Cockwood Primary School School Improvement Plan 2014-15



School Improvement Plan

Sep 2014 – July 2015

Key: red font: Dec 14 update, blue font: Apr 15 update,

green font: July 16 update

Achievement / Grade GOOD
Quality of Teaching / Grade GOOD
Behaviour and Safety / Grade OUTSTANDING
Leadership & Management / Grade OUTSTANDING

and taking into account the extent to which we meet the needs of all pupils, and promote spiritual, moral, social and cultural development:

Overall Effectiveness / Grade GOOD
Progress from last year – Pupil Achievement
Key targets / Impact to date
To raise the achievement in writing for pupils in KS1 and 2.
To narrow the gap with national expectations in reading, writing and maths for pupils in Year 3.
Quality of teaching improves.
Increase rate of progress in maths – particularly in Yr’s 5 and 6 (More pupils achieving Level 3 in Yr 2 and Level 5/6 in Yr 6). / Progress in writing at or exceeding in all year groups except Yr 6. (Yr 2 achieved when excluding data from 2 pupils with a Statement). Attainment at or exceeding in all years (Yr 2 only when excluding data from 2 pupils with a Statement).
Progress and attainment in Yr 3 exceeded national in all areas except attainment in boys writing which was at expected level.
% of outstanding lessons observed increased by 14%.
Progress in maths in Yr’s 5 and 6 – all exceeded national (except Yr 5 girls – progress at expected level).
33% of pupils achieved Level 3 in Yr 2 (increase on previous year) and 38% of pupils in Yr 6 achieved Level 5 or 6 (25% achieved Level 6), which is an increase on previous year.
Page / Section / Contents / Last updated
2 / A / Achievement / April 15
3 / B / Quality of Teaching / April 15
4 / C / Behaviour and Safety / April 15
5 / D / Leadership and Management / April 15
6 / E / Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural (SMSC) / April 15

