Newly Qualified Teachers (NQTs) – Induction Tutor training
Autumn 2015
Will you be employing a NQT in 2015/16?
A school is required by the DFE, as part of the statutory requirements in offering NQT induction, to register with an appropriate body if their NQT is to complete their induction year to be awarded full qualified teacher status (QTS).
One part of the statutory requirements means you have to provide the NQT with an induction tutor.
Is your induction tutor new to the role?
They need to attend a training session.
When was the last time your induction tutor had any training?
If your induction tutor hasn’t received any training for at least 3 years they need to attend a training session.
Sessions will be run by Jill Ewen, School Improvement Adviser, Support Services for Education, at the following times and venues.
DATE / TIME / VENUE / AREAWednesday 16 September / 2.00-4.00pm / Bishops Hull House / Taunton
Friday 18September / 2.00-4.00pm / Bucklers Mead School / Yeovil
There will be no cost if you are using Somerset as your Appropriate Body, but a charge will be made if you are using a different Appropriate Body.
Please complete and return the attached booking form by Friday 11th September 2015 to Alison Taylor or via fax to 01823 358261 or by post to:
Commercial Development, Support Services for Education, B2 South, County Hall, Taunton TA1 4DY. Please mark it for Alison’s attention.
Contact: For individual queries or for one member of a group wanting to book training email
(Dates and Venues below, please indicate your choice)
Date / Time / Venue / ChoiceWednesday 16 September / 2pm – 4pm / Bishops Hull House, Taunton TA1 5EP
Friday 18September / 2pm – 4pm / Bucklers Mead School, Yeovil, BA21 4NH
Refreshments will be available on arrival.
There is no charge for these sessions, unless your school has not chosen Somerset as its appropriate body, in which case a charge will be made.
Name:Trs No: / School:
Any specific needs (i.e. access, large print)
Signature / DateYou will receive an email confirming your booking after the closing date so please check you have received this prior to the meeting.
Please complete and return the attached booking form by Friday 11th September 2015 to
Alison Taylor, NQT Administrator, or via fax to 01823 358261 or by post to:
Commercial Development, Support Services for Education, B2 South, County Hall, Taunton TA1 4DY. Please mark it for Alison’s attention.