Level of Care Implementation Taskforce
October 13, 2004
Welcome: Rachel Davis, Sally Buchanan – Co Chairs
/Thirty persons were in attendance
DFCS Policies Governing LOC /Report by DFCS Committee
These rules are being developed by DFCS but the change in leadership has delayed the publishing of them. Amy Hale is securing the release of these. Policies are being developed by what is sometimes called the “Friday Group.” This is an internal committee within DFCS. They do not have a target date.
When completed GAHSC has offered to post these online.
Incentives / Performance Based Contracting /Report by Committee.
Incentives need to be developed to accomplish mutual agreed upon goals of LOC. They include:
1.shortened lengths of stay2.permanency
3.movement to lower levels of care
4.family and community involvement
Ada Cornwell will chair the Services Committee which will look at these elements and work with the state (Amy Hale to take lead) to develop incentives. Tom Russell, Kathy Colberson, Ruth Cody, Ada Cornwell, Sister Allen, Rachel Davis, Cheryl Dresser and Amy Hale to serve on an ad-hoc committee to address this issue. The first meeting will be on September 01, 2004 at the DJJ Headquarters in Decatur.
GAHSC did a survey of what other states are doing in this regard. Few states responded but those who did respond did indicate both positive and negative outcomes from such an endeavor.
OPB is being lobbied to consider the budget implications of performance based contracting.
/Report by DFCS Training Group
Amy Hale is working to develop training for front line staff surrounding LOC issues. Sally Buchanan and Amy Hale. This meeting will be on August 17th. Further information will be forthcoming on this training.
GAHSC/DFCS are working on developing a core group of trainers to present the training on LOC. January 2005 is the target date for rollout. Identified core trainers are presently within the development group. A PowerPoint presentation is being developed that will be the standardized training curricula. This will be posted online as soon as developed.
Medicaid Paid Services Questions, Amy Hale, Rachel Davis /Report from Medicaid on this Issue
The rule as it stands is that level 4 down can use Medicaid card for psychological services. Many questions need to be answered. An internal workgroup is working on answering these questions. The biggest issue seems to be about what services Medicaid pays for in the various levels. Rachel Davis is coordinating this work with Medicaid.These discussions continue around the wider issues of Medicaid payment for services. “Prior Authorization Procedure” will be required by Medicaid for the delivery and payment of services.
Reimbursement – Clothing, Alan Davis /
Amy Hale to Report on the Clothing Allowance
Annual clothing allowance is allowed each year. Allan Davis will clarify this policy for publication to providers. The annual clothing allowance with an initial allowance is allowed for the old IFC providers but not for the old MATCH providers. Policies will be developed.
/A workgroup from DFCS/Private Providers are tasked with developing policies concerning clothing allowance. Emily Acker will chair this group. Ruth Coody, Dawn Morgan, Ernestine Cole and Stela Browne will form the committee to develop policies for the Clothing Allowance and Private Pay.
Private Pay /Report by the State on this Policy
Private pay supplement to the State’s per diem is required of parents who can pay for mental health services. Rarely are these funds collected and often the provider is left making up the difference. This is programmatic for the providers. The State is looking at this issue and plans to develop policies concerning it.
/See above action plan
New Social Services Director /Wilfred Hamm has been appointed as the new State Social Services Director.
Integration of the Assessments, Rachel Davis /Report by DFCS on Progress
FPBP Assessments are presently “after thoughts” to the LOC assessment process. How can these be more integrated in the LOC process? An internal workgroup is looking at this issue. $13 million is being spent on FP/BP Assessments and they are often not used in the placement process. Policies and procedures clarifying how this is done will be developed. Rachel Davis is coordinating this effort.
The Rehab Option is being considered for the care of DFCS children. Presently many of the services that could be considered under the Rehab Option is being paid for by state dollars. The Rehab Option would allow for matching federal dollars. The hope is to have this implemented by January 2005. Family support, family preservation, crisis intervention and wrap around services are some of the programs that could be done under the Rehab Option.Documentation of Care /
The Department will be looking more closely at the documentation of care of children. This is necessary to meet federal standards for Medicaid.
Next Meeting /LOC will meet monthly 2nd Wednesday of every month at 1:30.
/November 10, 2004 at 1:30 pm GAHSC
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