Music – Karen Davis (Shout from the Mountain)

Choreog – Lynn & Paralee

Musical Intro

Dancers walk in to form circle, Solo Dancer goes in middle. Dancers in circle are down on knee facing Solo Dancer. Solo Dancer stands in middle with head bowed.

Solo Dancer does following:

Chakreini El V’Da LevaviStep RF to R touch LF beside RF, AST R arm makes circle

from L to R (up & down)

E’Chaneini V’Da SarapaiStep LF to L touch RF beside LF, AST L arm makes circle

from R to L (up & down)

Ur’eh Im DerechTurn in place to R, AST R arm praise L arm on back

Otzav BiStep LF to L touch RF beside LF, AST L arm makes circle

from R to L (up & down)

U’N’Cheni B’DerechStep RF to R touch LF beside RF, AST R arm makes circle

from L to R (up & down)

Turn in place to L, AST L arm praise R arm on back

OlamBlooming Turn into circle while dancers in circle stand up

All Dancers do following:

V’Kach Et Ha-ChetR Terk, Ladies - arms up & down, King David - hands on back

M’ChayaiMayim L, Ladies - R arm follows steps L arm on back

Galei Li ma Sh’TovKing David - hands on back

U’Ma Sh’RahCoupe’ L – Arms same as with Mayim

Lamed Oti LihioteTurn to R, AST Ladies & King David arms praise

AmitiCoupe’ R – Arms same with Mayim

B’Chol Ma’asaiRepeat

V’Kach Et Ha-ChetL Terk, Ladies - arms up & down, King David - hands on back

M’ChayaiMayim R, Ladies - L arm follows steps R arm on back

Galei Li ma Sh’TovKing David - hands on back

U’Ma Sh’RahCoupe’ R – Arms same as with Mayim

Lamed Oti LihioteTurn to L, AST Ladies & King David arms praise

AmitiCoupe’ L – Arms same with Mayim

B’Chol Ma’asaiRepeat – All end facing R LOD

King David weaves in & out of Dancers expressing words w/hands as

Dancers do the following with hands on back:

Search me, o G-D, and know my heartRock R-L-R, Pivot R out of circle to face L LOD

Try me and know my thoughtsRock L-R-L, Pivot L out of circle to face R LOD

See if there be any hurtful ways in meRepeat

And lead me in the way

EverlastingDancers in circle face audience, King David goes to center


This part is done 4x – King David goes to a different Dancer in the circle on the last line of verse “In everything I do”

The Dancer & King David do the following:

Take away the sin from my life

David stands with fists to chest

#1 pulls hand from David’s chest, David puts other hand out to other side

Show me what is wrong and what is right

David raises hands in V-Shape first L hand (wrong) then R hand (right)

#1 faces David with hands out to him

Teach me to be true to you

David brings hands to chest (me) then hands straight up (you)

#1 still facing David raises hands up

In everything I do

David goes to #2 Dancer

#1 gets ready to Yem part

Formation for this part

. .

#3 #4


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#1 #2

Dancers that King David is not with do the following

Take away the sin from my lifeR Yem, L Yem, Turn in place to R

Show me what is wrong and what is rightL Yem, R Yem, Turn in place to L

Teach me to be true to youRepeat

In everything I do Last time singing “In everything I do”

Repeat 3x for a total of 4x David moves to center

Dancers now do the following while David is standing in center

InstrumentalFlipping Mayim R to face out, AST blooming arms

R Terk, AST arms up & down

Flipping Mayim R to face in, AST blooming arms

R Terk, AST arms up & down



David joins circle and does the following with Dancers

May the words on my mouthR Terk, Ladies - arms up & down, King David - hands on back

And the meditations of myMayim L, Ladies - R arm follows steps L arm on back

heart O G-DKing David - hands on back

May they be acceptableCoupe’ L – Arms same as with Mayim

in thy sight O G-DTurn to R, AST Ladies & King David arms praise

My rock and my redeemerCoupe’ R – Arms same with Mayim

Yeshua, YeshuaRepeat 3x for a total of 4x

David walks to center and stops facing audience

I want to be pleasing to you L-rd#1 & #3 facing each other walk FWD R-L turn &

walk BWD switching sides, AST blooming

arms up & down – end facing audience

I want to be pleasing to you L-rd#2 & #4 facing each other walk FWD R-L turn &

walk BWD switching sides, AST blooming

arms up & down – end facing audience

In everything I do David bows down on knee

#1 & #3 – Dip, Spin, Bloom Turn to R

#2 & #4 – Dip, Spin, Bloom Turn to L