As part of Butler’s formal assessment program, every full-time faculty member is requested to respond to the following items. This information will be used by your department head and/or dean in your annual review. Please respond briefly, yet succinctly, to each of the items by typing your response below each item. Your responses should refer to activities that occurred in the 2003 calendar year. If an item does not apply to you, or if you have nothing to report, leave the box blank. Return your completed report to . Thank you for your assistance.
Faculty Activity Report for 2003
Name: Jennifer Holycross, MPAS, PA-C
PA Program, COPHS
A. Identify any teaching improvement activities or innovations in courses during the reporting period.
§ Spearheaded the revision of the physician assistant curriculum to bring topics more in compliance with ARC-PA Accreditation Standards
§ Created a computer interactive lecture series in Dermatology for physician assistant students to more fully appreciate the fine details of dermatologic lesions ~ 12 hours and 45 minutes of contact hours in AP322.
§ Incorporated student debates into AP331 regarding Ethical Issues Facing Clinicians.
§ Provided opportunity for student Service Learning Projects in AP331 to include Tobacco Abstinence.
§ Encourage student self discovery in Medicine Through the Arts in AP331
B. Briefly list and describe any independent study courses, student research projects, honors or graduate theses you have supervised during the reporting period.
C. Summarize activities related to academic advising, professional and graduate school counseling, coordinating fellowship programs, etc.
§ Student recruitment lecture at Marian College, September 2003
§ Student recruitment day at Ball State University, March 2003
§ Advisor for 35 Pre-professional and Professional Physician Assistant students.
D. If you perform field supervision, estimate the total number of students you supervised during the past two semesters and describe the nature and extent of the supervision.
E. Faculty with clinical or patient care responsibilities, please provide a statement on scope of service, site developments or improvements made.
§ 4-8 shifts per month in Riverview Emergency Department. This ED serves 30,000 patients annually. I function as physician assistant— taking histories, physicals, ordering diagnostic tests, ordering/performing therapeutic procedures, etc.
A. List publications (indicating whether in print, accepted or under review) or performances during the reporting period
B. List professional meetings attended (include titles of any papers presented, names of sponsoring organizations/conferences, and dates).
§ “The Physician/Physician Assistant Team: The Doctor’s Perspective” presented at the Association of Physician Assistant Programs (APAP) Education Forum in Phoenix, AZ October
§ “Public Best,” American Academy of Physician Assistants, New Orleans, LA May
§ “What’s a PA?” North Central Regional Meeting, American Academy of Physician Assistants, Minneapolis, MN March
C. List grant proposals submitted or funded, including name of agency and amount requested.
D. List degrees, honors, awards, or other professional recognition received during the period.
§ Physician Assistant National Re-Certification Exam (PANRE—Pathway II) completed December
§ College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences, Board of Visitors Award of Excellence, April
§ American Academy of Physician Assistants Leadership Team 2003
E. Indicate any contributions to your profession not addressed in prior categories.
§ Constituent Relations Committee Member American Academy of Physician Assistants (AAPA) I serve as a liaison for 11 states in the North Central Region to the AAPA July 2003-June 2004
§ Public Relations Committee, Chair American Academy of Physician Assistants July 2001- June 2003
§ Indiana Academy of Physician Assistants Chief Delegate to the American Academy of Physician Assistants, June 2002-present
§ Immediate Past President, Indiana Academy of Physician Assistants
§ Physician Relations Committee Chair, Indiana Academy of Physician Assistants
A. Indicate membership in all department, college, or University committees during the reporting period (include offices held and titles of reports submitted).
§ COPHS Assessment of Excellence Committee, Co-Chair
§ Physician Assistant Program Curriculum Committee, Chair
§ COPHS Curriculum Development Committee, member
§ Assessment of Excellence Committee Member
§ COPHS Continuing Education Committee, member
§ Physician Assistant Program Faculty Search Committee, member
§ Physician Assistant Program Secretary Search Committee, member
§ Physician Assistant Program Admissions Committee
B. List activities such as sponsoring student organizations, clubs, or honor societies.
§ Butler University Methodist Hospital Physician Assistant (BUMPA)—university student organization faculty advisor
§ Butler University Catholic Student Group faculty advisor
§ Butler University Spirituality Advisory Group
§ 2004 PA Class—faculty advisor
C. List administrative assignments held during the reporting period.
§ Academic Coordinator, Physician Assistant Program
§ Representative of the Physician Assistant faculty at the Association of Physician Assistant Programs Business Meeting, Phoenix, AZ October
D. Indicate other University service activities not included above.
§ Top 100 Outstanding Student Selection Committee 2003
§ Butler University “National Physician Assistant Day” Speaker October
§ “Coater” and Administered PA Oath at the COPHS White Coat Ceremony
E. List service activities outside the University but related to your profession.
§ Tar Wars—tobacco abstinence program
§ Support Medical Missions to Honduras
§ Mentor to PA student leaders in the American Academy of Physician Assistants House of Delegates
IV. Goals for Next Calendar Year
A. What are your teaching goals for the upcoming year?
§ Assist in restructuring curriculum to balance standard requirements, university requirements, and student (and patient) needs
§ Re-evaluate course objectives for all lectures
§ Assist in the Re-accreditation process for the PA Program
§ Re-structure the OBGYN portion of AP322
B. What are your goals for scholarly/creative activities for the upcoming year?
§ Complete research project regarding the personal and professional use of supplements by physician assistants in Indiana
§ Re-evaluate course assessment tool utilized by COPHS
C. What are your goals for service to the university and/or to your profession for the upcoming year?
§ Implement PA/physician dinners for promotion of job opportunities for Butler graduates as well as PAs in Indiana
§ Serve as a Reference Committee Member in the HOD in Las Vegas, NV
§ Continue with the Spirituality Advisors Group (spearheaded by Greg Sharer) and the Catholic student group
§ Continue as faculty mentor for BUMPA
Use the space below if you would like to make additional comments about your professional development or accomplishments during the last year.
§ Developed assessment model for the PA Program as requested by Bill Berry for the University accreditation process. This assessment model was promoted as a template for use by other programs.