Working Groups 2017

Group Name / Purpose / Exec Partner / Convener
(Chairs Group)
AGM 2017 Twilight
ACED Data informing pedagogy / Organise AGM
Including speaker/s / Lisa P / Jo / Amanda / Marilyn
Term 1, 2017 Conference
Indigenous Ways of Learning / Organise conference / Dannielle / Charmaine / Rosemary / Susan / Katerina / Gisela / Margaret
Term 2, 2017 Conference
Matt Glover (USA)
Understanding Emergent Readers / Organise conference / Natalie / Sharon / Emmy / Lisa P
Term 3 2017 Conference
Mobile Conference:
Responding to Children’s Special Rights / Organise conference / TBA / Angela / Alison / Jess
Term 4 2017 Conference
Project EXPO / Organise conference / Lisa B / Lisa B / Davina / Rosemary
Group Name / Purpose / Exec Partner / Convener
(Chairs Group)
Response and Applications / Respond to policies and requests, apply for grant monies / Marilyn / Marilyn / Penny
(remotely) / Liz
EChO Awards / Advertise, seek nominations, assess nominations, recommend award recipients to committee, notify award winners / Marilyn / Liz / Penny (remotely)
Twilights and Spotlights / Set calendar for, and organise all twilight events / Liz / Charmaine / Jo / Emmy
Marketing/Membership / Co-ordinate all social and online media, manage marketing of all events and news, manage recruitment and communication with membership / Amanda / Melissa (VA)
Constitution / Develop new constitution and present to members / Amanda
Early Career and Pre-Service Teacher (ECT&PST) / Marilyn / N/A / Lisa P / Susan / Liz

Conference Concepts

Titles need work – these are just the concepts at the moment

2017 Concepts

Term 1 2017 – Indigenous Ways of Belonging, Being & Becoming

Possible Speakers – Mark Rose; Priscilla Lyons; Michael Austin; Michael O’Brien

Educators from APY Lands (Penny Cook, Tarsha Howard, Jessica DuBois…)


-  Name of the conference brought up a lot of discussion – Aboriginal culture or Indigenous – need to discuss what the unerliying concept of the conference is and decide on a name that is respectful and inclusive of the topic(s) being covered.

-  Any ideas, feedback or perspectives about this please give to Charmaine.

Term 1 AGM - ADEC Data informing Pedagogy

Possible Speakers – someone from ADEC to speak on national/state trends; Leanne Prior (Blackforest PS) how they have responded to the data for their school

Term 2 2017 - Understanding the Emergent Reader * depending on when Matt Glover is in Australia

Possible Speakers – Matt Glover (USA); Break out groups of examples of strong literacy/reading pedagogy (beyond the commercial programme)


-  Looking at having conference with Matt doing key notes and then break out with projects that are exploring emergent reading across Primary School not just the Early Years.

Term 3 2017 - Mobile Conference: Responding to Children’s Special Rights

Preparing the Environment to Welcome All Children

Possible Speakers – Clare Crew from Thrive Education & Wellness (sensory integration)


-  Our Lady of La Vang has worked with this idea.

-  Wait for the feedback from Choose your own adventure conference before deciding on format of Mobile Conference.

Term 3? 2017 - Members Only Event

The ICT Question in Early Childhood

Possible Speakers: ??


-  Tricky to do in a twighlight as so many perspectives

-  Possible do this as a panel discussion across two twighlights to cover more perspectives

-  Would like 1 event in each Semester

-  Members only event could be something simpler where members do a site visit after school, have a look around and a chat. A good opportunity for collaboration, networking and sharing ideas in a smaller forum rather than a big conference where people tend to stick with who they know.

Term 4 2017 - Making Our Own Road: Project EXPO

Possible Speakers to open EXPO – Jan Millikan; or Stefania Giaminutti

2018 Concepts

Term 1 2018 - Creating a Culture of Inquiry

Possible Speakers: Kath Murdoch

Stories from the Field


-  Request for it to be moved to 2017 as feel this is something a lot of educators are interested in.

-  May be hard to get Kath Murdoch in 2017.

-  Was suggested that 2018 could be a better fit as new Australian Curriculum would have been implemented and will have more opportunities to engage with the Curriculum in 2017 and then present in 2018.

-  Term 1 2018 as this then gives people something to focus on as individual inquiry projects within their own classrooms and own professional learning.

Term 1 AGM - The Rinaldi Residency – Three Years On and Where are We Now?

Stories from the field on how the Rinaldi Report and/or study tour and/or involvement in the SA Collaborative has influenced their pedagogy

Term 2 2018 - Trauma in childhood, Attachment, Emotional regulation, self-regulation

Possible Speakers: Frank Obeclay, Robyn Dolby, Sally Watson (infancy and attachment – from Adelaide), Sandy Peterson (nurse, counsellor) Dan Hughes (American) and Dan Segal (American), Mandy Seyfang (SA based -Developmental Process that children have to go through), Clare Crew from Thrive Children’s Occupational Therapy Services

Term 2 2018 - Members Only Event

Pedagogical Documentation – Not Just Record-Keeping or Assessment

Possible Speakers: Jan Millikan &/or Stefania Giaminutti (based on their book)

Term 3 2018 - Celebrating Children’s Literature

Possible Speakers: Lisa Burman (children’s identity as writers); Phil Cummings (author); Sally Heinrich (author & illustrator)

Break out groups of strong pedagogy that uses high quality literature (fiction & non fiction)

Term 4 2018- Mobile Conference?

Or time to give this a rest?

Brave Educators = Brave Learners

Breakout conference with a broad scope so that members can access professional development dependent on the stage of the journey they are on. Possible speaker – Josh Anderson; Topics could include: Setting up an outdoor environment; Setting up an indoor environment; Being brave in thinking; Being brave in pedagogy; Being brave in leadership

Revised December 2016