
Miss Erica Pollard

Room 235



Welcome to 7th Grade English Language Arts! My name is Miss Pollard. I am excited to have your child in my class. I’m looking forward to a wonderful year of learning. In this class, I expect your child to walk away with an enhancement in reading, writing, analyzing, and interpreting. This school year will expose students to elements of literature, writing, and positive action while implementing in their minds that “Knowledge is Power!” I look forward to an excellent school year with your child!

What will we study?

Students will learn the fundamentals of English Language Arts aligned with the Common Core standards and grade level expectations. These fundamentals will improve reading, writing, and speaking skills. Teachers at Woodward Academy use

the Common Core Curriculum. This curriculum is highly effective in student and project-based learning.

Below are some of the main units students will cover in 7th grade:

Unit 1- Grammar, MEAP Prep- Writing

Unit 2- Types of Genre and using Textual Evidence

Unit 3- Short Stories

Unit 4- Drama/Sci-FI

Unit 5- Narrative Text

Unit 6- Informational Text

Unit 7- Myths/Legends

Unit 8- Poetry

*An abundance of writing ,vocabulary, and language arts elements will be incorprated in every unit

Novels we will Read in class: We Beat the Street by Sharon Draper and Monsterby Walter Dean Myers

Norms for Room 235

In addition to the Middle School Norms at Woodward Academy, students are also expected to follow basic norms/rules in the classroom:

  1. Be respectful.
  2. Come prepared.
  3. Be accountable.
  4. Follow directions.
  5. Raise your hand
  6. Stay in your seat.

What do the norms mean more specifically?

  1. No put downs of classmates.
  2. No cursing or teasing.
  3. Bring all books and materials to class.
  4. Sit in your assigned seat daily and stay there unless you have permission to move.
  5. Follow directions the first time given.
  6. No personal grooming during class.
  7. Eyes front and ears open when teacher/peers has the floor.
  8. Change tasks quickly and quietly.
  9. Keep your voice to an inside working level.
  10. Do your best and always make an effort!

Universal Hand Sign/Count Down

I will be using the universal sign to get students’ attention - hand up and mouths closed. If a student is not silent after 5 seconds with my hand up he or she will lose participation points or receive a consequence for breaking a rule. The five rules of the hand sign are: Eyes on Speaker, Quiet, Be Still, Hands Free, and Listen.

If you CHOOSE to Break a Rule

  • First Time:

1st Warning (Name on Board)

  • Second Time:

2nd Warning- Tally by Name (lost of participation points)

  • Third Time:

3rd Warning (Refocus Form- signed by parent- must be returned the following day)

  • Fourth Time:

Demerit (student receives a demerit ticket/consequence)

*Continuous or Severe Disruptions/Disrespect: Students will be sent to Mr. Dennis with a referral.

If the CLASS CHOOSES to Break a Rule

ESSAY – The word ESSAY will be written on the board weekly. If the class fails to be quiet after the universal hand sign and countdown from 5, a letter will be erased. If the class is not quiet during silent time another letter will be erased. If all the letters are erased in one class period/week then the class will receive an essay whichwill be graded and added to the final grade.”Essay” is re-written back on the board every Monday.


Using a universal discipline system, studentscan receive demerits for consequential behaviors in and out of class. The process of a demerit works in a number of steps. For each demerit a student receives, a consequence is given. The more demerits a student accumulates, the greater the consequence. Demerits lead to phone calls, reflection essays, lunch detentions, out of school suspensions, expulsions, etc. Severe infractions will not be given a demerit, but an automatic referral. (See consequence chart) When students receive a demerit, they will receive notification on their bathroom card. Each demerit will be tracked by the teacher.

Classroom Procedures


  1. Students will quietly line up in a straight line outside the door and wait for me to welcome them into class.
  2. Students must be in proper uniform before entering the classroom. If a student is not in his or her correct uniform he/she will be asked to fix themselves upon entering or suffer a consequence.
  3. Students sit quietly at their assigned seat and begin the Do Now once they have received their Notebook.


  1. Students will be dismissed by rows only. The teacher will call rows that are sitting quietly with no trash left behind.
  2. Once rows are called, students line up by the crates quietly and are walked to their next class.

Do Now /Interactive Notebook Policy

Students will keep Do Now/IB Notebooks in the classroom in their class’ crate. To receive credit for their Do Now daily, the teacher or an assigned student will stamp their notebook under the corresponding day. Students will receive a cumulative grade for their Do Now’s every month as well as the Interactive Notebook portion. No pages should be torn out of the notebook unless directed. DO NOWS ARE COMPLETED SILENTY EVERYDAY UNLESS DIRECTED OTHERWISE.

Working in Groups/Partners

Students may be placed in groups chosen by the teacher, counted off by the teacher, or of choice.