Page 2 of 34 last reviewed 19/03/15

Cockwood Primary School School Improvement Plan 2014-15

Writing Action Plan 2014/15
Overall Target / To raise the achievement in writing for pupils in Key Stage 1 and 2, particularly in Year’s 3 and 6
Intended Impact / For the achievement and progress of children in writing to continue to accelerate, to more closely match that in Reading.
Lead Person / Alison Murtha Literacy Coordinator (monitored by LC and T&L committee).
School Vision Links - Learning Journey, Perseverance, Grow and Succeed
Action Plan / Key person / Cost / Funded by / Time
scale / Success criteria
(Key milestones for summative evaluation) / Evidence / Impact / Monitoring and Evaluation
1. To ensure that over time, every learner and group makes at least expected progress. / AM
HH / - / - / Oct 2014 / Individual children at risk of lower than expected progress are indentified and supported appropriately. Raising attainment sheets completed. Links to SEND services formalised.
Targeted interventions organised for pupils who did not make expected progress last year. / School Pupil Tracker tracking data / As a minimum, all pupils progress at the expected rate. / RA Sheets completed alongside detailed provision maps. Support in place.
Statemented pupils – Ed P/visual impairment team visited with strategies put in place.
Half-termly and termly assessments completed.
Dec 14
April 15 / Progress is monitored and changes in provision carried out to maximise progress of individuals. / Provision maps reviewed and interventions adapted. Target pupils supported.
Half – termly and termly assessment carried out.
Jul 15 / Fewer than 5% of pupils Y1 – Y6 make less than expected progress this year.
2. To work towards being in the top 20% of schools nationally for progress and attainment in KS1 and KS2. / LC
AM / Jul 15 / To move into top quintile rating for Writing at KS2 and to continue to remain in top quintile for Reading and Grammar, Spelling and Punctuation.
At KS1, to improve the writing attainment of pupils to move into the top or second quintile. / Ofsted data dashboard / Pupils at our school achieve highly in comparison with other schools nationally.
3. To ensure that all chn in Yr2/3 make at least expected progress in writing. / LC
HH / Oct 2014 / 7 chn are assessed against RWI assessment. One small intervention group set up to deliver and over-learn RWI programme in addition to appropriate reading and phonic support.
To be closely monitored by AM.
Target pupils given extra adult support in class and additional focussed writing opportunities during guided sessions - linked to sentence construction and grammar. / School Pupil Tracker
RWI assessments
OUAM (Once Upon a Monday) books and marking / Pupils achieve at least expected progress for their age. / Intervention groups set up – provision maps.
Target pupils discussed in staff meeting.
Pupil progress meetings set up.
Interventions assessed by AM.
5/5 Yr 3 pupils achieving at at least expected levels. LC tracking.
Yr 2 pupils – 2/3 made at least expected progress.
Jul 2015 / Target pupils have made accelerated progress in writing. / To be assessed
4. To ensure that all Year 6 children make at least expected progress and attainment in line with the new curriculum. / AM / 0.5 day per week AM – for writing and maths interventions / Sbs / Sept 2014 / Writing intervention club set up for key children to boost and accelerate progress and attainment in writing. 7 week programme- to be delivered by AM on a weekly basis.
High achievers with less than expected progress last year targeted within lessons and guided writing group. Additional writing opportunities and extra homework as appropriate with a specific focus on individual need.
Precision training for 1 child with specific spelling needs. / School pupil tracker
Marking and feedback of writing across all subjects / Year 6 pupils will achieve at least national expectations in writing. / Writing group set up and being delivered by AM and CJ.
Progress of target writers monitored.
3/6 pupils make at least expected progress.
Dec 2014 / Progress is monitored, additional support put in place if needed. / To be assessed
July 2015 / 100% of all Year 6 will achieve at least required level of progress by end of KS.
5. To improve the spelling, punctuation and grammar across both key stages. / AM
TAs / £80 / Sbs / Sept 2014 / Year 2-6 complete a diagnostic spelling test to give a spelling age.
Word work to be delivered by class teachers 3 x a week. Each class to have a spelling board displaying age related spellings and links will be made wherever appropriate in all subjects.
Teachers to model writing at least once a week, using flip-charts, across all curriculum areas.
Grammar lessons to be taught on a weekly basis modelling good practice.
KS 1 to continue with RWI programme.
Curriculum targets across the school linked to SPAG. / Weekly spelling tests results monitored/ evaluated half-termly by Lit Co-ord.
Planning will show explicit grammar teaching.
Evidence of modelled writing in planning.
feedback will reflect grammar and spelling teaching.
Lesson obs RWI / All children will make at least expected progress in spelling, punctuation and grammar.
Pupils will be more proficient proof reading for spelling and punctuation errors. / Spelling tests completed.
Spelling programmes in place and results collated.
Half termly diagnostic assessments.
Class 1 Progress – 9 months in 1 term.
Class 2 progress – 1 year 1 month in 1 term.
Dec 2015 / Diagnostic spelling test to monitor progress.
