Episode Number: Six
Episode Title: Rosemary’s Chapatti
Focus: HIV Counseling and Testing
1 / Opening Program Signature tune / 20”
2 / VO1
VHT (LAWRENCE) / Signature tune fades out as the Presenter’s Intro comes in…
Hook: In the last episode, our Village Health Team member Lawrence was telling a group of young men about getting circumcised to help themselves reduce risks of getting infected with HIV. And before he could go, he asked them if they had ever tested for HIV? Did they?
Why don’t we find out in this week’s episode of Obbanywa, Uganda’s first ever distance learning radio program for Village Health Teams. Welcome, and I am Sister Constance working at the Health Center 4 in Obbanywa, helping Village Health Team members learn more about health so they can serve their communities better.
This radio program is designed by the Ministry of Health to give Village Health Team members more information on health so they can do their job better and get more community support. These Village Health Teams are the link to accurate health information and proper health service.
Well, stay tuned. Don’t go away – (Signature tune fades in for 7 secs, then fades out)
And as a Village Health Team member, don’t forget that there’s an assignment for you at the end of the episode. Just keep your pen and paper ready. And when you have done this assignment, just like all the previous ones, please share it with the other VHT members, with health workers at the health center, and VHT Coordinator or Parish Leader during your regular meetings. But for now, let’s meet VHT member Lawrence once again
My name is Lawrence and I am also a VHT member. I am 28 years old. I have been living in Obbanywa all my life. It is where I was born. I learnt so many things from my father. And my mother made sure that I don’t forget them.
And now that you have a wife, I am sure she gets the best of your love
I love my wife very much. She has been there for me always. Most people do not seem to understand the joy that comes with having a partner, who you can love, cherish and trust. I think that is the best part in life.
I guess all other young men in Obbanywa should look at you as their example…
I want to believe that they do, but I know hat it is not that simple. Young men in Obbanywa are yet to understand this. They do not seem to understand that it also affects their health, especially since having more than one sexual partner puts them at the risk of getting HIV.
And yet the worst part about this is that, even if people know there is a test available that will let them know if they are HIV positive, most them just don’t take it seriously and some are simply afraid to get tested for HIV. Yet, if a person is not abstaining, or does not use condoms correctly every time or if they have more than one partner and they do not know the status of their partners, they are at risk and should be tested. For instance…
3 / ‘Obbanywa’ tune (Intro) / 30”
4 / The Drama – “Rosemary’s Chapatti”
·  The first two scenes of the drama
·  Break - Infomercial from HIV partner.
·  After break - Last scene of the drama / 14’30”
5 / ‘Obbanywa’ tune (Outro) / 30”
VO1 / Issue & Focus
But then, the big question is, how do does a Village Health Team member like make help people like Ken and others like him to change their sexual behaviors and most especially, go and test? And better still, once they have tested, how can we as VHTs get them to stick to their changed behavior. Now, that is the challenge and it’s where it gets more interesting for us VHTs.
Yes. If we can get people in our communities to look at the risk to their lives and then refer them for HIV counseling and testing so they know their status, that’s a good start.
So, what’s the challenge?
Well, the thing is, people know about HIV everywhere we go. So, I ask myself; why are people not going for testing? Sister Constance, do you see what I mean? All these questions keep coming to mind.
But there must be a very good reason why this is happening…
Well, in most cases, people do not think they are at risk of HIV infection. But in many cases, they are often wrong because anyone who has had unprotected sex with someone of unknown HIV status is always at risk of HIV infection. In Obbanywa, many people say they are afraid to test for HIV. Some people even go and test but are afraid of their results. Others are afraid of how the test is done. Other people don’t understand or know how testing can help them. And this is where we come in as VHTs.
So, what do you do for them?
As a VHT, I start by making sure they know what HIV is. I cannot really depend on my imagination that people have enough information on HIV. So, I tell them how HIV is spread. I tell them about the means, like; HIV is not only passed through sexual intercourse. A person can get HIV through blood, semen, vaginal fluids, or breast milk. I also tell them the way HIV can enter the body by telling them that HIV can enter a person’s body in four ways:
1.  by having unprotected sex with somebody who has HIV
2.  by blood to blood through an open wound or cut
3.  sharing a sharp object which has not been sterilized first
4.  by an infected woman passing it to her baby during pregnancy, childbirth or breastfeeding.
But isn’t this a lot of information?
Well, we cannot leave out important information because, anyone can have HIV. There is no way to know if someone is HIV positive just by looking at them. So, the first step is to go for is HIV counseling and testing (HCT). Testing is available in most health centers.
So, you Lawrence, as a VHT, have you personally gone for testing?
Yes, I have gone for testing, and it is easy. As VHTs, we have learnt over time that people will do the right thing if you have also done it.
Like role-models?
Yes. We have to be role-models.
I think that is a very good thing to do. I believe that the VHT must live by example so that other community members can learn from him, or her. So, since you have gone for testing, tell us how it goes
Well, the first thing is you meet a counselor at the testing center who will do what is called pre-test counseling. This is when you meet with the counselor to discuss your risks, concerns, and to prepare for the results. Then the counselor will get a doctor to take a small amount of blood. Lots of people do it. It’s not painful. When the results are ready from the blood, you will again meet the counselor who will take you through post-test counseling and then give you your results. The counselor will counsel you and talk to you based on the results so that you are able to live a healthy life and plan for your future. It’s that simple.
Thank you Lawrence. I hope that other VHT members have also taken an HIV test. Well, as a health worker, let me also share this with you. There are a number of things you can do to help prevent HIV.
·  Go for an HIV test to know your status and share your results with your partner.
·  Practice ABC- What exactly does ABC mean? A- abstaining from sex, B- having one sexual partner who you are faithful to and who is faithful to you. That means that you only have sex with that person, and they only have sex with you and nobody else and/or C- using condoms each and every time you have sex.
·  Discuss HIV with your partner and agree on how you will protect one another.
·  Get tested and treated for all STDs to reduce the risk of getting HIV
·  Do not share needles, razors, or syringes with other people
·  Go to the health center to get Ante-natal care (ANC) if you are pregnant and deliver in a health unit. During ANC you should request an HIV test to help protect your baby.
·  Avoid cultural practices that involve cutting the body with instruments that are shared
·  Men, you can reduce your changes of getting HIV if you get circumcised.
So, have you ever had unprotected sex with someone whose status you do not know or are HIV+? It’s a simple question, but not always a simple answer.
(Sweeper – “You are listening to Obbanywa”) / 9’
7 / VO1 / Tip of the Week (ANNOUNCED)
·  Let us all know what our HIV status is. Knowing your HIV status is important. It allows you to plan for the future. This means, staying healthy even if you have HIV, staying uninfected IF you do not have HIV, protecting your children and future pregnancies from HIV (PMTCT).
·  VHTs must refer people who they think might be at risk of HIV infection to a health center for counseling and support from a trained health provide. These might include those people who are sexually active, those who do not know their status, those whose partners have tested positive, and couples, especially those who are between 30 and 40 years of age.
Every VHT listening to this program should refer to the red section, pages 32-38, in your VHT handbook for more information on “Sexually Transmitted Diseases and HIV/AIDS”. If you do not have a VHT handbook, ask your VHT Coordinator or District Health Educator for a copy.
(Sweeper – “You are listening to Obbanywa”) / 1’
8 / VO1 / Call to Action (Animated voice – “And now, your call to Action”)
The first step in preventing the transmission of HIV is to know your status. Encourage people to get tested and to change their sexual behaviors by encouraging them to:
·  Abstain from sex.
·  Commit to one sexual partner, and
Use a condom during every sexual encounter.
Before we end this episode, let me remind all of you VHTs listening to this program to REFER the assignment section of EPISODE FIVE on “HIV COUNSELING AND TESTING” in your LISTENERS GUIDE BOOK. Please look at each of the questions and answer them as requested in the space provided in your listeners guide book. / 40”
9 / Closing Program Signature tune…(fades under)
Closing statement. “You have been listening to an episode of Obbanywa - A production from the Ministry Of Health. Please, tune in next week, at this same time, on this exact radio station. for another episode of Obbanywa”
Closing tune fades back in, then ends / 20”


