Additional table 1: Clincal and laboratory data of patients with cerebrovascular complications after orthotopic liver transplantation
Case / Sex / Age(y) / primary
liver disease / OLT
to ICH (d) / Operative
time (h) / Previous abdominal
surgery / Retrans-
plantation / Introperative
(ml) / Introperative
(ml) / Platelet
① ②
(×109/L) / PT
① ②
(S) / APTT
① ② / Introperative
1 / F / 63 / primary hepatic carcinoma / 28 / 5.7 / No / No / 3000 / 2300 / 51 176 / 14.4 12.5 / 38.8 26.1 / Yes
2 / M / 59 / PHC / 8 / 5.5 / Yes / No / 2000 / 3000 / 84 60 / 12.4 22.0 / 31.3 58.6 / Yes
3 / F / 50 / cirrhosis / 7 / 6.5 / Yes / No / 3500 / 6200 / 114 294 / 13.4 10.8 / 36.1 27.6 / No
4 / M / 51 / PHC / 28 / 7.0 / No / No / 2000 / 2900 / 17 210 / 17.0 9.8 / 51.0 31.5 / No
5 / M / 61 / cirrhosis / 34 / 6.0 / No / No / 1500 / 3100 / 47 34 / 35.0 22.6 / 60.9 29.0 / No
6 / M / 40 / cirrhosis / 5 / 5.5 / No / No / 1500 / 2950 / 131 5.5 / 23.8 13.6 / 57.9 28.4 / Yes
7 / M / 67 / cirrhosis / 12 / 6.0 / Yes / No / 6000 / 2000 / 36 35 / 24.3 18.8 / 64.7 38.1 / Yes
8 / F / 59 / cirrhosis / 1 / 8.0 / Yes / No / 15000 / 8700 / 54 62 / 17.8 20.1 / 119.8 46.0 / Yes
9 / M / 46 / PHC / 6 / 11.5 / Yes / No / 38000 / 30000 / 47 8 / 13.0 22.8 / 25.8 42.5 / Yes
10 / F / 59 / PHC / 58 / 11.5 / No / No / 8000 / 5300 / 22 169 / 22.2 12.4 / 63.8 28.1 / No
Case / Postoperativehypotention / Infection / Immunosuppressive drugs / Clinical signs / Brain CTscan findings / Cran-
iectomy / Outcome
1 / Yes / bacteria pneumonia / FK506, CysA, steroids / sudden vomiting, right
hemiparalysis and coma / left cerebral hemisphere basal gangliar, frontal
and temporal lobehematomas,with intraventricular
hematomas extensionand midline shift / No / death
2 / No / bacteria pneumonia / FK506, CysA, steroids / sudden aphasia and righ themiparalysis, 2 days later coma / left basal gangliar with intraventricularhematomas
extensionand midline shift and subarachnoid hematomas / Yes / death
3 / No / bacteria pneumonia ,
urinarytract infection / FK506, Cys A, steroids / sudden coma,left hemiparalysis, awakened, headache / massive right parietallobe hematoma / No / Survive
4 / No / No / FK506, Cys A, steroids / onset seizures, loss of consciousness, awakened / leftparietallobehematoma / No / Survive
5 / No / aspergilluspneumonia / FK506, Cys A, steroids / hypnody, then coma / left temporal and parietal lobe hematomas with
midline shift / No / death
6 / No / bacteria pneumonia / FK506, Cys A, steroids A / sudden loss of consciousness, hypnody, coma / leftfrontal lobehematoma / No / death
7 / No / bacteria pneumonia / FK506, Cys A, steroids / restlessness,aphasia, drowsiness,
right paraparesis / left templeand frontallobe subduralhematomas / No / Survive
8 / Yes / Candida tropicalis and aspergillus pneumonia / FK506, Cys A, steroids / coma,onset seizures,right hemiparalysis / left temple, frontal and parietal lobe subdural
hematomas with midline shift / Yes / death
9 / Yes / bacteria pneumonia / FK506, Cys A, steroids / restlessness, onset seizures,
persistent coma / left basalgangliar lacunar infarction / No / death
10 / No / Candidiasis albicans pneumonia / FK506, Cys A, steroids / apathy, barylalia / rightbasal gangliar lacunar and cerebelluminfarctions / No / survive
APTT: activated partial prothrombin time; CT: Brain computed tomography; Cys A:cyclosporine A; F: Female; M: Male; OLT: orthotopic liver transplantation;
PHC: Primary hepatic carcinoma; PT: prothrombin time. ①:At the time of appearance of intracranial hemorrhage, ②: postoperative time.