In preparation for First Penance the children are put in touch with their own individual goodness, the goodness of other children, and with the goodness that is at the heart of human nature. We express the fullness of our humanity in and through our relationship with others. We are made in the image and likeness of God; we reflect something of his goodness and display it in our relationship with others. Time and again this was reflected in Jesus’ ability to connect with the very heart of those he met, his unique way of being with others and his attitude to those suffering or being excluded.
To understand what it means to celebrate the Sacrament of Penance we first need to believe that we are loved unconditionally by God. The Alive O programme helps the child to understand and experience God’s love through story, prayer and activities. The love they experience at home is foundational in helping the child to believe that God always loves him/her. Your child needs to know that you will always love and forgive them no matter what. If this is true of their parents and guardians, then they can begin to imagine how much God loves them and how willing he is to forgive them. The good experience of love and forgiveness at home is essential for the child. The focus this year will be very much on how they experience forgiveness from others.
The story of the Lost Sheep(in Alive O 4) best illustrates God’s love for each one of us. In the story of The Lost Sheep the child isencouraged to see God as the Shepherd who always cares for and looks after all his sheep. God goes to find the one sheep that strays because each one matters to him. This story is generally included in the child’s first Penance Service. The story of the Lost Sheep is read many times in school. It is discussed at length and they sing a song about the Lost Sheep! In class the childrenexplore what it is like to be lost. The discussion goes deeper than just being physically lost, but includes what it feels like to be separated from those they love when they throw a tantrum, refuse to make up after a fight, or behave inappropriately.
Through further discussion the children are helped to see that they need to say sorry for the times when their behaviour has been destructive or has caused upset or pain to others. Parents/guardians can help the child to understand this by spending a few minutes at bedtime (night prayer) looking back at the day and seeing what it is they are thankful for, and if there is anything for which they need to say sorry. It is helpful when parents include themselves in the reflection. It is essential that the child hears a significant adult in their lives acknowledging their need to say sorry.
Conclude by saying the Act of Sorrow together.
With this approach the children come to celebrate their First Penance secure in the knowledge that they are always loved by God and that it is good to take responsibility and ask forgiveness for the times when their behaviour has not reflected their goodness. The child is learning that it is important to say sorry and accept the forgiveness that is extended to them in love.