1.  SCENE 1




5.  KEN: That is how it happened. I am telling you, she is crazy for me.

6.  NIKO: And you are telling me she allowed you, Ken, bicycle man, to go to her house.

7.  KEN: To you Niko, I am bicycle man.


9.  KEN: But to Rosemary, I am Mr. Incredible. (UNBELIEVING) Niko, I stayed the night.

10. NIKO: xYou went to Rosemary’s place?

11. KEN: And I might go back one of these days.

12. NIKO: Rosemary allowed you to touch her.

13. KEN: You know how emotional women are. When I saw how Ox was humiliating her in public like that, I knew that was my chance. So I followed her on the village path and found her crying.

14. NIKO: And she just let you talk to her like that? This is Rosemary we are talking about! And you waited a full month and a half to tell me about this! Ha!

15. KEN: These things are easy, really. She was in no position to resist my charm. (LOWERS HIS VOICE) I told her Ox did not even deserve her. And the reason he does not respect her is because he has been lying to her all along that she is the only girl.

16. NIKO: You better watch out… Ox has been known to get out of his truck in the middle of a delivery and beat somebody who gives him problems.

17. KEN: I didn’t give him problems. I did him a favour by satisfying his girl in his absence. He was probably even with another girl. You know how he likes to brag that he has the most beautiful girls in the places he goes to.

18. NIKO: You are playing with fire, Ken. And how about that girl that you said was your girlfriend?

19. KEN: Niko, you can mean to be slow, you also. What my girlfriend doesn’t know won’t hurt her. And besides, I told Rosemary that Ox even has a child with another girl in the city. So am covered on that both sides.

20. NIKO: But that’s not true, Ken! You know Ox does not have a child. That’s hitting below the belt.

21. KEN: People are saying…

22. NIKO: Well, people might talk about you stealing Rosemary – then you will be jumping, my friend!

23. KEN: (WITH BRAVADO) Well, maybe Rosemary is not so hot on Ox after all. Maybe…

24. NIKO: (LAUGHS) Oh, so she has deserted Ox for you now!

25. KEN: All I am saying is – all is fair in love and war, Niko. She fell, I mean fell, into my arms crying about how she wished she could be with me instead….

26. NIKO: You lucky you

27. KEN: Then she was… (FADING OUT)



29. ROSEMARY: (CRYING) Oh, Ken, please don’t go. I am feeling so bad right now. I don’t want to be alone. Please don’t leave me here alone. If you stay, it will make me feel much better.

30. KEN: (SEDUCTIVE VOICE) It’s ok, Rosemary, dear love. I won’t leave you alone. Ox is such an ox, really. How can he treat something as beautiful as you that badly?