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c/o Huntington Community Centre,

26, Strensall Road, Huntington,


Tel: 01904 758366


Minutes of the Monthly Meeting of Huntington Parish Council held on Wednesday 18TH January 2012 at Huntington Community Centre at 7.00 pm.

PRESENT: / Councillor D. Geogheghan – Breen (DB) – Chairman, Councillor C. Hillman (CH), Councillor D. Atlay (DA), Councillor J.Willis (JW), Councillor M. Duncanson (MD), Councillor K. Bowker (KB), Councillor B. Lewin (BL), Councillor P. Corrigan (PC), Councillor C. Clayton (CC), Councillor K. Hyman (KH ), Councillor C. Woolley (CW),
Mrs Gill Chivers – RFO (GC),
Nicola Moorcroft - Parish Clerk (NM)
APOLOGIES: / Councillor D. Jobling (DJ), Councillor H. Stelmach (HS), Councillor K. Orrell (KO), Councillor C. McQuinn (CM)
CIRCULATION: / To attendees, apologies and other all members of the Parish Council
MINUTES PREPARED BY: / Nicola Moorcroft
DATE (Draft): / 17/01/12
112. / To Accept Apologies and Reasons for Absence.
Councillor C. McQuinn absent due to family commitments
Councillor K. Orrell absent due to holidays.
Councillor D. Jobling absent due to work commitments.
Councillor H. Stelmach absent due to work commitments.
All apologies and reasons for absence approved.
To Note Declaration of Interests
All Councillors involved with Village Halls, Community Centres, Burial Board, Sports Club, Riverside Environmental Park and holders of Allotment Tenancies
To Consider Business from Members of the Public.
None raised.
Minutes - To Approve the Minutes of the Monthly Parish Council Meeting held on Wednesday 21st December 2011
Minutes approved as a true and accurate record of said meeting, signed and dated by Chairman.
Chair’s Comments
Chair welcomed members and wished all members and employees a Happy 2012.
Clerk’s Report - To update Councillors on Issues from Previous Meetings
i) Orchard Park BMX Track
Awaiting Design and Site Risk Assessment Report from RSS Playmakers.
ii) Orchard Park Gate Issues
See item 106 (2) a.
Policing and Security Matters
i) To Note December 2011 Crime figures
Crime figures noted.
ii) To Consider any other security related issues
None Raised
Finance and Policy Issues:
i) To Approve Minutes of the Finance and Policy Committee Meeting held on 17/01/12
Minutes approved as a true and accurate record of said meeting, signed and dated by Chairman.
ii) To Approve Recommendations arising from the Finance and Policy Committee Meeting held on 17/01/12:
a) Employment of gatekeeper for Orchard Park:
Both gates to be locked at dusk, following liaison with Caretaker.
Initially the Caretaker of Orchard Park be offered the job of locking the gates at dusk every day, with a payment from the Parish Council of £25 per week.
Further enquiries to be made locally if he is not interested in the job. A notice to be put up on the fence stating that “This Park will be closed at dusk”.
RFO to write to Caretaker with regard to the above proposals.
b) Land at Birch Park:
Dave Meigh of CYC confirmed that:
Land belongs to CYC, although not yet registered with Land Registry. Ownership could be transferred to Huntington Parish Council as a legal entity, who could then lease it to Residents’ Association for peppercorn rent for fixed period of time. CYC to be asked about fencing, for which they are obtaining quotes.
Huntington Parish Council take over ownership of this land and lease it to Residents’ Association. Residents’ Association to be consulted as to what they require on the land.
c) Clerk’s Continuing Professional Development:
All travel costs for regional seminars and practitioners conferences in 2012/13 be covered by training budget for 2012/13.
SLCC Practitioners Conference and travel costs in February 2012 be paid 60/40 with Rawcliffe Parish Council.
iii) To Note Monthly Bank Reconciliation Report
Monthly Bank Reconciliation Report noted.
iv) To Approve Invoices Presented for Payment
Wallis Business Services / Cq / Photocopier December 2011 / 28.67
R Beattie / Cq / Bus shelter windows 19 Dec + 16 Jan / 272.00
Noel Winteringham / Cq / Garden Maintenance December / 120.00
Sleightholm Landscapes / Cq / Shrub/bush pruning Andrew Drive area / 108.00
Sleightholm Landscapes / Cq / Tree pruning Garth Road playground / 30.00
Sleightholm Landscapes / Cq / Christmas tree erection and removal / 540.00
Garden Creation / Cq / General maintenance / 345.00
Communicorp / Cq / Local Councils Update Subscription / 75.00
HMRC / Cq / One quarter PAYE / 1510.90
