Kings CountySpecial Education Local Plan Area



The Kings County SELPA provides Extended School Year (ESY) for each Individual With Exceptional Needs (IWEN) who has unique needs and requires special education and related services in excess of the regular academic year.

It is the responsibility of the IEP Team to determine a pupil's need for Extended School Year (ESY) services. ESY services are special education and related services that are required by an Individual With Exceptional Needs (IWEN) beyond the 180 day school year. ESY services are considered necessary when interruption of the pupil's educational programming may cause regression, when coupled with limited recoupment capacity rendering it impossible or unlikely that the pupil will attain the level of self-sufficiency and independence that would otherwise be expected in view of his or her disabling condition. The issues of regression and recoupment provide a framework upon which to base the discussion on the needs of the student.

Most students experience some regression during summer break. Generally students with mild disabilities, hard of hearing impairments and serious behavior disorders regress at approximately the same rate as their regular education peers (Tilley, Cox, and Staybrook, 1986). For students with moderate to severe disabilities, there is a likelihood of increased rate of regression and a slower rate of recoupment. Further the areas that are most impacted are language, gross motor, fine motor, and self-help skills.

Students with moderate to severe challenges should be considered by the IEP team for an ESY program. It would concentrate on minimizing regression and recovery time. An LEA may assume that such a student requires ESY and provide those services without the need to collect data to make a determination for ESY. In this case ESY should be written into the IEP.

ESY services should concentrate on the areas most impacted by regression and inadequate recoupment. These services may look different than services provided during the regular school year as determined by the IEP team. For example, it is not necessary to address inclusion in determining placement.

For districts with a student that may or may not require ESY, the Kings County SELPA "Determination of Need for ESY Services Worksheet” should be used to assess the need for this service.(See Exhibits). Also in the Exhibits are two examples of ESY Registration Forms. Each District of Service is responsible for providing ESY that may be required for a student.


May 2011