Charleswood Men’s Hockey League

Date: September 6

Time: 7:30 pm

Location: RoblinPark Community Centre

Present: Dan Wuerch, Bob Mauthe, Brian Ormel, Court Reyda, Dan Lucovic, Neil (Ref), Erik Lunengerg, Cam Sutherland, Kelly Boyson, Doug Collins

Absent: Shaun Chambers, Scott Lougheed

1.Dan welcomed everyone to the meeting and went over the agenda for errors, additions or omissions.

2.Neil clarified his role as referee in chief and gave a history of how reffing evolved in the league. Stated the necessity of having 2 referees’s if there is no red line. He assigns referees for the year at the beginning of the year. He assumes that most of the referee’s from last year will be back. Discussion ensued as to what Neil needed from us to help the refereeing. Neil stated that in his opinion the league needed to tighten up on how we deal with excessive penalty minutes. He shared how another old timer league dealt with penalties and misconducts.

Action: Neil to review the list of ref’s returning and provides an update to the league for approval.

Action: Dan L. will head a committee that will look at suspensions and other discipline issues to be reviewed by the executive for implementation this year. Executive, Rep’s and Neil will give their input if needed.

Action: Neil to forward official’s time sheets directly to Bob on a timely basis for penalty review and to tally totals throughout the season. This should improve the process needed to hand out suspensions or disciplinary actions in a timely fashion.

3.Ice Times - Bob Mauthe went over the options for a 6 team and 7 team season. With a 6 team schedule, we will drop the Sunday night ice time at Varsity View. Teams will still play as many, if not more games with a 6 team league.

4.Uniform situation – Dan W. read Scott’s email update on uniforms and a discussion of replacements for missing sweaters and need to replace them. Discussion about new “Oilers” sweaters, however, the group decided to try and save the Avalanche sweater first if possible. Also Predator sweaters need to be collected for CMHA usage.

Action: Dan W. will work with Scott to replace and get a number of missing socks for each team and to replace missing Avalanche sweaters.

Action: Kelly B. to provide a full list of Avalanche sweaters and numbers missing within one week or so of the meeting. If too many sweaters are missing or numbers are not found or known, there is the option of ordering a new set of team sweaters (Oilers).

5.Waivers and rink regulations - Players will be required to sign a waiver before stepping onto the ice this season, including spares. A discussion on how to implement the idea included a paper and sticker system. Dan let the reps know that the city is cracking down hard on smoking and maybe after skate beverages this year. We are signing contracts are month to month and can be cancelled at any time.

Action: Erik will design a logo and have stickers (with CMHA logo) made up to identify players and spares that have signed a waiver. Each rep will get a role of stickers for the season.

Action: Dan W. to work with Scott and getting a legal document drafted and printed for the start of the season.

6.League finances – Dan W. read Scott’s email that the bank balance is $2051.00 and with some money still to come in. The annual budget for the league is roughly $25,000 per year.

Action: Kelly B. to pay $150 to the league for spare money collected from last season before the start of this season.

7.Fundraising and Draft Night – Brian Ormel reviewed the golf tournament and the $200 profit made from the activity. The event was well received and the group talked about a winter activity that would raise money for the league and for charity. Various fundraising opportunities were discussed such as Bud, Spud, and Steak, Socials, Golf Tournaments, Grey Cup Tickets and a Poker Night. The group was interested in playing poker on Draft night, September 29, for a fun activity.

Action: Brian, Shawn and Eric to work together to plan the Bud, Spud and Steak night for a winter activity.

Action: Dan L. to get liquor license for the September 29 Draft night at RoblinPark

Action: Shawn to plan poker activity for fun on draft night.

8.Teams, players and ranking – Dan W. provided a list on the players coming back. Dan W. presented a new system for consideration to the reps on the ranking system. The system basically eliminates the A, B+, B, C system for a number 1 and number 2 tier system, with 4 x1’s, and 6 x 2’s players per team. Based on the fact the league has lost at least one entire team of players from last season, and that there wasn’t a full complement of known/ranked backups or replacement players in place, the decision was made to go with 6 teams using the number 1 and 2 ranking system. This year, players will be responsible to call their own spares for all regular season games. The spare list was also reviewed and reworked to show number 1 or 2 rankings; however a number of spares need to be contacted to confirm a) active or inactive status, b) playing availability during the week or unavailable nights, c) email address if possible, and d) willingness to play full time if a regular player is hurt or quits during the season.

Action: Dan W. to provide electronic file of spares for contact by team reps.

Action: Cam and to contact all A spares, Dan L. to contact all B+ list spares, Court and Doug to contact B spares, Eric and Kelly to contact all C spares and present findings to the group prior to the draft on September 20.

As of September 5, the following teams and rep’s were:

Avalanche - Kelly Boyson

Coyotes - Court Reyda

Flyers - Cam Sutherland

Stars - Dan Lucovik

Sens - Doug Collins

Bruins - Erik Lunenberg

9.Player fees will be $400 for the year, first half due October 31, 2006. Player rep’s and goalies pay $200 per year. Spares pay $8 per game ($5 to league, $3 to team), spare goalies pay $0. First half fees are due by October 31 or playing rights are suspended. Second half fees are due by January 15 or playing rights are suspended.

10.Draft Night - Wednesday Sept 20 @ RoblinPark. 8:00 pm – It was decided that team reps will pick themselves in the third round of the draft.

11.Points – first place at Xmas receives 1 point, second place at Xmas gets ½ point. First place at end of regular season receives 1 point.

12.Meeting adjourned at 11 p.m.