Mr S Wadsworth / AP / 4 weeks street cleaning / 276.75
Mr S Wadsworth / AP / Refuse sacks / 3.50
Mrs N Moorcroft / AP / Use of home as office January / 30.00
Mrs N Moorcroft / AP / Telephone Line Rental & calls / 15.69
Mrs N Moorcroft / AP / Clerk Salary January 2012 / 995.45
Mrs G H Chivers / AP / RFO Salary January 2012 / 366.40
Mrs G H Chivers / AP / Use of home as office January / 10.00
Yorkshire Bank / Bank / Charges December 2011 / 12.60
Invoices checked and approved by Councillor C. Clayton
It was resolved to settle all above accounts.
v) To Note Current Financial Situation
Current Financial Situation noted
Asset Management
a) Open Agenda Item for Community Centres/Halls to present a report
No reports available.
b) To Receive Reports from those Councillors who have nomination rights to Outside Bodies:
No reports available
Planning and Green Belt Issues:
i) To Consider Minutes of Planning Committee Meeting held 04/01/12
Minutes considered
ii) To Consider any other Planning and Green Belt issues.
None raised.
i) To Consider any Amenities related issues
None raised.
ii) Queens Diamond Jubilee Celebrations - Update
Action group to meet Thursday 26th January to move forward with arrangements for the proposed celebrations.
Parish Council Administration Issues:
i) Dates for Diary
List of dates, times and venues for Parish Council and Committee meetings circulated to all members.
ii) To Discuss Huntington Walkabout 15 and arrangements for Walkabout 16
Monday 9th January 2012
PRESENT: Cllr K. Orrell, Iain Dunne (Street Environment Officer), Councillors C. Clayton, B. Lewin, P. Corrigan and Nicola Moorcroft.
START: Tesco Express Store, Huntington Road, Huntington
-  Tesco Express Store
-  Huntington Road
-  Birch Park
-  Darwin Close
-  Edgar Close
-  Area around new apartments to rear of Birch Park
-  Huntington Road
-  Tesco Express Store
- Huntington Road: small amount of litter and dog waste
ACTION: ID reported
- Entrance to Birch Park very tidy, landscaping added since last visit.
- Darwin Close: area of land considered for acquisition by Parish Council will require fencing to be sited (on the inside of existing vegetation) on 3 sides, 2 access gates and regular grass cutting.
- Edgar Close: wheelie bins scattered around the cul-e-sac.
ACTION: ID to make enquiries as to whether area is adopted by CYC; this will enable him to take further action with regard to bins. Alternatively management committee will have to provide safe housing for said bins or request residents keep bins within their land until collection day.
- Area containing new apartments to rear of Birch Park: very tidy now landscaping is complete.
Monday 6th February 2012
MEETING POINT: Yearsley Grove pub car park.
iii) Parish Council Newsletter
The following articles to be forwarded to Councillor K. Orrell as soon as possible:
- Queen’s Diamond Jubilee Celebrations
Artwork: Councillor J. Willis to supply photograph taken at Queen’s coronation celebrations.
Write up: Councillor D. Breen
- Article on 3 new Parish Councillors (by Councillor C. Clayton)
- Thank you notes and photographs from those organisations who have received funding (Clerk and RFO to forward these to Councillor Orrell0 .
- Allotment site and newly formed allotment association with details of popularity and how to apply.
- Huntington Community Centre; Request for Trustees (Clerk to forward request to Councillor Orrell)
Correspondence Received
- Chairman received letter from Orchard Park Recreation and Community Association with regard to both the lack of attendance and apologies by Parish council representatives at a meeting of said Committee in December.
Chair to write personally to Committee secretary.
- Invitation from Julian Sturdy MP to rearranged meeting with Parish Councils to be held Thursday 29th March 2012 at Stockton on the Forest Village Hall (Received)
- Notice advertising sugary to be held by Julian Sturdy MP (Received)
Clerk to display said notices on Parish Council notice boards.
- YLCA York Branch Meeting 02/02/12 details (Received)
- Invitation from Friends of Huntington School for Huntington Parish Council to attend a Community Open Day 16/07/12. (Received)
Members agreed to attend said event.
Clerk to notify FoHS representative of the Parish Council’s intention to attend the event.
Date of Next Meeting
To be held Wednesday 15th February 2012 at 7.00pm in Huntington Community Centre, Strensall Road, Huntington.
Meeting closed at 7.50pm / GC

HPC MINUTES 18/01/12