Lesson observation of spelling and grammar teaching class 1 and 2. / Spelling tests show continued improvement in Classes 1and 2 – see HT Report
July 2015 / Diagnostic spelling test to monitor progress.
6. To provide creative opportunities to inspire writing for a purpose. / LC
AM / £395
(Writepath International) / Sept 2014
Oct 2014
Oct 2014 / Fairytale Week
Full day visit by Steve Voakes (Author, Creative writing lecturer at Bath University)-Creative writing workshops across the entire school.
Class 2 Residential to Dartmoor.
Class 1 St Nicholas Priory trip
Class 1 to have an extended writing task that will continue over a whole term, to include editing and improving input.
Writepath International Blogging day Class 1
Devon Waste workshop and hiring of resources linked to writing on loan for a month. / OUAM
Marking and levelling
Feedback Fridays will allow time for editing and proof reading of writing. Dialogue between teachers and pupils will be evident in books.
Writing moderation both KS-termly
Lesson observations on a termly basis. / Quality of creative writing will improve across the school.
Chn will reflect on and edit their work more effectively. / Fairytale week – completed.
Steve Voakes visit – completed with Once Upon a Monday task assessed.
Blogging Day completed in addition to visits.
Waste workshop completed – Once Upon a Monday writing assessed.
Reading Ambassadors visit other schools. Pupils completed first round of book reviews.
Dec 2014
Jan 2015 / Inspiring OUAM seasonal themes
Creative writing with a purpose linked to Debating Society topics.
High quality writing to be displayed in all classes and referred to by teachers as good example.
Reading Ambassadors write book reviews for another school based on our choice of books for DLP swap.
Class 1 extended writing to be shared with parents. (writing for a purpose) / Debating workshop cancelled by speaker. New date to be arranged.
Shakespeare week scheduled.
July 2015 / Class 1 residential
Poetry week
Link with Exeter Chiefs in preparation for World Cup
7.To provide opportunities for high quality speaking and listening, including debate across both key stages. / LC
AM / £50
(Poetry Slam) / Sept 2014 / Visit from Ros Birch, Education
Outreach Officer, Parliament-assembly and debating workshop for KS2.
Fairytale Week
Harvest Festival- all classes to participate / S and L assessment to be carried out termly and monitored by AM / Pupils will be able to speak audibly and fluently with an increasing command of Standard English.
Pupils will select and use appropriate registers for effective communication. / Debating workshop completed.
AM set up debating workshop for DLP schools.
Debating workshop – DLP – rescheduled.
Dec 2014 / Autumn term enter School Councils Speaker Awards.
Set up Debating Society with local DLP schools and SLN- with support from Ros Birch.
G and T year 5/6 to attend a workshop with DLP to introduce techniques of effective debating.
Class 1 Shakespeare performance in partnership with West Exe School- TBC / Ros Birch cancelled event – awaiting new date
Poetry slam planned for June 2015
July 2015 / G and T chn attend Poetry Slam @ Dillington House, SLN and perform poetry.
June- each class to send one group to perform poetry in a local Poetry Slam held by DLP Literacy Group at DCC. Parents and public invited to attend. Poet in attendance to inspire and motivate chn.
Poetry Week
Year 6 performance- all chn to have a speaking part.
8. To ensure assessment procedures are accurate and judgements are correct. / AM / NC / DLP funded supply time / Nov 14
June 15 / Moderation activity for writing at Year 5 analysed. Judgements monitored. Reviews taken at school if necessary
Further moderation of KS1 and KS2 writing across all DLP schools. / Meetings attended
Staff meeting minutes – review of findings / Assessment information and practices are in line with other schools locally. / Awaiting good quality assessment format to use for moderation. To be arranged in the Summer Term.
9. To identify all left- handed writers and introduce targeted strategies which will improve standards in handwriting across the school. / AM / Oct 14 / All left-handed writers identified. Scrap books allocated to replace whiteboards. Seating plans reviewed to ensure pupils have adequate space for writing. Examples of writing assessed as a baseline. Additional support for identified pupils put in place, which is to be delivered by G Watts and C Jacques (Left-handed writers). / Provision Map
Examples of handwriting in books
Pupil lists / The standard of handwriting has improved for left-handed pupils, in line with the requirements of the new curriculum. / Scrap books in place.
Termly / Standards assessed by class teachers and monitored by AM and governors. Interventions reviewed and improved where necessary. / Variety of writing assessed half termly. Interventions reviewed.
10. To cover objectives to a mastery level in English, by setting up an effective tracking system. / AM / Oct 14 / Tracking systems in place. Staff training delivered. / Staff meeting minutes / The level of understanding for all pupils is more secure through overlearning of key objectives. / Tracking system in place.
Results logged termly onto School Pupil Tracker.
Half termly / AM to monitor and track coverage of English curriculum.
Summer 15 / Review of outcomes. Action plan in place for following year.
Maths Action Plan 2014-15
Overall Target / To increase rate of progress in maths across the school, particularly in Year 5 and for girls. Target pupils make accelerated progress.