2008/9 Season

Application for Phytosanitary Registration of Production Units for Exports of Citrus Fruit from South Africa to China, EU, Iran, Japan, South Korea & USA

Closing date: 31 OCTOBER 2008

NB: Direction to complete this form

Section A
Information details / Section BVerification of previously submitted details / Section COrchard/Variety details on the Production Unit
To be completed by all producers /
  • To be completed by approved producers whose information is on DoA website
/ This section is compulsory but approved producers who registered during 2007/8 season should provide the changes or updated information, if any
Annual payment of R400 Banking details are as follows:
Bank: Standard Bank Branch: ArcadiaBranch No: 01-08-45Account No: 011278196Account Name: NDA Miscellaneous Deposits
  • Reference: PHYTO REGISTR. (please indicate PUC/PHC/Inspection Point)
/ Please courier this form to: Room 458/457 Harvest House Department of Agriculture 30 Hamilton Street Arcadia, Pretoria, 0002Attention to: Mr Patrick Tshikhudo (Tel: 012 319 6330) or
Mr Ndivhuwo Tshisudzungwane (Tel: 012 319 6026)

Please note that:

1. FBO registration or updatingis done by the Directorate Food Safety & Quality Assurance (FSQA) for traceability. FSQA provides FBOs for:

  • Production Units (PUC)
  • Pack House (PHC)
  • Port facilities
  • Cold terminals
  • Transporters

For new FBO code, please contact Mr. Beranrd Magagula at 012 319 6512

2. Phytosanitary registration is done by the Directorate Plant Health and APIS, using PUC/PHC/Inspection Points that areallocated by Food Safety and Quality Assurance. Phytosanitary registration is done for facilities intending to participate in the exports of citrus to special markets whichinclude China, EU, Iran, Japan, South KoreaUSA.


  • 2007/8 approvedproducers to be placed on DoA website for producers to verify the information and provide changes to DoA (please complete the relevant sections);
  • All PUCs should pay the tariffs and clearly indicate the PUC on the proof of payments;
  • If the information on DoA website is correct, only confirmation to be forwarded;
  • China and Korea - producers to verify the information and provide changes (orchard numbers/varieties) to DoA.

Declaration Intent

I/We the undersigned as producer understand and shall comply with all the stipulations of the applicable export programme(s) with specific reference to the following:

  1. Only fruit produced in registered and approved orchards may be sourced for the applicable export programme(s).
  2. Consignments shall be free of any of the listed quarantine organisms/pests that pose a phytosanitary risk to the importing country.
  3. Only DoA and PPECB approved packing houses and cold chambers may be utilised for handling, storing and cold sterilisation of the fruit.

4.Only fruit that are from the approved PUC and clearly marked for a specific export programme shall be allowed for export.

5.Application for registration of production unit shall not be considered if:

a).The PUC is not appearing in the current FBO registration list

b).The registration document is illegible (information to be typed or completed in clear block letters)

c).Information is insufficient or incorrect

d).Documentation is received after the closing date,

e).When documentation is faxed

f). There is no proof of tariffs payment

6.Pages must be signed at the indicated places, and initialed at the bottom of each page of this document.

7.DoA shall not be held responsible for any financial or other losses resulting from non-compliance by the producer or the exporter agents providing incorrect, insufficient and/or illegible information.

8.I/We accept the fact that if in any manner I/we do not comply with the requirements of the applicable export programme (s), which include interception rate of quarantine pests, could result in expulsion from further participation in the present season.

9.I/We accept the decisions, protocol, Good Agricultural Practices (GAP), inspections and requirements of the South African National Plant Protection Organisation (DoA: PH & APIS) as final and in accordance with the applicable export programme (s).

I herewith, in my capacity as producer, declare that I understand all the registration guidelines and take full responsibility for, and comply with, all the requirements as prescribed in the respective export protocols for the export of fresh fruit to the country / countries as indicated under Sections A, B & C.

Name of Producer:………………………………………..Signature:……………………..Date:…………………….


Information Details


NB: 1. All producers shall complete this section (new and previous producers)

2. Map of the farm, as well as the specific positions/layouts of the orchards on the farm and directions to the farm, must accompany this form.

producer’s DEtails / Please use the capital letters to complete this form
Name of producer:
Name of production unit (farm):
Postal address:
Magisterial district
Orchard manager:
Telephone number:
Cell. number:
Fax number:
E-mail address:
Pack house Manager
contact details:

Name of Producer:…………………………… Signature:……………………………………..Date:…………………….


Verificationof information on DoA website (PUC registered during2007/8

NB: The reason for completing this section is to allow producers to confirm correctness of information and provide changes

Previously approved PUCs / Yes / NO
  1. Is the PUC registered for last season (2007/8) as appeared on DoA website still going export to the EU, Iran, JapanUSA during 2008/9season?

  • Do you want the information to remain the same as for 2007/8? (Please complete Section A)

  • Is the information correct?

  1. Was the PUC (variety, block Number) approved for export to China during 2007/8season?

  • Is the information (Variety, Block No) currently on DoA website correct?

  • Do you want the information to remain the same as for 2008/9?
NB: If the information is incorrect, please complete section C
  1. Did you export to South Korea during the last three seasons?

  • Is the information (Variety, Block No) currently on DoA website correct?

  • Do you want the information to remain the same as for 2008/9?
NB: If the information is incorrect, please complete section C


  • 2007/08 approved lists to be placed on DoA website for producers to verify the information and provide changes to DoA (please complete the relevant sections);
  • All PUCs should pay the tariffs and clearly indicate the PUC on the proof of payment;
  • If the information on DoA website is correct, only confirmation to be forwarded;
  • China and South Korea - producers to verify the information (orchard numbers/varieties) and provide changes to DoA.

I herewith, in my capacity as producer, declare that the information provided above is correct, and Istill take full responsibility for, and comply with, all the requirements as prescribed in the respective export protocols for the export of fresh fruit to the country / countries.

Name of Producer:…………………………… Signature:……………………………………..Date:…………………….


Orchard/Variety details of the Production Unit

New Application Information changes 

NB: New applications for South Korea should be accompanied by a strong motivation.

Please do not use abbreviation for cultivars


(E.g. Citrus – Lemon) /


/ ORCHARD / BLOCK NO / Please tick the appropriate market










Name of Producer:…………………………… Signature:……………………………………..Date:…………………….


Citrus Registration2008/9