Employee Name: / Employee ID: / Position Title:
Date of Hire / Last Date Worked: / Site/Location:
Manager: / Phone #:

Collect all applicable company property from employee. Write NA in the blank for those items that do not apply.

Action / Instructions / Date Completed
Items to complete as soon as you are made aware of an impending termination:
Computer Access / Company Asset List / Complete the Network Account Removal Form using the CPS Intranet to remove Network computer access and reassign data as needed.
Once this form has been submitted, the IT department will notify the manager of any company assets that were assigned to that employee.
Verify that the employee still has all assets on the list and discuss with IT any variances.
Employee Receivables / Contact Accounting – Marcene Froemming or Barbara Etheridge – to see if there are any outstanding employee receivables, (for example, draws for sales people).
Offer Letter / Check the employee’s offer letter to see if any monies need to be withheld by the company, (for example, if an employee owes back a sign on bonus).
Final Pay / If you don’t know what the state laws regarding a final paycheck are for that employee, check with Payroll since each state has different rules.
Items to complete on employee’s last day:
Schedule Exit Meeting / Meet with the employee on their last day to collect company property (assets) and answer any final questions. The employee is to return all company property and proprietary information.
Confirm Address and Phone Number / Confirm the employee’s current mailing address and phone number. Have the employee contact Memphis HR department at 800.968.6962 with any changes. This information is used to mail their W-2 and final paycheck.
Corporate Credit Card / Collect the credit card and notify Barbara Etheridge or BJ Hill.
Employee Expense Report / Remind the employee to complete a final report of any outstanding expenses within 2 weeks of their last date worked.
Termination Request / To process a termination with HR, go online to ADP Manager Accessand process this termination request. If you don’t have access to Manager Access, complete a Payroll Action Form (PAF) and submit to the appropriate people for approvals and then fax to HR.
Replacement Requisition / As soon as possible, notify the CPS Recruiter for your hospital or unit that you will need to hire a replacement. The Recruiter will create a requisition for your review and approval by your RM or RVP and then post the opening. Contact your Recruiter with any questions regarding the process for filing openings.
Laptop & Computer Equipment / Cell Phone & Pagers / Ship any computer equipment (laptop, docking stations, monitors, PDAs, etc.) and cell phones/pagers to IT Help Desk (Brooklyn Park) on the employee’s last day of employment. Include a note of the unit # and employee name assigned to the equipment.
Security Badge and/or Keys / Collect and return to HR Manager access badges/keys if corporate employee. For site employee the DOPS should collect badge(s) and keys. Change locks/access as necessary and inform hospital administration of termination.
Other CPS accounts / Follow up with the IT Helpdesk at 763.354.1321 or o disable access to other CPS provided services i.e. DSL lines, phone service, cell phone carriers.
*For Fed-Ex Accounts, please contact Jodie Sederstrom to cancel.

Employee Signature ______Date ______

Manager Signature______Date ______

Return Completed and Signed Checklist to your HR Manager

Created 10/2009