Regency Park Elementary School Parental Involvement Plan


Six standards are included in the Parental Involvement Plan:

Communication, Parenting, Student Learning, Volunteering, School

Decision Making and Advocacy, and Collaborating with the Community. The stakeholders responsible in each area include: school, parents and family, teachers, and students.

School Mission: To increase student achievement by building a partnership and knowledge base with parents about what is expected for learning.

The Parental Involvement Team consists of administrators, parents, teachers, counselors, community stakeholders, and students. The goal of this team is to develop a system that best supports our students toward educational and personal growth.

Parent-Student-Teacher Compact

Teachers will:

-  Provide high quality instruction to enable children to meet academic standards.

-  Offer parent-teacher conferences to discuss individual student progress.

-  Report regularly on student progress.

-  Provide reasonable opportunities to volunteer, observe, and participate in classroom activities.

-  Strive to address and inform parents of the individual needs of students.

-  Provide a safe, positive, and healthy learning environment.

-  Communicate clear expectations for performance of students.

-  Assure meaningful participation of parents, students, and classroom teachers in the decisions relating to the education of students.

-  Support the school procedures, policies, and programs.

The Parent/Family Members will:

-  Monitor attendance and tardiness.

-  Make sure that homework is completed and give feedback to the student and teacher.

-  Participate in decisions relating to his/her child’s education.

-  Stay informed about his/her child’s education.

-  Support the school procedures, policies, and programs.

-  Attend Open House and Title I programs.

-  Encourage his/her child to engage in reading activities for a least 15 minutes every day.

The Student will:

-  Treat him/herself and others with respect.

-  Do his/her homework every day, ask for help when needed, and complete assignments on time.

-  Make the best effort to learn.

-  Give to his/her parents all notices and information from school.

-  Follow school procedures, policies, and programs.

Standard I: Communication with Parents

The school handbook will be published for parents on the district web site and a hard copy will be provided to parents who do not have online access during open house and throughout the school year.

The school calendar is available on the district website. Specific dates with Title I information will be sent home by paper copies.

The Parent Involvement Policy, which has been developed with parent participation, will be on file in the building and will be distributed to parents as part of the Title I Parent information on the website. Hard copies at the school.

Parents will be invited to meet the Title I staff at the elementary schools’ Open House evenings.

Parent-teacher conferences will be held in November of each school year to discuss individual assessment results and interpretation. Day and evening hours will be offered to accommodate family schedules.

Parents may request meeting to discuss suggestions in relation to their child’s education. School staff shall respond to this request in a timely manner.

Students who are in the Title I program are assessed bi-weekly by support staff. Each nine weeks, graphs on the student’s progress will be sent home. Information on these assessments are sent home to parents and reviewed at conferences and open house.

Parents have real time access to students’ grades on the district web site through Sapphire.

Since Regency Park is a Title I school, letters inviting students to participate in Title I services will not be sent home. Instead, students will receive a letter informing family members of their child’s scores from the formal assessment and which teacher will be servicing them.

Dates and times for parent meetings and workshops will be announced through building parent communication and will be displayed on the website.

Notes about upcoming benchmark testing will be sent home so that parents know what skills will be tested.

Standard II: Parenting:

Parents can participate in activities in the community that encourage and support responsible, parental involvement.

Staff will participate in Title I state workshops, intermediate unit conferences, and inter-district collaboration. Title I funds may be used to pay reasonable expenses associated with these activities including transportation, childcare or home visit expenses. These will provide models of effective strategies for building and maintaining productive working relationships with families. E-mail communications are encouraged to support parent/teacher partnerships.

Parents will be provided informational materials through the school to help parents work with their children and improve achievement.

Discussion at PTA meetings

Teacher instruction during PLC time for discussing improving parent-teacher collaboration.

Standard III: Student Learning

Regency Park will host an Open House, other parent meetings and the Spring Title I Meeting to informing parents of curriculum, programs, assessment requirements and expected proficiency levels related to the school. We will also involve parents in setting goals for students by having parent meetings and consistent email/phone communication. Our school works with PTA to provide different opportunities for the students and teachers. Parents can utilize the online grade book and moodle pages for all teachers. Teachers construct Moodle Pages to inform parents of activities and learning taking place in classroom. Facebook and other forms of technology will be used to inform parents of things going on in the district.

Standard IV: Volunteering

When coming to Regency Park, we have welcoming school policies and procedures when visiting our school.

Survey parents through PTA to ensure they are volunteering in areas that interest them.

Enable the formation of a Parent-Teacher Association (PTA) and provide support as necessary.

Parents can volunteer on Field Trips

Whole School Field Trip to Maker’s Fair

Volunteer Opportunity at Science Olympiad

Family Fun Nights

Standard V: School Decision Making & Advocacy

We will engage in other activities that encourage parents to participate.

Provide understandable, accessible, and well-publicized processes for influencing decisions, voicing concerns, and resolving problems

Support the PTA

Include parents on advisory committees directly relating to their students (PTA Coordinators Meetings, Schoolwide Planning Team, Parent Involvement Committee)

Provide data, policies and practices to parents on a regular basis

Treat parents’ concerns with respect and demonstrate genuine interest in developing solutions

Provide opportunities for staff and parents to collaborate make shared decisions

Parent participation in Title I sponsored events will be documented.

Parent Surveys will be administered once a year and the results will be used for ongoing program review.

Annual review of the Parent Involvement Policy will enable the parent planning committee the opportunity for direct input in the areas of communications, community outreach, parental support, parent feedback, and home/school partnerships.

Parents will be included in the yearly planning for the Schoolwide Program. Parents will be asked to volunteer to meet with school district personnel to review and adjust the Schoolwide Plan. Annual review of the School-parent contract will be held at the Schoolwide Planning Committee meeting.

Adjustments to meeting times will be made to assist parents in attending.

Standard VI: Collaborating with the Community

The following help us to collaborate with the community: engage in other activities that the school determines, community resources to strengthen school program, family practices and student learning.

Community Stakeholders will be invited to collaborate and be involved in the education of students. Such programs and activities include, but not limited to:

- PTA Monthly Meetings

- PTA Coordinators Monthly Meetings

- Plum Educational Foundation


- Plum Rotary

- Plum Chamber of Commerce

- District/Borough Safety Committee

- Plum Elementary Schools work with Plum Police through SRO

- Plum Elementary Schools collaborate with the Plum Community Library to encourage lifelong family reading habits through participation in the Library’s many quality programs. (Tales with Teachers)

- Local Preschools Coordination for transition services

Representatives of preschool programs operating within the district will be invited to a meeting each spring with representatives of the Title I Staff and Kindergarten program. This meeting will focus on student and curricular needs for both the preschool and kindergarten programs.

This Parental Involvement Plan was revised on November 21, 2016.