessment of students and grading framework.[jh2]
Action: Hold
STS 598 (3-6) D
Indicate in square brackets as a restriction statement in left-hand column, or in the description, that this course is restricted to students in the STS doctoral stream
Revise effective start date to: “Winter, first term, 2012
Correct the Faculty Approval Date to state “February 9, 2010”
Edit first paragraph of rationale (delete first sentence and second sentence to “provide students…)to state: “This course will be offered annually and will play a critical role for doctoral students enrolled in the STS research streams, and is designed to provide students from various...and social sciences”
Edit second paragraph of rationale to state: “A colloquium series held bi-weekly throughout the Winter Session provides students with access to… work in progress.”
Remove last line in rationale that says “STS 598 will be offered annually.” Option to include this in course-scheduling program.
Provide a syllabus that shows the typical structure of the class, expected learning outcomes or objectives for students, requirements for students and activities they will undertake as part of the course, method of assessment of students and grading framework.
[jh3] Action: Hold
STS 501 (3)
Correct the Faculty Approval Date to state “February 9, 2010”
Revise rationale to highlight the need for this course and the role this course will play in the proposed MA program and for doctoral students engaged in the STS research streams within their departmental PhD programs. Delete first paragraph and revise second paragraph to read, “Both Masters students in the STS MA program and Doctoral students who undertake the STS research stream within their PhD program will be required…in the field.”
Revise type of action to state: “Create new course”
Provide a course syllabus including objectives and expected learning outcomes, description of expected learning activities for students , evaluation procedures and grading framework, ,
Provide library and budget consultation forms
[jh4]Revise effective start date to: “Winter, first term, 2012
For more information on category 1 proposal configuration, please visit:
Action: Hold
STS 599 (12)
Correct the Faculty Approval Date to state “February 9, 2010”
Revise type of action to state: “Create new course”
Action: Approved
STS Masters Program
Correct the Faculty Approval Date to state “February 9, 2010”
Revise second sentence of program overview “…a Master of Arts degree in STS or to a research stream within a doctoral degree in the departments of English, History, Philosophy, or other participating units.” Revise third sentence “…graduate programs in the departments of English, History and Philosophy.”
Note that the parchment designation language has been removed.
Second paragraph “…and the doctoral stream in Science and Technology…”
Provide more specific information under “Program requirements”, “The program of study will include 18 credits of coursework (STS 501, STS 597, and 12 credits of approved electives), and a 12 credit thesis (STS 599) under the supervision of a faculty member.
The final paragraph regarding the doctoral programs should be revised, “Doctoral study in Science and Technology Studies is available within the PhD programs offered by the departments of English, History and Philosophy. Please see…”
Modify Type of Action to display “Create New Program” (refer to the M.A. program under STS in Graduate section of calendar and separate entries by department to designate research streams in Doctoral programs in History, Philosophy and English)
Revise title in two-column format from M.A to “Master of Arts”
[jh5]The following edits must be made within the Program Proposal document:
Revise section 1.a. “Title of Degree program” to include reference to the MA in STS only. Remove reference to STS a doctoral program. You may wish to make reference to parallel development of “doctoral research streams” within the departmental PhD programs in History, English and Philosophy. This will clarify for reviewers that the proposal is for a single, new interdisciplinary MA program.
Page 4, section B. Objectives, reference on the MA program here at the beginning of the third sentence “ Both The STS MA and PhD program will offer graduate students”
Second paragraph of that section beginning, “The MA and PhD program…” needs to be revised to focus on the difference between the MA program and study in an STS research stream within a PhD in one of the participating departments.
Section c. Relation to other established program, you may need to remove the reference to the ISGP unless you get a memo indicating ISGP participation in the STS research stream and/or a consultation form showing their involvement. Similarly, remove reference to ISGP on page 8 paragraph 3 under admissions requirements, doctoral research streams.
Page 8 under program requirements, make reference to specific program requirements for the MA as in the calendar entry noted above.
Use consistent course descriptions (as on page 10) in syllabi for STS 501, STS 502, STS 597, STS 598 and STS 599.
These descriptions are general, which is acceptable in the overview, however more specification is required when including within the course proposals
Section b., page 11 Existing courses identified within the program, makes reference to an informal arrangement for student participation in 400-level courses as “directed studies”; this is an arrangement that the committee cannot support. Graduate Studies regulations do allow up to 6 credits of approved 300- or 400- level courses in a 30-credit graduate program.
Note that the History department consultation suggests that the proposed arrangement of graduate history courses would not currently work in their department. Please clarify and revise the listing as appropriate
Given the change in the role of STS 502 and the presented array of potential electives, is there still a need for the ENGL 561, HIST 561 and PHIL 561? These are presented on page 12-13 as courses to “facilitate the program” and not as “new courses” on page 8. It is unclear how these courses would serve the purpose suggested. Do you want to remove all the 561 proposals?
Action: Hold / Philosophy Calendar Entry
Revise to reflect suggested changes made to PHIL 561, (including program requirements /assignments/ outcomes and objectives), to bottom of left-hand column.
Identify and list program requirements by indicating the research stream requirements, STS 501 (3), STS 502 (3), STS 598 (3-6) D, 3 credits of approved electives (include any other program requirements)
Add “Doctor of Philosophy” title to left-hand column, above Admission Requirements
[jh6] Action: Hold
Faculty of Arts
Submitted by Alejandra Bronfman
HIST 561 (3-12) D
Learning objectives required in syllabus
HIST 561 already exists, new course number is required
Action: Hold / History Calendar Entry
Add program requirements to bottom left side of two-column proposal format and list program requirements by indicating the research stream requirements, STS 501 (3), STS 502 (3), STS 598 (3-6) D, 3 credits of approved electives (include any other program requirements)[jh7]
Correct the Faculty Approval Date to state “October 12, 2010”
Action: Hold
Faculty of Arts
Submitted by Glenn Deer
ENGL 561 (3-12) D
More specification required in rationale
Revise type of action to state: “Create new course”
Learning objectives required in syllabus
Provide reading/assignments list in syllabus
[jh8]Provide assessmentthat will show the connection between the evaluation method and grading rubric for each assignment
For more instructions on submitting as a category 1 proposal can be found here:
Action: Hold / English Calendar Entry
Add program requirements to bottom left side of two-column proposal format and list program requirements by indicating the research stream requirements, STS 501 (3), STS 502 (3), STS 598 (3-6) D, 3 credits of approved electives (include any other program requirements)[jh9]
Action: Hold
School of Audiology and Speech Sciences
Submitted by Barbara May Bernhardt
AUDI 522 (2)
Deficiency of time – carry forward to next meeting
- New Proposals
School of Audiology and Speech Sciences
Submitted by Barbara May Bernhardt
AUDI 555 (1)
Deficiency of time – carry forward to next meeting
- Adjournment of Meeting
- Next meeting: 9:00 AM, Friday, January 21, 2011, Room 203 of the Graduate Student Centre
O:\Grad Council\Grad Curriculum minutes\2010-2011 Meetings\2011 01 07\110107_grad_curr_minutes.doc
[WTMc1]This is a great idea.
[jh2]Can also reference these requests in November 4, 2010 memo
[jh3]Can also reference these requests in November 4, 2010 memo
[jh4]Can also reference these requests in November 4, 2010 memo
[jh5]Can also reference these requests in November 4, 2010 memo
[jh6]Can also reference these requests in November 4, 2010 memo
[jh7]Can also reference these recommendations in November 4, 2010 memo
[jh8]These recommendations can also be viewed on October 21, 2010 memo
[jh9]Can also reference these English recommendations in November 4, 2010 memo