French and Indian War

Chapter 3 Section 4

Fight For an Empire

Britain and France are constantly fighting for power from 1689- 1748

Eventually colonist will be pulled into the war

Fight For an Empire

Great Britain wants to get French out of North America

Fight For an Empire

French began to get an advantage with Native Americans

Colonial population reaches 1.5 million- French population is 70,000

British are harsh to the Native Americans

French and Indian War

French build in the Ohio River Valley

1754 General Dinwiddie sends George Washington to defeat the French

Washington lose from a French counter attack

Key Moments in War


 British General Edward Braddock marched troops into a French ambush near Fort Duquesne

Braddock dies

Washington retreats and saves half of that army

Key Moments in War

1756- 1757- French General Louis- Joseph de Montcalm destroyed British forts on Lake Ontario

Native Americans will raid settlements in Virginia and Pennsylvania

Key Moments in War

1756-1758- British cut off French shipping

British are now able to capture Fort Duquesne

Also take Fort - Entrance to the St. Lawrence River

Key Moments in War


Force Governor to surrender all of Canada

British have completed their goal

Treaty of Paris (1763)

Fighting will continue all over the world until

British will gain Canada, Great Lakes region, and the Ohio River Valley

Mississippi River becomes new border

Pontiac’s Rebellion

British military will cut off supplies to the Natives

People are now moving more inland and taking more Native American lands

Pontiac’s Rebellion

Spring of 1763- Native American surprise attack many forts

That fall many raid settlements in Pennsylvania, Maryland, and Virginia

Known as Pontiac’s Rebellion-

Pontiac’s Rebellion


Without an European supplier

New Commander recognizes need for peace with Native Americans

Proclamation of 1763

Natives will stop rebellions and British will restrain settlers

Proclamation order that colonist stay east of the Appalachian Mountains

Proclamation of 1763

British troops were unable to stop the large number of people pushing westward

Aftermath of War

British now want more control over the colonies- after everything that was put into the wars

13 colonies bicker over the war- Make Britain angry