Thursday 11th May 2017

Dear Parents,

Thank you for all the return slips.

Can I please highlight the following before next week.

Behaviour- children are expected to behave impeccably throughout the trip- any misbehaviour will be dealt with and children may miss out on activities. If behaviour does not improve parents will be expected to come and collect their child. (note this is a three hour journey)

Pack a good packed lunch for day 1. We will be having a late evening meals- so lots of healthy snacks will be required.

This lunch needs to be packed in a day rucksack that the children will have as hand luggage – see attached suggested packing list.

All medicals must be in separate bag, labelled, which the group leader will keep.

NO ELECTRICAL items are allowed (iphones/phones/ipods) Disposable cameras ONLY

NO EXTRA food is required they are very well fed. They only need a packed lunch for the first day.

Pocket Money - £5maximum- there is a small souvenir shop- Have in a purse/wallet labelled with their name on it.

Children are to come to school at normal time on the Monday and enter via year 6 or the office- PLEASE DO NOT COME IN WITH THEM

Please write a letter for your child to open on the Wednesday and send it into school by Friday 5th MAY 2017. We will take these with us and give them to the children on the Wednesday. We are still awaiting some- your child may be disappointed.

We will be leaving school at approximately 10.15am on Monday morning and returning on Friday at approximately 5pm (traffic permitting). We will keep you fully updated on the website of return times.

Please note there will be NO photos posted on the webpage during that week. Your child’s safety and enjoyment is our upmost concern. Uploading the photos and access to the internet is not always easy and can be exceptionally time consuming when we have a very packed timetable. I am sure you appreciate this.

After such a busy term, I know the children are really looking forward to trying something new and making many happy memories.

If you have any further concerns, do not hesitate to contact me,

Kind regards

Mrs AM Kendal