
February 20th, 2017

Jay Select Board

Present: Terry Bergeron, Chair; Tim DeMillo, Vice Chair; Judy Diaz; Keith Cornelio; Tom Godding; Shiloh LaFreniere, Town Manager

Guests: John Johnson; Ricky Merrill; Darcie Calden; Bill Calden; Kay Booker; Mike Booker; Gary McGrane; Peggy McDonald; Ben Hanstein, Daily Bulldog; Ronda Palmer; Citizens and employees were coming in as meeting was going on. Budget Workshop followed regular meeting.

Spruce Mountain Middle School Cafeteria - 5:30 PM

1. Pledge of Allegiance- 5:30 PM

2. Minutes: January 23rd and February 8th – MMS Judy/Tim to accept the minutes of January 23rd February8th . Vote 5-0-0

3. Old Business – No Old Business

4. Head Start Lease Extension – MMS Judy/Keith to accept and sign the Head Start Lease Extention. Vote 4-0-1 (Tom)

5. Recreation/Tower Fund Requests:

Spruce Mountain Insurance ($11,025)

AYS Insurance ($2,500)

Summer Recreation ($12,000)

Spruce Mountain Ski Club ($4,655)

Judy asked that the ($2,000) donation for fireworks also be added to the Recreation/Tower Fund Requests.

MMS Keith/Terry to move the Spruce Mountain Insurance ($11,025), AYS Insurance ($2,500), Summer Recreation ($12,000), Spruce Mountain Ski Club ($4,655), and Fireworks ($2,000). Vote 3-1-1 (Judy recused herself)

6. Other Business- Public Works Foreman John Johnson informed the Board that he would be posting the roads beginning February 21st, 2017.

Budget Meeting to Follow at 6:00 PM

Feb. 16th: RSU Budget Meeting – SMHS Cafeteria 6:00

Feb. 27th: Select Board Meeting

Mar. 2nd: RSU Budget Meeting – SMES Gym 6:00

Mar. 9th: RSU Budget Meeting – SMPS Gym 6:00

Mar. 13th: Nomination Papers Due

Mar. 13th: Public Hearing on Warrant – SMMS Cafeteria 6:00

Mar. 16th: RSU Budget Meeting – SMMS Cafeteria 6:00

Mar. 23rd: RSU Budget Meeting – Cedar St

Mar. 24th: Absentee Ballots Available

April 6th: RSU District Budget Vote – SMMS 6:00

April 25th: Town Meeting & RSU Referendum Vote

Respectfully submitted,

Lisa Bryant, Secretary