Osobní číslo: Celkový počet bodů: 22.4.2013


do 1. ročníku nižšího stupně víceletého studia

1)Přečtěte si následující text:

A luckyescape

One day last November, Liz Douglas decided to go shopping in Glasgow. She spent the morning doing her weekly shopping. She paid for everything, went back to the car park, and put the shopping bags
on the back seat of the car. Then she started to drive home.

Ten minutes later it began to rain. Soon, Liz found it hard to see out of the front window. There was
a lot of water on the road, so she drove more slowly. Although Liz was an experienced driver, she felt afraid. Suddenly, she lost control of the car. She saw a wall in front of her and braked. She closed her eyes
and hoped that the airbags in the car would fill with air. Unfortunatelly, they didn’t.

However, Liz was lucky. When she braked, a loaf of bread flew out of one of the shopping bags.
The car turned over, and the loaf of bread landed between Liz’s head and the roof of the car. It stopped her head from hitting the car roof. An hour later, fire fighters cut Liz out of the car. She went to hospital, but
the doctor sent her home because there wasn’t any serious problem. She was fine. She is going to keep
the loaf of bread as a souvenir.

Rozhodněte, zdajsounásledná tvrzenípravdivá, činikoli. Zakroužkujte písmeno T (true), nebo F (false):

1)The streets were wet when she was going home. T

2)She felt fine when she was driving in the rain. F

3)The airbags in the car saved her life. F

4)She took the loaf of bread home. T

2) Najděte vtextu slova, která odpovídají následujícím definicím. Číslo vzávorce označuje příslušný odstavec:

1) to go some where by car (1): todrive

2) water that falls from the sky (2): rain

3) opposite of “easy“ (2): hard

4) the top part of a car or house (3): roof

5) a place where doctors help people who are ill (3):hospital

3) Zeptejte se na tučně vytištěné výrazy:

1) Shewent shopping last Thursday. When did she go shopping?/What day did she go shopping?

2) She is going to stay in bedalldaytomorrow. What is she going to do tomorrow?

3) My sister works at school because shelikesbeingwithchildren. Why does your sister work at school?

4) I bought threenew books yesterday. How many books did you buy yesterday?

5) He is anactor. What does he do? What is his job?

4) Doplňte do vět správné předložky:

1) Children, take off yourshoes and leavethematthedoor.

2) My son isafraid of big dogs.

3) Many teenagers are interested in pop music.

5) Zaškrtněte výraz, který patří do věty. Pouze jeden je správně:

1) ______anyfriends in the USA?

a) Do you have b) Have you c) Are you have d) Got you

2) I’m hungry! ______something to eat.

a) I’m wanting b) I want c) I’m want d) I don’t want

3) Angela spends all her time in the office. She ______work so hard.

a) shouldn’t to b) should no c) doesn’t should d) shouldn‘t

4) I didn’t answer the phone because I ______a shower.

a) were having b) had c) was having d) have

5) I went to bed ______I was very tired.

a) because b) so c) but d) if

6) Cambridge? That’s the town ______I lived when I was a child.

a) which b) what c) where d) who

7) My mother and her sisters are all ______than their children.

a) shorter b) theshortest c) more short d) shortest

6)Doplňte do druhé věty jedno slovo tak, aby měla přibližně stejný význam jako věta první:

1) He can cook really well. – He’s really good at cooking.

2) That café has better food than any other café in the area. – That café has the best food in the area.

3) If you want to work in some countries, you need to have a visa. – You can’t work in some countries

without a visa.

4) There are only a few boys in our class. – There aren’t very many boys in our class.

7) Zakroužkujte správný význam nápisu v rámečku:

Take one tablet twice a day with food.


a)You should eat before you take these tablets.

b)You should take these tablets for two days.

c)You should have two tablets per day. - correct answer

Thesummerswimmingtimetable has changed. Pleaseaskatthereceptionfordetails.


a)You can get information about new times from the receptionist.- correct answer

b)Tell thereceptionist about any change in your details.

c)The swimming pool is open at the usual times.

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