2004-05 Academic Year

Please complete the information below. All questions must be answered completely before your contract is renewed.

Today’s Date1/12/05

School NameVirginia Tech

DepartmentAerospace and Ocean Engineering

School Address215 Randolph Hall

Blacksburg VA 24061

Contact NameChris Hall

Contact Title/positionProfessor

Contact Telephone540 231 2314

Contact Fax Number540 231 9632

Contact E-Mail Address

Technical Point of Contact Luke Scharf

Technical Point of Contact Email

Technical Point of Contact Telephone540 231 9061

Number of Licenses Requested for current year: 2004-2005 20

Would you like to distribute disks to your students? Yes No Quantity:

Please complete a Schedule A sheet for each course in which STK will be used.


Description of Structured Curriculum for AGI Software Usage

Course Title/Number / AOE 4065/4066 Space Design
Instructor Name / Chris Hall
Instructor Phone Number / 540 231 2314
Instructor E-mail address /
Estimated Number of Students Per Class / 34
Student Experience (Undergraduate/Grad, Professional) / undergraduate
Predominant Student Background (major) / aerospace engineering
Estimated Number of Hours Per Week Per Student Using AGI Products for Classwork/Studying/Homework/Exams / variable
Standard Textbook Title/Author / Space Mission Analysis and Design/Larson & Wertz
Supplementary Textbook Title/Author / T. P. Sarafin (editor), Spacecraft Structures and Mechanisms
Supplementary Software Title/Company / Matlab / Mathworks
Open-SESSAME / VT (open-source)
How do you plan to use STK in the course?
Coverage analysis, orbital maneuvers, orbital lifetime
What type of computer configuration will your students have access to? (Please be specific - platform type, operating system, network configuration)
Dell and Gateway PCs running Windows 2000/XP, members of the department network

Additional Schedule A forms are available at:


The Educational Partner agrees that all software provided by AGI under this agreement is provided to them for teaching and learning purposes only, and will be used in the structured academic program defined in Schedule A.

The Educational Partner promises and agrees not to allow use of the software for commercial, grant, funded research, contractual, or other non-academic purposes. Licenses granted under this agreement are issued only for computer hardware owned by Educational Partner.

The Educational Partner agrees not to modify, alter, change, reproduce, reverse engineer, de-compile or disassemble the software provided by AGI except as expressly authorized in writing by an authorized representative at AGI.

AGI reserves the right to request access to the names and addresses of all students who have been exposed to STK and STK related software in their coursework. (Minor students are exempt.)



WILL PROVIDE INFORMATION 6/1/05 (attached or date expected)

EXEMPT (reason)

The Educational Partner will allow AGI the use of Educational Partner’s facilities for educational seminars, free training and/or presentations during the academic year.

WILL MAKE AVAILABLE Hancock 214(location)


The Educational Partner will share any curriculum materials that involve STK or Add-on Modules and gives permission for such educational materials to be used in AGI marketing materials and new educational resources section to be developed for the website. Please send copies of any student projects, charts, overheads, tests, lab exercises, Power Point presentations, student scenarios, photos, or other curriculum materials you may have developed that involved STK or its modules?



WILL SUBMIT 6/1/05 (date)

The Educational Partner agrees to provide a hyperlink from Educational Partner’s Web site to AGI web site, The AGI graphical banner must be displayed and the link must remain live for the duration of the agreement. Banner is available at:



WILL COMPLY (specify date and URL)

  1. How was STK used in your class or classes? Check all that apply.

Used by instructor to lecture and demonstrate

Gave to students for assignments, with some instruction and demonstration

Gave to students, no instruction provided, students used independently

Students brought to me


  1. Please give a full description of how STK was used in your program.

Students use STK to visualize orbits and to compute orbit lifetimes as well as coverage analysis

  1. What were your students' responses to the software? How many students were exposed to this software?

Students who used the software responded positively to it. Approximately 15 students used the software.

  1. Have you taken advantage of the resource section of AGI's web site? It has been expanded with training manuals and other resources, such as a white paper written by AGI scientists on how to incorporate STK into a college curriculum.

No, but I will review this white paper, as we are intersted in creating a technical elective on orbit computation using STK.

  1. Do you feel your current textbooks meet your context requirements? Have you written or do you plan to write a textbook?


  1. What journals or magazines do you read to keep up with the latest research in your field?

Journal of Guidance, Control & Dynamics; Journal of the Astronautical Sciences; Celestial Mechanics and Dynamical Astronomy; Acta Astronautics

  1. What conference or trade shows do you like to attend specific to your area of expertise? Do you encourage your students to attend conferences or trade shows? Do you encourage your students to enter their papers or research projects into competitions? If so, which ones?

Astrodynamics Specialists Conference; Space Flight Mechanics Meeting

  1. Do you have any suggestions to improve the Educational Alliance Program in general?

I think that if the licensing lasted longer and was a little easier for our system administrators, it would be more useful.

  1. Do you receive the AGI monthly mass emails that update you on new AGI products, STK maintenance releases, free seminars, training, and other AGI news and events? If not, provide your email address and we will send you a monthly email update.


  1. Would you like to submit an article on how your school/institution is using STK to be published in a future issue of our AGI newsletter, InView? Articles are accepted throughout the year. May we use your comments in our marketing materials or may we contact you to develop your comments into a future InView story.

Not at the present time.

Do your receive our newsletter, InView? YesNo

If you want to be added to our mailing list, please complete the address information below:


School Name


Address 1

Address 2

City, State Postal Code