MEETING MINUTES, April24, 2017

Boards Members in Attendance:

Bollin, Ken( x ); Brokmeier, Tim (x), Brow, Jim(); Carfagna, Kristin( x ); DuBose, Will(); Holton, Tom(); Levine, Todd(); McCauley, Anthony( x ); Melusky, Jeremy( x ); Morin, Dave();Pacheco, Lou(x)

Guests / Coaches in Attendance:Rick Teixeira, Bill Bythrow, Alex Tavares

Meeting Called to order: 7:42_ pm Jeremy Melusky Seconded by Ken Bollin

Review of previous meetings notes.

Previous Meeting minutes presented by Ken Bollin, Accepted by Lou Pacheco

  • Treasure Report: Dave Morin
  • Jocks: $1,830
  • Can: $335
  • General: $7,755
  • Purchased socks for 2017: $787.50
  • Field Report: Ken Bolin
  • Field in great shape
  • Registration: Tim Brokmeier
  • Currently 16 kids registered
  • 12 JOCKS Registrations
  • OCYFL: Jim Brow
  • N/A
  • Concessions: Anthony McCauley
  • Need hoods cleaned this year, wasn’t done before baseball hand off so it is RGYF turn to pay this year
  • Equipment Report: Tom Holton
  • 5 helmets found at Mill St shed, will be sent for reconditioning
  • Fund Raising: Kristin Carfagna
  • Presented cash calendar fundraiser for the fall. 31 chances to win and we can pull names daily or all at once for the month of Nov. We will market this to be used for Complex improvements including visitor bleachers, pay off for sound system purchased, new bathroom doors, new equip
  • Miscellaneous

VOTE PASSED:Approval of head coaches for 2017

  • A: Lyford
  • B: Tavares
  • C: LeCornec
  • MM: Bollin

Lou: We would like to approve the purchase of the Shadow Man via email vote. Would be ideal to have before open house on June 3rd. Will do an email vote

THANK YOU to Rick Teixeira for arranging the purchase of the 2 new bathroom doors for the stand. Thanks to Fairview for discounting door purchase and Bill Bythrow and Dan Tripp for help with the installation.


  • Jeremy to handle trophies and certificates
  • We will need High School kids to help with event/flag football, PPK competition. They can get volunteer hours for high school requirement
  • Anthony to get hotdog, chips, water donation from Sysco
  • Kristin C to set up apparel for sale
  • Jim to get Signature Health contact to come, Jeremy to get Scott Nickerson (Riddel rep) to come
  • VOTE TABLED: Bleacher purchase

Meeting Adjourned:7:54pm NEXT MEETING: 5/15/17