AdvancED Standards / 2013-16 Strategic Plan /
/ Annual Department Improvement Plan
Department: _Human Resources (part 1)
School Year: __2014-15
  • Purpose and Direction

  • Governance and Leadership

  • Teaching and Assessing for Learning

  • Resources and Support Systems

  • Using Results for Continuous Improvement

  • Instruction

  • Human Resources

  • Facility Services

  • Technology Services

  • Operational Services

AdvancED Standard(s) / 2013-16 Strategic Plan / Actions, Strategies and Interventions / Timeline
1,2,3, 4 and 5 / Instruction
Human Resources
Operational Services / Execute year 2 of the strategic planby collaborating with:
DOE, Teaching and Learning, Educational Leadership, Finance, and school leadership on continuing implementation and refinement of TKES/LKES, including SLO development, and utilization of evaluation data to personalize and inform professional learning, and review staffing allotments. / Fall/Winter: continue supporting TKES/LKES implementation, pacing, SLO development and implementation.
Winter/Spring: Work to support review of criteria for staffing allotments, class size reduction, salary and compensation.
1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 / Instruction
Human Resources
Facility and Safety Services
Technology Services
Operational Services / Utilize TKES/LKES framework, evaluation and survey data, and GASPA Toolkit to shift HR processes of staff selection and retention to better fit skill sets of teaching, e.g., effective use of student data to adjust and personalize instruction, integrate technology, blend learning environments, innovation and collaboration. Review substitute processes and compensation. / Winter/Spring: Introduce GASPA Toolkit to LAC Principal and AP LAC groups, to shape selection process based on necessary educator skill sets as well as building/department level retention specifics.
Winter/Spring: Begin redesign of recommendation, on boarding, training processes for substitutes; review compensation.
1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 / Instruction
Human Resources
Facility and Safety Services
Technology Services
Operational Services / Provide continuing opportunities for staff resulting in increased student achievement by:
Offering endorsements in Gifted, K-e Math/Science; ESOL.
Reimbursements to teachers for adding CTAE, Math, Science and other fields to certificates.
Explore compensation redesign initiatives for high achieving and exemplary performers.
Support HR counseling needs of schools and departments.
Execute 2014-15 HR departmental work plan. / Fall – begin endorsements.
Annual: Reimbursements for GACE testing; HR work plan, HR counseling.
Spring-review compensation redesign initiatives of other systems.

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