Taxi Driver (Scorsese, 1976)

Discussion Questions

North Seattle College, HUM 110: Introduction to American Film, JC Clapp

Come to class prepared to answer the below questions. Have notes ready, with specific examples, for each question. You will not be asked to turn in your notes, but you may be called on or asked to give your response. You may want to use these questions as a viewing guide, so that as you watch the film you have a sense of what you might look for.

  1. Describe in detail the opening credits and the closing credits. How do they "match" or book-end the film?
  2. In the opening 5-10 minutes of the film we find out a tremendous amount about Travis (such as that he can't sleep, he was in the Marines, he served in Vietnam, he pops pills, etc.). What all do we find out and how is the information given to us? How do these first 5-10 minutes set up the entire film?
  3. Discuss the use of voice-over in this film. How is voice-over used? When is it used? What is it associated with? How does it affect the viewer's understanding of Travis (and of his view of the world)? Iris's father does a voice-over as well. What's the significance of having another character, other than Travis, do a voice-over?
  4. There are many elements (and motifs) that repeat. Choose a few that you find especially interesting and explain the effect. Some examples: rain, fog coming out of maintenance covers, desks, neon signs, traffic lights. What other elements can you find? Think carefully about the effect of repetition.
  5. The color red is used a lot -- why is it used and what is the significance? What is the color red associated with? What other colors are significant and why?
  6. Look at the use of glass (looking through glass, into mirrors, surrounded by glass windows, reflections off the glass, rear-view mirrors, etc.). How and when is glass used? What does it communicate?
  7. Pay attention to the music and the sounds in this film (both diegetic and non-diegetic). Pick a scene and analyze how sound/music is used to convey a particular mood.
  8. Track the introduction and progression of Jodie Foster's character (Iris). What role does she play in the film? Why is her character included?
  9. Notice the introduction and progression of Betsy's character, too. What role does she play in the film? Why is she included?
  10. Discuss the changes Travis goes through as the movie progresses. Look at how he changes physically, emotionally, and mentally. Identify the turning points in the narrative that correspond with the changes.
  11. The massacre (shoot-out) scene at the end of the film is brutal, with very graphic violence. Describe in detail how that scene is edited and put together.
  12. How much time passes between the shoot-out and the next scene where Travis picks up Betsy in the cab? What indicates the passage of time?
  13. Identify a few themes of the film and explain how the film develops those themes.