In groups students should understand:

  1. You are responsible for your own work.
  2. You will respect opinions, thoughts, and ideas of group members at all times.
  3. You are expected to stay on task at all times.
  4. The class will receive a three strike rule for off task/noisy behaviors. After three strikes, students return to their seat to complete the assignment alone silently.
  5. Groups can obtain participation points and incentives if working collaboratively and cooperatively.

Noisy Bell A bell signal will be used if the class is too loud during an assignment or group work. This will indicate that voices need to be down and students need to re-focus.


A timer will be used for multiple things in the classroom. This is used to keep students aware of staying on task and completing work in a timely, but efficient matter.

Resource Area/Pencil Sharpener

Students are not allowed to go to the Resource area without permission. If a student needs to or get something from the Resource Area, they must raise their hand to ask permission.

Class Work

Class work will be given daily to which students are expected to complete during the hour. Some class work assignments are sent home for homework.

Homework Policy

  • Students will have homework almost every Monday. Each week students will receive vocabulary words to study at home. On Mondays, students will complete the Vocabulary HW and return on Tuesday for a grade. Every Friday, students will be quizzed on the words.
  • Students will be expected to prepare, study, and practice skills daily at home. This may include reading silently, studying vocabulary words, practice parts of speech, etc.
  • All late homework assignments will result in a loss of a letter grade. (i.e. 2nd day-=B, 3rd Day= C, 4th day=D.)
  • After four days of the due date, late homework can obtain up to half credit only. (50%)

Essays and Projects

Students will write essays throughout the year on particular units. For certain units, students will create a project. Late projects and essays can only obtain up to half creditonly.

Grading Scale

*Assignments are based on points per assignment.

  • Participation– up to 60 points a trimester (10% of grade)
  • Class work –10-25 points (20% of grade)
  • Quizzes and Tests – 25-100 points (30% of grade)
  • Essays and Projects – 30-100 points (30% of grade)
  • Do Now/Interactive Notebook Grades- 30-60points (blended with class work percentage)

*Points are based on a grade.

  • 90-100%= A (Excellent)
  • 80-89%=B (Good)
  • 70-79%= C (Average)
  • 60-69=D (Non-Satisfactory)
  • 59 and below= E (Poor)

Participation/Behavior Points

Students obtain participation points by behaving in class, participating/volunteering, and completing homework and assignments.


Miss Pollard will offer tutoring on Wednesdays and Thursdays from 7:30-8:00AM.

Class materials

- PENCIL or BLUE/BLACK PEN ONLY (No Sharpies, markers, or colored pens)

-Glue Stick and/or tape

-Highlighter(s) - various colors- at least 3

-Novel (age/grade appropriate)

-Lined Loose Leaf Paper

-Markers, crayons, colored pencils (optional)

-safe scissors (small)

-Folder to keep graded and returned papers
-pencil case to keep items (optional)

7th Grade Newsletter

Each month students will receive a grade level newsletter highlighting important class information. In the newsletter, parents and students will receive reminders about upcoming units, class news, school reminders, and a progress report of your child’s grades.

Class Website

Miss Pollard will post information on her classes’ website at Here, you may print and view any information you need or your child may have missed. If you misplace a project sheet or working assignment, you may pull it up on this website and print it for your own use. Miss Pollard does not give extra copies of project papers. This website will be the only place you may obtain it.


*Incentives are based on good behavior and good academics. Incentives include:

  • Merits
  • Caught Being Good
  • Cedar Point Trip
  • GPA Jeans
  • Monthly Free Dress
  • Praise
  • Lunch w/Teacher
  • Treats
  • Treasure Box

Contact Information

Erica A. Pollard

7th Grade ELA Teacher/Lead Teacher

313-961-2108 ext. 2235

*Can be reached best by e-mail

*Will take phone calls duringthe school day at prep only- 10:25-11:05am

ELA Syllabus Contract

Student: I have read Miss Pollard’s classroom syllabus and understand it. I agree to honor and follow all guidelines/policies while in Room 235 and at WoodwardAcademy.

Signature ______Date______Class ______

Parent/Guardian: I have read and reviewed the classroom syllabus with my child. I understand what is expected of my child and I will support the guidelines/polices of room 235 and WoodwardAcademy.

Parent Signature ______Date______

Best Numbers to reach you:

Contact 1: ______

Contact 2: ______

Is there anything I should know about your child?


Teacher: I will be fair and consistent in administering the syllabus guidelines/policies in my classroom as well as at Woodward Academy.

Erica Pollard9/3/2013


*Please sign and turn in to Miss Pollard by FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 6, 2013.

*This Contract is worth a 10 point grade.

*This contract will be kept in student file for verification.